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Joyride Vault usable by all characters on same account. Currently you can use the costume chest to move Costume and Undergarments over to any character. Would be a huge boost to variety to be able to use your cars and ships on alternate characters as well.
Joyride Vault usable by all characters on same account. Currently you can use the costume chest to move Costume and Undergarments over to any character. Would be a huge boost to variety to be able to use your cars and ships on alternate characters as well.
They are character bound. Will not be possible to transfer them to another character, even on the same account.
You do release the costumes and Undergarments are also the same, "untradable", go in the costume chest and can be used on alternate characters, since alts can use the costume chest. The same principle would work on the ships and cars.
You do release the costumes and Undergarments are also the same, "untradable", go in the costume chest and can be used on alternate characters, since alts can use the costume chest. The same principle would work on the ships and cars.
Ships and cars will remain bound.
You do release the costumes and Undergarments are also the same, "untradable", go in the costume chest and can be used on alternate characters, since alts can use the costume chest. The same principle would work on the ships and cars.

Joyride being useable to every character on account is something only on AR or its a thing on Oficial version aswell?
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So I just found out the official version has a feature for planting that make's it so when planting it will hit the other planted items or the edge of your farm and stop moving, sorta like an auto snap (without snapping to a pre-determined spot). not exactly sure what this feature is called and I do not know what version of the game it came out in, but if we could get this here its a really nice quality of life feature I'm sure every player who does planting would love
So I just found out the official version has a feature for planting that make's it so when planting it will hit the other planted items or the edge of your farm and stop moving, sorta like an auto snap (without snapping to a pre-determined spot). not exactly sure what this feature is called and I do not know what version of the game it came out in, but if we could get this here its a really nice quality of life feature I'm sure every player who does planting would love
This change will be applied on our server as well, but only when that version is released on our server.
The behavior of trade packs is not consistent when it is placed on the ground or sold/used.
For some of them, the glider is automatically re-equipped, while for other is not, leaving the slot empty and the glider in the inventory.
It would be nice to have always the glider automatically re-equipped for all kind of packs.
Sorry for the suggestion spam from my side.

Is it possible that we get more spacing inbetween these ? Happens very often to me that i want to turn 1 page and accidentally jump to the last page instead, or one back and jumping to 1st.

This is a suggestion to help relieve the issue with land availability. I believe that houses should be demolishable at the end of the "protected until" timer instead of that timer leading into another 1 week "demolition" timer. This way, land will still be easily maintained for those who play decently frequently, while those who are less active or even those who are not coming back will more quickly have their land made available to others. With such a high demand and low supply of land, it is necessary to make it a more competitive market and to make it harder to maintain. This change may also deflate the pricing on land while still allowing for it to be sold. I hope this suggestion finds you well, let me know what you think.

This is a suggestion to help relieve the issue with land availability. I believe that houses should be demolishable at the end of the "protected until" timer instead of that timer leading into another 1 week "demolition" timer. This way, land will still be easily maintained for those who play decently frequently, while those who are less active or even those who are not coming back will more quickly have their land made available to others. With such a high demand and low supply of land, it is necessary to make it a more competitive market and to make it harder to maintain. This change may also deflate the pricing on land while still allowing for it to be sold. I hope this suggestion finds you well, let me know what you think.

No. Absolutely not. My opposition is rooted in reason by how the tax system charges you for owning properties.

This suggestion of yours rises from a fundamental misunderstanding of where that 'extra week' comes from, otherwise you would not have suggested it.

When you place first down a building/farm you have must pay a certain tax deposit of [base tax for you] + [50% of base]
Then, even after paying that deposit, in your mail you get yet another tax notice from the Lord of the Region asking you to pay more taxes,this only costs you [base tax] moving forward.
However, you have 1 week prepaid in the property already from your deposit; that extra week after "protected time" comes from that deposit.
You will see this as when you look at your newly completed building it says that it has a 1 week period before demolition, and, it is still Red.
Until you pay the tax to the Lord of the Region in your mail.

the [base tax] deposit is not returned if you allow the building to expire naturally using the timer. It gets lost.
Though, even if you DO demolish manually you only get back the [50% of base] part of your deposit - i.e. the base tax is "eaten" as if it were tax for that "expiry" week, regardless of early demolition or demolition on the 1 week timer. It is the same as those taxes that get eaten as described in game at the Building Information window.

