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  1. Nexxis

    Viable Pvp plate class

    I would suggest Bloodreaver Batt/Occ/Auramancy this class works good against most classes in plate most raids have a good mix and bloodreaver is usually is there with the skullnight for intiator style pvp action.
  2. Nexxis

    PvP Healer Classes Question

    I use the Auroria dulcet Vitalism Hat -50% to Res and Shirt for the same reason as you have it for. Obsidian gloves pants and shoes for the rest plus will change the full serp set for bis belt i believe it is. when i get it that is lol. Just using auroria heartbound sleeves and belt atm.
  3. Nexxis

    PvP Healer Classes Question

    I love the builds the both of you have put out because i love to play Argent as a DPS for farming/Grinding and sooth for mass pvp. But what i love to do is use full healer cloth and my 2H greatclub instead of club and shield. Saves me time instead of switching armor a lot of the time...
  4. Nexxis

    Contest "ArchRage Roulette"!

    Nexxis 188
  5. Nexxis

    Best place to get gear at max level?

    You should try auroria gear to start with, then go on to either GHA Weapon and upgrade the shit out of it bye grinding the dungeon and then use crafted armor. If you so choose use the wisps from the crafted armor to create obsidian. Lots of choices in 2.9 for armor.
  6. Nexxis

    ArcheRage Exposure..

    I found out about it from his You tube Channel i am a sub and have passed the word on to all the people i know as well. Love his archeage 101 videos.