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3.5 Trade System Guide


Staff member

Trade system was completely reworked in 3.5 version.
Our custom version went further and united both systems - 3.0 system and 3.5 system. So, each player can choose for himself what system to use.

You all are well aware of the 3.0 trade system work, so in this thread we'll speak about 3.5 system of Trade Outlets.

Important! Prior delivering the pack, double check everything to make sure what location you need to deliver this type of pack you have. If NPC doesn't accept the trade pack from you, it means you are delivering it to the wrong place.

Where can we find Trade Outlets?
  • Nuia: Solzreed Peninsula, Two Crowns, Cinderstone Moor.
  • Haranya: Solis Headlands, Villanelle, Ynystere.
  • Auroria: Diamond Shores. This Trade Outlet will only be available when your faction’s base reaches the new rank 4. If the base downgrades, it will lose the Trade Outlet.
    At these Trade Outlets, players will be able to sell specialty packs or purchase and sell special Cargo for gold.
First of all you need to remember that new Trade System includes 3 Phases:
PHASE 1: Same Continent Delivery.
Turn in Specialty Pack to the Specialty Buyer same continent it was made in.
Reward: gold.
- Make a Specialty Pack (eg. Villanelle Potpourri).
- Turn it in to Specialty Buyer in Ynystere Trade Outlet.

PHASE 2: Cross Continent Delivery.
After enough Specialy Packs have been turned in, the Trade Outlet converts them to Cargo.
Pick up Cargo from the Cargo Seller from one of the Trade Outlets. You need Cargo Certificate, some labor and gold for it.
Then cross the sea to turn the Cargo in to a Cargo Buyer in a Different Continent.
Reward: gold (if you turn in to a Cargo Buyer in Nuia, Haranya or Auroria) or Dragon Essence Stabilizer (if you turn in to Herren in Freedich Island).
- Pick up Cargo from Ynystere Cargo Seller.
- Cross the sea to Two Crowns & turn in to Cargo Buyer at Two Crowns Trade Outlet.

PHASE 3: Same Continent Delivery.
After Cargo is turned in to the Cargo Buyer, it becomes Certified Cargo.
Pick up Certified Cargo from the Cargo Seller from one of the Trade Outlets. You need Cargo Certificate, some labor and gold for it.
Make sure you check that it's not from the same continent that you are buying at.
Then bring the Certified Cargo to a Cargo Exchanger listed bellow.
Nuia: Gweonid Forest, Aubre Cradle, Hellswamp.
Haranya: Falcorth Plains, Arcum Iris, Perinoor Runs.
Auroria: Golden Ruins.
Reward: Charcoal Stabilizer.
- Pick up Certified Cargo from Cinderstone Moor Cargo Seller.
- Turn in to Cargo Exchanger in Hellswamp.

More details regarding each Phase you can find below.

PHASE 1: Same Continent Sales (Gold)
Goods crafted are still categorized into 3 groups:
  • General Specialty Packs - Made at regular Specialty Workbenches in zones
  • Merchant Specialty Packs - Made at a Fellowship Plaza
  • Aged Specialty Packs - Larders
After crafting any of these Tier 1 Specialty Packs, you can only sell them at a Trade Outlet in the SAME CONTINENT where it was made i.e. Nuian Specialty Packs can only be sold Solzreed Peninsula, Two Crowns or Cinderstone Moor. However, the Specialty Packs must not be made in the same zone as where you are selling them i.e You cannot sell Cinderstone Specialty Packs at the Cinderstone Trade Outlet. There will no longer be traders in the zones not mentioned above. The Specialty Workbenches will still be in all zones.

The pack should be turned in to the Specialty Buyer at the Trader Outlet. The final sale value depends on:
  • the type of Specialty Pack you have made (regular packs, fellowship packs or larders)
  • the maximum value of the Specialty pack you have made (Larders generally have more value than the other 2 type of packs)
  • how many of those specific packs are in stock at the Trade Outlet
The more packs of one specific type that the post receives, the lower the value of the pack. If the Trade Outlet is full, it will not accept new packs at all!
Also, Specialty Packs can no longer be transported across the ocean for resources. This function has now been moved over to Cargo in Phase 2.

