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New Player Gear Help Please


New Member
Looking for some help or helpful guides on what to do next. I have the Celestial Omnious Obsidian gear that puts my gear score at 3452 but what should I work on next? I'm a daggerspell in cloth is there a particular set that would help me? I'm pouring the forums but was hoping someone might have a quick link or suggestion, thanks in advance.
First off welcome to the server man! Your first priority should always be your weapon. It makes the biggest difference in both PVE and PVP. I would suggest getting at least a divine or saving up for an epic. After this is done, you want to work on armor. There are a lot of ways to build mages but generally speaking, obsidian is the best way to go. Again you want at least divine and T5 to be competitive.

Hope this helps and feel free to post more later if you get stuck.