Recent content by Vello

  1. Vello


    The kick change was introduced since the halcy was an instanced event. People were using the kick feature to get back at people instead of using it for afks. Stop being strange about it, you are not allowed to remove people you personally dont like from an instanced golden plains battle, if...
  2. Vello

    ArcheRage 5.0 (development-release info)

    Hell yeah, finally get to escape
  3. Vello

    Revert/Change Boss Timers

    Curious...the people who cashed out of archerage, are trying to now change things for a game they dont play to benefit people they dont play with.
  4. Vello

    Poll: 4 Day Cooldown Guild Rejoin Change.

    What is this change targeting by the way, I don't really understand who asked for this. But if we wanna go with the people not able to hold a castle with their guild should not have one should ALSO apply to guilds that cannot siege a castle by themselves. You just watch what happens when a...