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The server has been down for hours

It'd help a lot to know if and when the server will be back.
It is the holiday season for @Sparkle and her team so response time for tickets ect... may be delayed till Jan 7th as previously posted, it does suck not knowing when or why but i am sure everything we be fixed. People at Archerage need their vacation/time off too and with that will be slower response times, find solace in that =)
It is the holiday season for @Sparkle and her team so response time for tickets ect... may be delayed till Jan 7th as previously posted, it does suck not knowing when or why but i am sure everything we be fixed. People at Archerage need their vacation/time off too and with that will be slower response times, find solace in that =)

Lets be real, the server being down for days straight is going to be a real problem if that's the case holidays or not.
I don't know that this one was an attack. I think it was just lack of maintenance due to the holiday.