Additionally, if you do ever allow a building to go into "red demolition timer", you are penalised further tax on top of paying the normal weekly tax in your mailbox - you have to refill that 'deposit' back up.
It is NOT a free week of property ownership as you may think.
The tax has just been paid at time of construction, and, whenever you pay off your penalty tax in the mail.

If any such changes like you are suggesting are made then it means that people are losing out of the "value" of their deposited/penalty tax certs, as it effectively renders the deposit as useless and thrown away. The game will not allow you to pay further taxes without the deposit, nor, without paying the penalty .

Finally, this would be a change to the tax system, which the developers have said time and time again would not be changed:
No change to prepaying,
No change to tax rates,
No change to property limits other than by what a player can maintain

The only effective change in relation to housing that has been introduced is the "random placement timer" after a demolition (before it was set predictable timer), and, that was not a change to the taxation system.
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The behavior of trade packs is not consistent when it is placed on the ground or sold/used.
For some of them, the glider is automatically re-equipped, while for other is not, leaving the slot empty and the glider in the inventory.
It would be nice to have always the glider automatically re-equipped for all kind of packs.
Can you give me the examples of both cases?
Sorry for the suggestion spam from my side.

Is it possible that we get more spacing inbetween these ? Happens very often to me that i want to turn 1 page and accidentally jump to the last page instead, or one back and jumping to 1st.

That is possible. Will add it to our list.
Can you give me the examples of both cases?

To be more precise, the behavior changes not only based on the type of pack, but sometimes also depending on the action (drop or use).
Here some examples:

Glider re-equipped:
  • trade packs when dropped, placed in carts, or sold to traders
  • archeum bundles for DS quests when dropped or placed in carts
  • mats packs for buildings and ships when dropped
  • underwater breathing device when dropped
  • harpoons in DS when dropped upon death
Glider remains in inventory:
  • archeum bundles when used for the faction quests in DS
  • mats packs when used on buildings and ships
  • underwater breathing device when expired
  • harpoons in DS when dropped
  • condensed archeum packs of the GR quest when used
List of seeds and saplings is systematized.​


The new "systematised" seed list is a mess...
Like sure before was not much better. But I mean...
At least we had years of muscle memory built up to find where certain things are... now it's just... confusing????

Let us look at what the shop looks like in game right now....


Page 1: all the animals, okay fine.
But they are not even alphabetised? It's just randomly listed....
Like, you can choose either Left-to-Right-reading-by-line alphabetisation, or, down-each-column.... Just CHOOSE one please...
That would be the first thing I'd consider when making something "systematic".
To add to that, YAMS appears??? 'Y' is the second to last letter of the English alphabet... Whatever, let's see the next page
I guess if we saw YAMS, we are going to see FARMING prof. stuff next page, right :D?



NOPE Page 2 has Rare-grade saplings... oh and these too are not alphabetised... and no distinction between the FRUIT/SPICE tree for GATHERING versus trees used purely for LOGGING (i.e. those that you can only cut down, you cannot "harvest" fruit/spice and leave the tree to regrow)
OH but look there is QUINOA at the very end...
SO I guess we have to follow this NEW theme of going by GRADE :D?
SO the next page will have Rare grade seeds ? For farming... ????
Yes, fortunately page 3 does have rare grade seeds... non-alphabetised... and.. oh look no rhyme or reason distinguishing between FARMING prof. seeds and GATHERING prof. SEEDS...
Seems to be some trend going on with this...



Page 3 also has... Grand grade Saplings... non-alphabetised... And no rhyme or reason splitting up saplings that are used PURELY for LOGGING, or, saplings that have a product that you get from GATHERING.... just all chucked together.... yet again....
Not only that, but, wouldn't it make MORE sense to group all the saplings together??? I don't care how you sort the saplings among themselves but, to split them up the saplings and then switch to seeds inbetween then back to saplings that doesn't make sense at all...
And I'll say it again, PLEASE make a distinction between the LOGGING prof. trees and the GATHERING prof. trees, it's REALLY annoying to have all the saplings jumbled together.... Like SURE you COULD cut down the fruit trees for Logging but... why :D?



Well then lets go look at the FOURTH page: continuing with rare grade saplings with no alphabetising... fruit and logging trees randomly dispersed between each other in the list...
and then... grade grade seeds with... no alphabetising...



Fifth page... more of the same just weird order of stuff... all the aqua farming items just APPEAR here for no reason...
On the other had for these aqua farming items, I guess we're not trying to follow the example set before things of HIGHER rarity grade appear first... so why is Antler and Pearl Oyster, White Coral, and Blue Coral (on page 6 for the last two) on tail end of aquafarming ... :D?