PHASE 2: Cross-Continent Sales
Talk to the Cargo Seller and click on "Production Info". It will show you the Trade Details shown above. This is the number of specialty packs that needs to be turned in before they are converted into Cargo. Cargoes are Tier 2 packs.
When the conversion is completed, you can purchase the Cargo from the Cargo Seller with the following requirements:
  • You must be at least level 30
  • You have enough labor and gold
  • You possess a Cargo Certificate. These certificates can be purchased in the Vocation Shop for 300 Vocation Badges.
Make sure that you are buying regular Cargo and NOT Certified Cargo for cross-continent trade run.
Upon purchase, the Cargo will be placed on your back as a trade pack. You can put the packs in your vehicle but you will need to move them across the ocean as soon as possible.
Sell to a Trade Outlet on another continent for Gold.
Cargo is now measured by a new mechanic called “profit”. The faster you get it to another outlet, the more money you will make. Once the Cargo is sold to the Cargo Buyer, it will be certified by the Blue Salt Brotherhood. For example, Nuian Cargo can be sold to either an Auroria Trade Outlet in Diamond Shores or a Haranyan Trade Outlet in Ynystere, Villanelle or Solis Headlands.
Sell to Herren on Freedich Island for Dragon Essence Stabilizers
If you wish to obtain Dragon Essence Stabilizers instead, head to Freedich Island and sell the Cargo to Herren.

If you do not have a boat or wish to travel safely, you can use the protected NPC ship. Talk to the Cargo Ship Manager and purchase a Captain's Protection for 5g or purchase it from the Vocation Shop for 1000 Vocation Badges. Then go up the NPC ship and talk to the Ship Captain. This allows you to take the NPC ship to the other continent without getting attacked. However, you can only bring one trade pack at a time on one character. You can also target the NPC ship to see estimated time of departure.

PHASE 3: Charcoal Stabilizers
After the Cargo from a different continent has been certified by the Blue Salt Brotherhood, it becomes a Tier 3 pack; a Certified Cargo. That Certified Cargo can then be moved one final time to a Cargo Exchanger somewhere else on your continent.
  • Nuia: Gweonid Forest, Aubre Cradle, Hellswamp
  • Haranya: Falcorth Plains, Arcum Iris, Perinoor Ruins
  • Auroria: Golden Ruins
These traders only accept goods certified by their continent.
You can purchase the Certified Cargo from the Cargo Seller with the following requirements:
  • You must be at least level 30
  • You have enough labor and gold
  • You possess a Cargo Certificate. These certificates can be purchased in the Vocation Shop for 300 Vocation Badges.
Make sure that you are buying Certified Cargo and NOT regular Cargo for same-continent trade run.

An example of the whole process:
  • A Haranyan Specialty Pack is sold at a Trader Outlet in Solis Headlands, Villanelle or Ynystere for gold. It gets converted into Cargo.
  • The Cargo is shipped to a Trade Outlet in Nuia (gold), Auroria (gold) or Freedich Island (Dragon Essence Stabilizer). Let's say, it is brought to Cinderstone Moor. This Cargo becomes a Certified Cargo. If you bring it to Freedich Island, it ends there.
  • The Certified Cargo can be picked up and sold to a Cargo Exchanger in Gweonid Forest, Aubre Cradle or Hellswamp for Charcoal Stabilizers.
Some other things you should know:
  • You don't need to do all the phases in succession.
  • You can choose to do any one phase (eg. only cross-continent).
  • The packs/cargo depreciate in value, the longer you take to run them.
  • The Trade Outlet can become full with too much Cargo and refuse more Specialty Packs till the Cargoes are taken out.
I already wrote this to you in a discord, but I will tell you here. New trade will not be relevant for the reason that there is an old one. Because for old trade for 1 pack you get 40-70 charcoal, and for new trade you get 20 coal, although you buy this pack from a trading station for 32 gold.
I do not understand those who voted for two trade, knowing that one of them will not be necessary.
Recently, it was possible to take t2-t3 packs from a trading station on its own trading station in a different location, this would allow a new trade to live, but this would be fixed.
I'm not trying to insult the administration, or say what they did wrong. They did the right thing by listening to players and doing what they wanted. But players have no idea what they are subscribed to ...
Koreans are not stupid people, they understood that charcoal in 3.5 will need very little, since craft takes 4-6 times less charcoal. They also raised the price of packs for a reason.
If you use trading stations correctly, percentage of ordinary packs would never fall, and for old trade you have to wait an hour for 5% to rise.
For this reason, I advise players to abandon old trade and stick to new one, we have quite a few of those who carry packs, for this reason new trade would always be relevant.
I do not understand those who voted for two trade, knowing that one of them will not be necessary.
Recently, it was possible to take t2-t3 packs from a trading station on its own trading station in a different location, this would allow a new trade to live, but this would be fixed.
I'm not trying to insult the administration, or say what they did wrong. They did the right thing by listening to players and doing what they wanted. But players have no idea what they are subscribed to ...
Koreans are not stupid people, they understood that charcoal in 3.5 will need very little, since craft takes 4-6 times less charcoal. They also raised the price of packs for a reason.
If you use trading stations correctly, percentage of ordinary packs would never fall, and for old trade you have to wait an hour for 5% to rise.
For this reason, I advise players to abandon old trade and stick to new one, we have quite a few of those who carry packs, for this reason new trade would always be relevant.

