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  1. E

    ArcheRage 9.0 (development-release info + suggestions)

    Obligatory negative statement about Dahuta's Bubble and Mermaid's Breath change everyone agrees is bad. As for other topics, schedule changes should be discussed, specifically these three topics. Guardian Scramble is a progression event that requires more than a single spawn during its...
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    My issue was not the demigod cost reduction, but the point increase to mobs. And yes point gains are unbalanced due to a custom change, with multiple timeslot there is a very noticeable lack of quest point generation and the suggested elite mob increase being an attempt to offset those lost...
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    Some thought should be put into addressing the event imbalance caused by the custom changes you've added, a flat "declined" to public suggestions attempting to fix this custom problem is rather insulting.
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    No I'm mostly referring to the point boost from raid kill quests, many of the first timeslot Invasions I've joined quickly jump to 5000-6000 points after 2-4 minutes as quests start to complete, in this same timeframe on the third Invasions the points jump to 2000-3000 even with a larger group...
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    I am aware of this fact, but having shown up fairly often to all timeslots (don't judge) I can say with confidence it's the most difficult timeslot to push for a win from a quest point perspective. The third Invasion has near double the player turn out rate of first spawn yet starting point...
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    To start off I'd like to thank the admins here for adding additional event times for Invasion so it's accessible. This custom change has come with some balance issues that need to be addressed though. Point values for a victory in the second and third Invasions of the day are far more...
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    ArcheRage 7.5 (development-release info + suggestions)

    If it's already at 200 Nuia, 200 Haranya that should be perfectly fine if there are plans to accommodate multiple time zones. A large contributor to the issues on live with the cap usually stemmed from the ability to grief the opposing factions slots with alts at a large scale, but with this...
  8. E

    ArcheRage 7.5 (development-release info + suggestions)

    Akasch Invasion and artifact progression. There should be at least two distinct timers for Akasch Invasion on days the event happens. Having an entire event that is linked directly to progression of your character, gated behind a single timeslot, would almost certainly ruin diversity of the...