Page 6 probably the WORST.. Worm compost out of nowhere, and then VITA SEED. the VITA SEED should be on the same page as the ANIMALS cause you use it for RAISING PETS and MOUNTS... which is something you associate with ANIMALS, don't you ????????
It should be where the frickin' YAMS is on the FIRST PAGE to make things neater following....
Then of course we have Basic grade seeds in what looks like random order and AGAIN no distinction between FARMING prof. seeds and GATHERING prof. seeds....



Page 7, MORE seeds and same old story as before no alphabetisation and no distinction between FARMING prof. and GATHERING prof. seeds
Furthremore, the list turns back into ... SAPLINGS ??????? WOOOOOW



Then Page 8.... just saplings huh... WAIT. COTTON SEED??? XDDDDDDD Honestly I'm not sure what to expect anymore....
And the same old story and same old story as before no alphabetisation and no distinction between LOGGING prof. and GATHERING prof. saplings



Page 9... Actually makes some sense. It's all seeds/saplings for the stuff that would usually only either be found in the Wild, or, from a Farmer's thatched house
Would be nice to be alphabetised though just for housekeeping sake.


All in all you can see that I've demonstrated how CRAZY the new "systematised list" of seeds is....

I do not agree with listing/group things by the item rarity grade at all... It just does not make ANY SENSIBLE ... SENSE at all and causes saplings/seeds to be fragmented from one another.
Like if I want to look at SAPLINGS only they should be all in one sort of "Group" - doesn't have to be ONE page but they should all appear in successsion to one another...

Furthermore, within for example the SAPLING group there should be a distinction between the GATHERING saplings for which the primary product is FRUIT/SPICES, and the LOGGING saplings for which the primary product is LOGS....
Like SURE you could cut fruit trees but... why ....
And again, ignore the GRADE of the item... just do it alphabetically.... That way you just go
okay hmm I want uhhh LEMON sapling... SHould be easy to find since it will be with all the OTHER fruit/spice "gathering" trees, AND in alphabetical order.
or HMM I want... CEDAR sapling.... it will be with the "logging" trees...

Then for the SEEDS group them by FARMING or GATHERING and do alphabetic within each IGNORING ITEM GRADE.

And OF COURSE, leave the "stuff that would usually only either be found in the Wild, or, from a Farmer's thatched house" as its own section... on the last page... easy to get to.


Edit: after some investigation it seems that this UGLINESS is only in the FARMER'S MERCHANT CUSHION shop

The SEED/SAPLING MERCHANTS standing around are... "fine"
They are still plagued by the issue of

Like why have Basic Seeds, then Grand Seeds, Rare Seeds, Arcane Seeds, then, BASIC saplings, Grand Saplings, Rare saplings, Arcane saplings, BASIC Aqua farming, Grand Aqua-farming GRAND Animals, Rare Animals and then FINALLY worm compost.

Is there meant to be no Basic Animals cause you can get them at the Livestock Merchant ?
Why not just MOVE the Animals ALL to the Livestock Merchant... Rather than having them split up like this...

At least the FARMER Cushion, has all the animals... just in the NON-sensical order that I wrote about earlier....

Please Please Please PLEASE CONSIDER reworking the list again by:
- grouping Seeds/Saplings by PROFICIENCY --> this does not mean you should SPLIT up saplings to place them in separate Gathering v Logging categories
- SPLITTING between GATHERING v FARMING or GATHERING v LOGGING for Seeds and Saplings respectively.

Example of order/grouping: (for Farmer's Merchant Cushion; modify as required for the Seed and Sapling Merchant)
ANIMALS alphabetised
FARMING SEEDS alphabetised
GATHERING SEEDS alphabetised
AQUA FARMING alphabetised
WILD/THATCHED ONLY ('arcane grade') alphabetised

'please 'please 'please 'please 'please 'please 'please
@Lareesha No, they will remain at General Merchant only.
@xkf2 Previously seeds, saplings and animals were mixed. Now they are all listed separately. So, it's much easier for the players now to scroll to the category player is interested in and search there. Regarding them being alphabetized, that will not be possible as game already have 2 languages available and other languages may be added in future.
If you think you can combine seeds, animals and saplings in the better way for players comfort, prepare the list and post in the separate thread for players general discussion. If players will like your option better, we can make a change in listing.