People voted for the old one to stay, because we're not stupid. There are actually some players who made it to 3.5 such as myself. We saw what happened on Live. It also doesn't take a brain surgeon to see the thought pattern that Live was exposed to. Because here's the problem: judging by how history has panned out with the game's lifetime, the Koreans that made this ARE stupid people. They raised prices for packs in this trade system because they knew it was an unattractive system, so they had to incentivize players to do the trade system, even if it meant running Marianople packs to Two Crowns.
You want to know why they reverted half of this Cargo system on Live 5.0? Because people weren't crafting gear anymore.
Why weren't people crafting gear anymore? Because they introduced Hiram gear, which greatly outperformed already-existing gear.
Why did they introduce Hiram? Because no one was crafting gear.
Why was no one crafting gear? Because their Cargo system caused Charcoal Stabilizers to skyrocket from 1 gold to EIGHT while requiring those who wanted that resource to camp the NPC day in and day out, or forcing people to do 30-40 minute trade runs.

You cannot say "if using trading stations correctly" because there were entire guilds devoted to this system on Live. There were multiple servers on Live supplying the Auction House with Charcoal in an attempt to make this system work. Charcoal octupled in price with this system with large amounts of players contributing to the supply. They reverted half the system just recently in patch 5.0. The system didn't work with trade guilds working together to try and make it work. Looking at the guilds we have in-game right now and how many run charcoal often just standing at the docks, prices would've probably doubled if we dropped the old system. And a new player joining this server would try to craft a piece of gear, see Charcoal at 15-20 gold each, and will run away screaming. Hell, people were already about to leave if we only had the new system, because no one wants to see 8 gold per Charcoal again.

I can't fathom how someone can be so delusional that they would want history to repeat itself with this server, unless they were one of the people stockpiling Charcoal thinking 3.5 on this server was going to suck just as bad as it did on Live and is now mad they tried to take advantage of hysteria and are now at a loss.
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Why was no one crafting gear? Because their Cargo system caused Charcoal Stabilizers to skyrocket from 1 gold to EIGHT while requiring those who wanted that resource to camp the NPC day in and day out, or forcing people to do 30-40 minute trade runs.

Aside from people swiping cargo packs once turned in, i quit about the time that people stopped bothering with the required packs. People would do the ones that they preferred to do and then still didn't do as many since the price was always at its lowest due to nobody wanting to run the packs still required. Most ran larders and specialty zone packs. Not as many fellowship type packs for example. I found it particularly irritating that larders, for example, would be at low prices for over week until cargo was made. Even if charcoal doesn't go up on this server, i still see that being a issue at some point.

Side note, kinda bums me out they are keeping the merit system. I was kind of looking forward to getting rid of it and actually having some gilda for new items lol
Aside from people swiping cargo packs once turned in, i quit about the time that people stopped bothering with the required packs. People would do the ones that they preferred to do and then still didn't do as many since the price was always at its lowest due to nobody wanting to run the packs still required. Most ran larders and specialty zone packs. Not as many fellowship type packs for example. I found it particularly irritating that larders, for example, would be at low prices for over week until cargo was made. Even if charcoal doesn't go up on this server, i still see that being a issue at some point.

The system itself was just too tedious and lengthy with nowhere near the proper reward for effort put into it. No one wants to put in a 30-minute trade run into enemy territory (or the opposite of waiting for someone else to do 15 minutes of a trade run to snipe a T3 cargo to drive it inland for 15 minutes) and run into the same risk as if they were running larders right now.

