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4.5 Stat Changes


Active Member
I'm not sure how close we are to 4.5, but I figured I should bring this up before it's too late.

In 4.5 all the stats (strength, agi, spirit, etc) are changed. The reason I'm worried, is because as a Darkrunner, I stacked agility. It's good for melee crit rates. Agility in 4.5 is strictly for archers and becomes a worthless stat for me. Now I can foresee many other medium geared players being affected by this.

I did the same thing in the live server (spec'd agility), and when 4.5 dropped, they basically told me to go kick rocks and wouldn't help me fix my new trash stats my gear was loaded with. I had full epic T6 obsidian gear, that was all spec'd for agility, and it all became worthless after 4.5. Excellent customer server right? *Wonders why the live server lost so many players*

My question being, are there any plans in motion to allow players to swap stats on their untradeable/uncloakable gear? If so, it would be incredibly expensive to remove gems, cloak the gear, then socket your gear again. Also, most people still have the original resilience/toughness gems. Good look full socketing your gear again after that.

I'm curious if we can just remove that stat changes entirely? The classes are already changing, so there will be plenty of fun/new changes, but I would like to see the stat change removed. If it's not, then how many players can we expect to stick around after their gear that they worked so hard for had just become worthless?
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The stat changes are good for the game, if your gear is t7 you can recloak it to change it to another variant in 4.5 if its not I don't believe its possible so I'd start preparing now.
Agility is good for melee crit rate now, but let's consider the implication of not making the stat changes in future patches.

High grade hiram, Erenor gear, high grade t7 obsidian gear, awakened library gear will allow mage/archer players to hit +/- 100% crit rate with t3 gems. I'm sure melee players will be really excited about only having 30-60% crit rate. As a melee, you'll still have to split between strength for accuracy and agility for crit rate. You're probably making this suggestion because you want to save people money from having to reroll or reallocate how their gear is built, but in the long term a custom change like this will really only cripple melee.

Let's also consider that archers/mages will need ~1100 of their stat (agility or intelligence) to hit 100% accuracy with their respective attack type. If we were to apply the new accuracy requirement to melee as well, you'd only be able to stack a few hundred agility at most levels of gear, meaning your crit rate probably wouldn't even surpass 50%.

If the new skills, new gear, and new gems are all balanced on the basis of the new skill changes, then it makes a lot of sense to keep things uniform. Historically, the devs here have had a very hands-off approach towards balancing the game. While this is a point of concern for some players, ArcheAge is truthfully an almost impossible game to balance properly.
Is the 4.5 build the one that nerfs darkrunners badly? It is long overdue but I know it will be bad if you cannot wrap your Obsidian gear and open it back up to a new build. The only other issue with wrapping and opening is that you lose your tempers and gems. Personally, I don't think we should advance beyond the current build. The game gets wrecked more and more with each subsequent release.
The stat changes are good for the game, if your gear is t7 you can recloak it to change it to another variant in 4.5 if its not I don't believe its possible so I'd start preparing now.
Yeah I'm not worried about me because I have full T7 gear and can easily swap. I remember how shitty it was on the live server and I only had epic T6 though. Not having the ability to swap stats on your gear was a spit in the face. A lot of people are going to suffer come 4.5. Even some PN members.
Is the 4.5 build the one that nerfs darkrunners badly? It is long overdue but I know it will be bad if you cannot wrap your Obsidian gear and open it back up to a new build. The only other issue with wrapping and opening is that you lose your tempers and gems. Personally, I don't think we should advance beyond the current build. The game gets wrecked more and more with each subsequent release.
Yes it is. If they give people the ability to wrap their gear and adjust the stats, then they will need to spend tons of honor for mornstones and tons of gold to socket the gear again.

I wish we could stay on patch 4.0 too, but unfortunately all good things come to an end.
Yes please add a option to recloak obsidan gear that isnt t7. You would be screwing your playerbase if you dont give that option. Someone should not have to completely re buy everything they have and that they have been working on just because the developers decided to switch around stats. Add a option to rel cloak please all obsidian teirs!
So you say that on live, you went full agility.. got screwed.
Came here and did the same mistake expecting different outcome ? Eh..

I'm at about 1800 agility and my base melee crit rate is ~15% higher than my ranged crit-rate. And I have 0 Strength.
Additionally melee's are given a lot of evasion from it, unnecessary since they already have a high parry-rate.
Agility is an unfair stat pre 4.5 if you ask me. I'm happy it becomes archer only.

Melee's currently get a lot of crit rate from their passives right now. Unsure how that changes in 4.5. The serp dagger is a free intensity for melee's, too.

