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Change RNG


New Member
We don't know what the chance of gemming successfully is, all we know is that you can gem the first two gems successfully every time. This works great if you want an item with two gems, but if you want to go further, then you risk losing those two first valuable gems, so let's change it again, for the love of god.

With the release of 3.0, numerous people have had problems gemming their items fully. It feels like it has changed from 2.9. It sucks. And I want to say that the chance of gemming each slot is either 50% or less, because the amount of times that I have failed far outweighs the amount of times that I have succeeded. If it was 50%, then theoretically it should be equal. I can almost guarantee you that of the 120 gems that I have put in my celestial dagger alone, if it was 50% then I would have a dagger with full gems in it; however, this is absolutely not the case.

At the very least I would like to see every single gem slot be a flat 50% chance without changing. You could get rid of the first two gems being 100% and just make every single gem a flat 50% chance with the exception of the first. That way fully gemming a 6-slot celestial item the first time is a 1/32 chance (first slot 100%, the last 5 slots are 1/2 chance (1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2)). With that, players wouldn't have to worry so much about gemming, and could focus more on gearing.

All in all, I just want to see some sort of change that makes gemming easier and less expensive. Not just for me, but for all players.
Not experiencing this at all don’t agree
With double honor buff. Its ez mode gr/cr mm, luscas arenas = ez 10k honor per day
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I fully support this idea, however, i would like to point a couple of things before hand.
In another game, similar to this one but in a different patch gemming has 100% chance on all pieces. ALL gems. But they cost more. One big concern that was discussed here was that ppl wouldnt do honor events anymore once they get their gear gemmed. On that same game the honor shop had alot of features that you could buy to sink your honor. Buffs, mounts, items, regrade charms..
My question is: Knowing that we will eventually play this patch (im assuming that because 3.5 didnt take long to be launched once 3.0 hit) why not implement already? We could not only use that to promote the server as new players can get their pvp gems quicker so they can get into a competitive level faster.
make every gem a lunascale, there no gemming issues, I can't wait to fully gem my dawnsdrop with 0% fail rate.
Not experiencing this at all don’t agree
With double honor buff. Its ez mode gr/cr mm, luscas arenas = ez 10k honor per day
Even if you have the time to do everything as my friend have, still took him 130k honor to end up with 5 gems on his shrotspear.
With the release of 3.0, numerous people have had problems gemming their items fully. It feels like it has changed from 2.9. It sucks. And I want to say that the chance of gemming each slot is either 50% or less, because the amount of times that I have failed far outweighs the amount of times that I have succeeded. If it was 50%, then theoretically it should be equal. I can almost guarantee you that of the 120 gems that I have put in my celestial dagger alone, if it was 50% then I would have a dagger with full gems in it; however, this is absolutely not the case.

120 gems is not a large enough sample size to determine the statistical accuracy of the 50% rule. When you have done 10,000 gems or more, you are approaching a statistically significant sample to be able to start drawing conclusions.

The data miners on Trion gave us the 50% chance information, and unless otherwise proven or stated here, that has not been altered. We do, however, have the first two slots as 100% chance, which is a great start.

I think the only thing that needs to be changed is making the first two slots also no break, and then the system would be perfect. That suggestion was made when the changes were considered, but it was shot down at that time.

At the very least I would like to see every single gem slot be a flat 50% chance without changing. You could get rid of the first two gems being 100% and just make every single gem a flat 50% chance with the exception of the first. That way fully gemming a 6-slot celestial item the first time is a 1/32 chance (first slot 100%, the last 5 slots are 1/2 chance (1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2)). With that, players wouldn't have to worry so much about gemming, and could focus more on gearing.