And honestly, Charcoal will be fine. The market is incredibly volatile with only one server contributing to the AH prices. One day a few months ago, Charcoal once jumped from 1g each to 1.8g each because someone bought everything out and tried to monopolize it for a week to make a quick buck. That kind of price jump was unheard of on Live, and if a system were introduced that would dramatically limit supply of a resource, we'd see a turn for the worse of the economy. If multiple guilds across multiple servers contributed to the supply and prices octupled, imagine how bad prices would've become of we became the spitting image of Live.

This is a private server, not retail. People don't come here to no-life it up to stay relevant like they had to on Live. Those of us that came here and knew what we were doing got to 5-6k GS in a matter of months instead of the couple of years it took on Live. New players coming here hoping to get away from the crappiness of Live while still enjoying the farm aspect of the game would be completely daunted by the insane price hike Charcoal would've been, and our player retention would be going to shit. No one liked the 8g cost of Charcoal on Live, I'd rather see it drop to 80 silver because that means new players would be more inclined to craft gear and get into this game competitively faster than sit there watching them farm for an additional 2 months.
People voted for the old one to stay, because we're not stupid. There are actually some players who made it to 3.5 such as myself. We saw what happened on Live. It also doesn't take a brain surgeon to see the thought pattern that Live was exposed to. Because here's the problem: judging by how history has panned out with the game's lifetime, the Koreans that made this ARE stupid people. They raised prices for packs in this trade system because they knew it was an unattractive system, so they had to incentivize players to do the trade system, even if it meant running Marianople packs to Two Crowns.
You want to know why they reverted half of this Cargo system on Live 5.0? Because people weren't crafting gear anymore.
Why weren't people crafting gear anymore? Because they introduced Hiram gear, which greatly outperformed already-existing gear.
Why did they introduce Hiram? Because no one was crafting gear.
Why was no one crafting gear? Because their Cargo system caused Charcoal Stabilizers to skyrocket from 1 gold to EIGHT while requiring those who wanted that resource to camp the NPC day in and day out, or forcing people to do 30-40 minute trade runs.

You cannot say "if using trading stations correctly" because there were entire guilds devoted to this system on Live. There were multiple servers on Live supplying the Auction House with Charcoal in an attempt to make this system work. Charcoal octupled in price with this system with large amounts of players contributing to the supply. They reverted half the system just recently in patch 5.0. The system didn't work with trade guilds working together to try and make it work. Looking at the guilds we have in-game right now and how many run charcoal often just standing at the docks, prices would've probably doubled if we dropped the old system. And a new player joining this server would try to craft a piece of gear, see Charcoal at 15-20 gold each, and will run away screaming. Hell, people were already about to leave if we only had the new system, because no one wants to see 8 gold per Charcoal again.

I can't fathom how someone can be so delusional that they would want history to repeat itself with this server, unless they were one of the people stockpiling Charcoal thinking 3.5 on this server was going to suck just as bad as it did on Live and is now mad they tried to take advantage of hysteria and are now at a loss.
Frankly, I don’t even have a single charcoal in my inventory or anywhere else. I just expressed my opinion on this. I do not know how it was on your servers, but trading stations worked fine for us after 3 months, when all players sold their stocks.
I just wanted to point out that in factories it would not be necessary to wait a whole hour until the percentage of packages surrendered. And would be higher prices.
Frankly, I don’t even have a single charcoal in my inventory or anywhere else. I just expressed my opinion on this. I do not know how it was on your servers, but trading stations worked fine for us after 3 months, when all players sold their stocks.
I just wanted to point out that in factories it would not be necessary to wait a whole hour until the percentage of packages surrendered. And would be higher prices.