In my opinion, the changes should happen. But since half the server is DR or some sort of melee, I guess it only makes sense to give them some sort of option. I'm sure recloaking any type of obsidian will help. The need to re-roll stats on other certain gear remains, but honestly, that should be the trade-off for being allowed to play with a stat that benefit you more than the classes that are actually supposed to play with them.

The old resilience gems are also the same as new ones (for chest), they simply give more gearscore.
And I believe in 4.5 we get new t3 gems so they'll be stronger anyways.
I agree with what @trapwhre02 and @Thinking said earlier. The stat changes are a welcome decision. There are really very few class that get affected or useless due to it. Darkrunner has been a dominating class for a long time now and some changes are needed to ensure the meta is dynamically changing. I wouldn't want to see a server where everyone runs (with unchanged stat agility built) Darkrunner and the kills solely based on who is better at playing tag and catching opponent off guard or is better equipped in terms of gear score.
Isn't there already an option to cloak obsidian gear and choose the different option on tier up? And as pointed out even T7 can be cloaked. So the high GS Darkrunners have literally nothing to loose from the stat changes.

Other thing what I don't understand from experienced players on live.... You knew the Obsidian is going to become obsolete, you knew the stat changes of 4.5 prolly makes your choice of class weak and still play with the said stat and gear, expecting different outcome?

Sure this is custom and mistakes of live can be avoided, but the changes should not be made just because you are going to be placed out of your comfort zone for a few months at best.
Yea I remember doing HoA with a full agility DR on live, and all he did was parry and evade the boss like crazy, adding to the boss stacks that increase the damage lmao it’s too op x)
So you say that on live, you went full agility.. got screwed.
Came here and did the same mistake expecting different outcome ? Eh..

I'm at about 1800 agility and my base melee crit rate is ~15% higher than my ranged crit-rate. And I have 0 Strength.
Additionally melee's are given a lot of evasion from it, unnecessary since they already have a high parry-rate.
Agility is an unfair stat pre 4.5 if you ask me. I'm happy it becomes archer only.

Melee's currently get a lot of crit rate from their passives right now. Unsure how that changes in 4.5. The serp dagger is a free intensity for melee's, too.

In my opinion, the changes should happen. But since half the server is DR or some sort of melee, I guess it only makes sense to give them some sort of option. I'm sure recloaking any type of obsidian will help. The need to re-roll stats on other certain gear remains, but honestly, that should be the trade-off for being allowed to play with a stat that benefit you more than the classes that are actually supposed to play with them.

The old resilience gems are also the same as new ones (for chest), they simply give more gearscore.
And I believe in 4.5 we get new t3 gems so they'll be stronger anyways.

I agree with you're arguement that’s drs are broken but to blame the people who are playing the class over the developers Is just stupid. In every game people are always going min max their build. To trash peoples effort for the last 2 years because of a developers fault is another stupid thing to do. If you are going to change the stats that fine I don’t care but allow people to reroll their gear without starting from the beginning. Because let’s be honest that just isn’t’ smart for server health.
So you say that on live, you went full agility.. got screwed.
Came here and did the same mistake expecting different outcome ? Eh..

I'm at about 1800 agility and my base melee crit rate is ~15% higher than my ranged crit-rate. And I have 0 Strength.
Additionally melee's are given a lot of evasion from it, unnecessary since they already have a high parry-rate.
Agility is an unfair stat pre 4.5 if you ask me. I'm happy it becomes archer only.

Melee's currently get a lot of crit rate from their passives right now. Unsure how that changes in 4.5. The serp dagger is a free intensity for melee's, too.

In my opinion, the changes should happen. But since half the server is DR or some sort of melee, I guess it only makes sense to give them some sort of option. I'm sure recloaking any type of obsidian will help. The need to re-roll stats on other certain gear remains, but honestly, that should be the trade-off for being allowed to play with a stat that benefit you more than the classes that are actually supposed to play with them.

The old resilience gems are also the same as new ones (for chest), they simply give more gearscore.
And I believe in 4.5 we get new t3 gems so they'll be stronger anyways.
You talk as if I'm asking for this change for ME. I have full obsidian T7 and I can cloak my gear. I'm not nearly as worried as the lower geared players should be. I adjusted the wording on the post a little bit to help clarify.

Evasion is not unnecessary for a DR lol. I'm not going to state my build, but any experienced DR has a parry/evasion build. Both of which reach about 60% for me. Not to mention that in 4.5, evasion is the only defensive skill that prevents any damage. Block, parry, etc will still receive damage.
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