That's because trading stations WEREN'T working fine, people were offloading the stockpile they hoarded before 3.5 dropped, and those that didn't hoard were doing the trade system at such a miniscule rate that the percentages never dropped below 100% on any pack because so few were doing it in the first place and they were doing this because they didn't want to pay 8-12 gold (on our cluster, Charcoal hit a 16g high for the first 3 weeks) because the gold-making system of trade packs got a kick in the nuts. After that stockpile was gone, everything tanked because the system was incapable of supporting itself, thus their need to revert at least half of it. After 3.5 dropped, gold cost octupled across the board. Even after their revert of some of the Cargo system in 5.0, Charcoal is averaging around 4g last I checked, and that's with their new "unlimited" Charcoal system. If everyone is in Hiram gear on Live and no one needs to craft gear, why is Charcoal still high even with "unlimited" Charcoal supplying the system? If crafting "costs less" in 3.5 (it won't) and thus fewer people will theoretically be continuously crafting gear (that number won't change because anchors), then by your logic on the cost of Charcoal here in comparison to situations on Live, Charcoal should be tanked on Live, but it's still 4 gold over there.

Keeping the old system will make it easier for new players to get into the gearing-up game without having to devote a year of their lives either farming up enough gold to buy the Charcoal for 1 weapon, or farming up enough Charcoal to make that 1 weapon.

Trade system was completely reworked in 3.5 version.
Our custom version went further and united both systems - 3.0 system and 3.5 system. So, each player can choose for himself what system to use.

You all are well aware of the 3.0 trade system work, so in this thread we'll speak about 3.5 system of Trade Outlets.

Important! Prior delivering the pack, double check everything to make sure what location you need to deliver this type of pack you have. If NPC doesn't accept the trade pack from you, it means you are delivering it to the wrong place.

Where can we find Trade Outlets?
  • Nuia: Solzreed Peninsula, Two Crowns, Cinderstone Moor.
  • Haranya: Solis Headlands, Villanelle, Ynystere.
  • Auroria: Diamond Shores. This Trade Outlet will only be available when your faction’s base reaches the new rank 4. If the base downgrades, it will lose the Trade Outlet.
    At these Trade Outlets, players will be able to sell specialty packs or purchase and sell special Cargo for gold.
First of all you need to remember that new Trade System includes 3 Phases:
PHASE 1: Same Continent Delivery.
Turn in Specialty Pack to the Specialty Buyer same continent it was made in.
Reward: gold.
- Make a Specialty Pack (eg. Villanelle Potpourri).
- Turn it in to Specialty Buyer in Ynystere Trade Outlet.

PHASE 2: Cross Continent Delivery.
After enough Specialy Packs have been turned in, the Trade Outlet converts them to Cargo.
Pick up Cargo from the Cargo Seller from one of the Trade Outlets. You need Cargo Certificate, some labor and gold for it.
Then cross the sea to turn the Cargo in to a Cargo Buyer in a Different Continent.
Reward: gold (if you turn in to a Cargo Buyer in Nuia, Haranya or Auroria) or Dragon Essence Stabilizer (if you turn in to Herren in Freedich Island).
- Pick up Cargo from Ynystere Cargo Seller.
- Cross the sea to Two Crowns & turn in to Cargo Buyer at Two Crowns Trade Outlet.

PHASE 3: Same Continent Delivery.
After Cargo is turned in to the Cargo Buyer, it becomes Certified Cargo.
Pick up Certified Cargo from the Cargo Seller from one of the Trade Outlets. You need Cargo Certificate, some labor and gold for it.
Make sure you check that it's not from the same continent that you are buying at.
Then bring the Certified Cargo to a Cargo Exchanger listed bellow.
Nuia: Gweonid Forest, Aubre Cradle, Hellswamp.
Haranya: Falcorth Plains, Arcum Iris, Perinoor Runs.
Auroria: Golden Ruins.
Reward: Charcoal Stabilizer.
- Pick up Certified Cargo from Cinderstone Moor Cargo Seller.
- Turn in to Cargo Exchanger in Hellswamp.

More details regarding each Phase you can find below.

PHASE 1: Same Continent Sales (Gold)
Goods crafted are still categorized into 3 groups:
  • General Specialty Packs - Made at regular Specialty Workbenches in zones
  • Merchant Specialty Packs - Made at a Fellowship Plaza
  • Aged Specialty Packs - Larders
After crafting any of these Tier 1 Specialty Packs, you can only sell them at a Trade Outlet in the SAME CONTINENT where it was made i.e. Nuian Specialty Packs can only be sold Solzreed Peninsula, Two Crowns or Cinderstone Moor. However, the Specialty Packs must not be made in the same zone as where you are selling them i.e You cannot sell Cinderstone Specialty Packs at the Cinderstone Trade Outlet. There will no longer be traders in the zones not mentioned above. The Specialty Workbenches will still be in all zones.

The pack should be turned in to the Specialty Buyer at the Trader Outlet. The final sale value depends on:
  • the type of Specialty Pack you have made (regular packs, fellowship packs or larders)
  • the maximum value of the Specialty pack you have made (Larders generally have more value than the other 2 type of packs)
  • how many of those specific packs are in stock at the Trade Outlet
The more packs of one specific type that the post receives, the lower the value of the pack. If the Trade Outlet is full, it will not accept new packs at all!
Also, Specialty Packs can no longer be transported across the ocean for resources. This function has now been moved over to Cargo in Phase 2.

PHASE 2: Cross-Continent Sales
Talk to the Cargo Seller and click on "Production Info". It will show you the Trade Details shown above. This is the number of specialty packs that needs to be turned in before they are converted into Cargo. Cargoes are Tier 2 packs.
When the conversion is completed, you can purchase the Cargo from the Cargo Seller with the following requirements:
  • You must be at least level 30
  • You have enough labor and gold
  • You possess a Cargo Certificate. These certificates can be purchased in the Vocation Shop for 300 Vocation Badges.
Make sure that you are buying regular Cargo and NOT Certified Cargo for cross-continent trade run.
Upon purchase, the Cargo will be placed on your back as a trade pack. You can put the packs in your vehicle but you will need to move them across the ocean as soon as possible.
Sell to a Trade Outlet on another continent for Gold.
Cargo is now measured by a new mechanic called “profit”. The faster you get it to another outlet, the more money you will make. Once the Cargo is sold to the Cargo Buyer, it will be certified by the Blue Salt Brotherhood. For example, Nuian Cargo can be sold to either an Auroria Trade Outlet in Diamond Shores or a Haranyan Trade Outlet in Ynystere, Villanelle or Solis Headlands.
Sell to Herren on Freedich Island for Dragon Essence Stabilizers
If you wish to obtain Dragon Essence Stabilizers instead, head to Freedich Island and sell the Cargo to Herren.

If you do not have a boat or wish to travel safely, you can use the protected NPC ship. Talk to the Cargo Ship Manager and purchase a Captain's Protection for 5g or purchase it from the Vocation Shop for 1000 Vocation Badges. Then go up the NPC ship and talk to the Ship Captain. This allows you to take the NPC ship to the other continent without getting attacked. However, you can only bring one trade pack at a time on one character. You can also target the NPC ship to see estimated time of departure.

PHASE 3: Charcoal Stabilizers
After the Cargo from a different continent has been certified by the Blue Salt Brotherhood, it becomes a Tier 3 pack; a Certified Cargo. That Certified Cargo can then be moved one final time to a Cargo Exchanger somewhere else on your continent.
  • Nuia: Gweonid Forest, Aubre Cradle, Hellswamp
  • Haranya: Falcorth Plains, Arcum Iris, Perinoor Ruins
  • Auroria: Golden Ruins
These traders only accept goods certified by their continent.
You can purchase the Certified Cargo from the Cargo Seller with the following requirements:
  • You must be at least level 30
  • You have enough labor and gold
  • You possess a Cargo Certificate. These certificates can be purchased in the Vocation Shop for 300 Vocation Badges.
Make sure that you are buying Certified Cargo and NOT regular Cargo for same-continent trade run.

An example of the whole process:
  • A Haranyan Specialty Pack is sold at a Trader Outlet in Solis Headlands, Villanelle or Ynystere for gold. It gets converted into Cargo.
  • The Cargo is shipped to a Trade Outlet in Nuia (gold), Auroria (gold) or Freedich Island (Dragon Essence Stabilizer). Let's say, it is brought to Cinderstone Moor. This Cargo becomes a Certified Cargo. If you bring it to Freedich Island, it ends there.
  • The Certified Cargo can be picked up and sold to a Cargo Exchanger in Gweonid Forest, Aubre Cradle or Hellswamp for Charcoal Stabilizers.
Some other things you should know:
  • You don't need to do all the phases in succession.
  • You can choose to do any one phase (eg. only cross-continent).
  • The packs/cargo depreciate in value, the longer you take to run them.
  • The Trade Outlet can become full with too much Cargo and refuse more Specialty Packs till the Cargoes are taken out.

So Question about how this is supposed to work cause I thought i under stood but maybe not i just tried to run Larders from Ahnimar to the Solzreed Specialty Buyer(trade post) I sold 44 Larders two merchant ships full and then went to buy cargo but there is no stock is there a delay? or am i missing something about how this works? if i turned in 44 Larders shouldn't there be 22 Cargo available to buy?

EDIT: So i figured it out, I thought it was OR for the types of packs but its AND which i think is ridiculous I need to turn in 26 packs(14 normal, 8 Merchant, and 4 Larders) to get 2 cargo packs . . .
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This is what it says in patch notes:
  • Gold and Resource Traders that accepted packs from the players in 3.0 will remain in game in 3.5 and will not be removed. New 3.5 system will be working as well. Packs are universal, that means players can now choose where to turn them in - new Trade Outlets or old Traders.

Yet I went to Gwen and there is no longer a gold trader there to hand packs into, was the npc suppose to be removed or is it a bug. I checked the map for the other locations and I don't see the gold traders in the spots that they are in for 3.0, only the new ones.
This is what it says in patch notes:
  • Gold and Resource Traders that accepted packs from the players in 3.0 will remain in game in 3.5 and will not be removed. New 3.5 system will be working as well. Packs are universal, that means players can now choose where to turn them in - new Trade Outlets or old Traders.
Yet I went to Gwen and there is no longer a gold trader there to hand packs into, was the npc suppose to be removed or is it a bug. I checked the map for the other locations and I don't see the gold traders in the spots that they are in for 3.0, only the new ones.
This thread is related to the trade system guide only. If you detected a bug, please screenshot and post in the separate thread. All the traders should still be in place but can be moved a bit aside. Make sure you looked around.
So Question about how this is supposed to work cause I thought i under stood but maybe not i just tried to run Larders from Ahnimar to the Solzreed Specialty Buyer(trade post) I sold 44 Larders two merchant ships full and then went to buy cargo but there is no stock is there a delay? or am i missing something about how this works? if i turned in 44 Larders shouldn't there be 22 Cargo available to buy?

EDIT: So i figured it out, I thought it was OR for the types of packs but its AND which i think is ridiculous I need to turn in 26 packs(14 normal, 8 Merchant, and 4 Larders) to get 2 cargo packs . . .

An exact number of different packs needs to be turned in so Cargo would be formed.
PHASE 2: Cross-Continent Sales
Talk to the Cargo Seller and click on "Production Info". It will show you the Trade Details shown above. This is the number of specialty packs that needs to be turned in before they are converted into Cargo. Cargoes are Tier 2 packs.​
An exact number of different packs needs to be turned in so Cargo would be formed.
Thank you for responding, If you saw my edit I figured this out when I first read into the cargo system and looked at the Production Info I fully miss interrupted the instruction assuming that it was OR I thought I needed 4 Larders packs or 8 merchant packs or 14 normal packs. I didn't realize it was AND, that I actually needed 14 normal packs and 8 merchant packs and 4 Larders pack. After this realization, I was able to get 2 Cargo packs to be generated but the amount of effort to get those 2 cargo packs (running 26 packs) I made another post about my concerns which I know you have already responded to but I have also now responded to that post as well.
@Sparkle How can I differentiate a Certified Cargo from a Regular Cargo?
(if I steal someone for example)
You can understand it from the place you got it from. If you ran into another player when he did a cross-continent run, then it's a regular Cargo. If the delivery was made inside the continent, it was a Certified Cargo.
I just picked up 9 cargo nuia packs from yny took them to diamond shores and i coudlnt sell them what am i doing wrong here ?
I just picked up 9 cargo nuia packs from yny took them to diamond shores and i coudlnt sell them what am i doing wrong here ?
Please check the main post in this guide. It had to be Same Continent delivery in your case, but you did a Cross-Continent one.
Please check the main post in this guide. It had to be Same Continent delivery in your case, but you did a Cross-Continent one.
So where I made the mistake was taking a nuia pack instead of the haranya.

Ex :Buy haranya cargo from yny beach take to diamond shores ?

That would work right ? The problem I did was buying Nuia pack in yny? Just trying to confirm how this works
So where I made the mistake was taking a nuia pack instead of the haranya.
Ex :Buy haranya cargo from yny beach take to diamond shores ?
That would work right ? The problem I did was buying Nuia pack in yny? Just trying to confirm how this works