This post is where I talk about the actual math involved in gemming, if you'd like to know what it is really like, based on the 50% success chance we get from Trion's default settings. https://na.archerage.to/forums/index.php?threads/honor-socketing-changes-poll.4166/page-6#post-33760

And what you're talking about doing is going back to the same system we had before, by the way, without the 100% slots.
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another suggestion would be, i know the first 2 are 100% so say it's a divine chest piece that has 6 slots, we know the first 2 are a sure fire, what if the next 4 attempts upon a failure instead of breaking the rest it just breaks the one you're trying to put and the one prior to it with a safety threshold of 2. for example i have 3 gems on my divine chest piece, i tried to put in the 4th and it failed i will now be sitting at 2 gems since the 3rd gem broke along with the 4th that i was attempting. and since the safety threshold is 2 when i go and try to put in a 3rd gem and it fails i will not lose another gem apart from the attempt.
It's fine the way it is. You can get from 7k to 10k honor for free from doing daily missions and quests. You can buy badges for 15g which I do. I farm about 20k to 30k honor a day
I would be down to see superior reds on the honor shop tho
I feel like you would need a good amount of honor for that purchase. Don't think it's needed. I wish they could make ?shining essence? tradeable. Honestly I wish they would make honor gems tradeable.
I wish there were ways to get honor/warrior medals at night. I work during the day so I miss all the events.
I feel like you would need a good amount of honor for that purchase. Don't think it's needed. I wish they could make ?shining essence? tradeable. Honestly I wish they would make honor gems tradeable.
This would be a better solution all together, if they don't decide to fix the gemming rates altogether and just make them into lunascales.

It's fine the way it is. You can get from 7k to 10k honor for free from doing daily missions and quests. You can buy badges for 15g which I do. I farm about 20k to 30k honor a day
This, unfortunately, is the only way to feasibly get yourself geared enough to compete with those who have had all gear fully gemmed, but what if I want the Epic Ring at the end of the month? I have to sacrifice my ranking to get more honor? That's not fair at all.

120 gems is not a large enough sample size to determine the statistical accuracy of the 50% rule. When you have done 10,000 gems or more, you are approaching a statistically significant sample to be able to start drawing conclusions.
Theoretically, I should only have to fully gem my 6-slot item 16 times before I successfully get all of them, which is 96 total gems. Now, I understand that 120 number isn't statistically significant, this isn't the only item that I haven't ever been able to gem successfully. My pants and my chest are two other items that I had spent easily 120+ gems myself, then I decided to pay for the honor to finish them up, each taking 100+ gems by the person I asked to gem it. All in all, my gear has had around 600 gems, and only two of three of them are fully gemmed. I still have 100 to go if I use the same logic for my dagger. Do with that information what you will. I don't want to do the math behind statistical significance, but a rough estimate would be around 384 gems would be enough to prove that the null hypothesis--that the gemming system is 50/50--is false. This was concluded using the values N = 4; p = .5; resulting in a std dev. of 1, or "the expected number of successfully socketed gems is 1 in 4," then applying two standard deviations, or "the expected number of successfully socketed gems is 1 in 96"; therefore, the fact that it takes me more than 384 would suggest that there is significant evidence against the null hypothesis.
EDIT: Note that I combined all three items together. I guess that's kind of unfair, but my point still stands, I just might have an outlier lol.

And what you're talking about doing is going back to the same system we had before, by the way, without the 100% slots.
Either way, it needs to be fixed. I know my math is rudimentary, take it with a grain of salt. I don't want to go back to the system we had before, honestly, but if it would prove more successful in gemming items fully, then I'm all for it. I'm just tired of seeing my gems explode. That's 770 honor, 2 perfect wins in arenas, for one gem.
Well the only way to get superior reds is from Rng boxes
I feel like you would need a good amount of honor for that purchase. Don't think it's needed. I wish they could make ?shining essence? tradeable. Honestly I wish they would make honor gems tradeable.
I mean, they'll be 100% next patch for a reason..

*psst...that wasn't 3.5, that was 3.7 in KR, and it wasn't actually implemented until 4.0 for NA*

Also, the gems are worse versions of the current gems, meaning you'll probably want to gem gear out before it gets implemented anyways. I hope you got some gold hoarded, if I remember right crafting those gems wasn't cheap.

The only thing good about 3.5 was the new skill variants, and that's even arguable. Erenor Gear and Eternal Grade really didn't need to happen, and the new trade system and the death of sea pack skirmishes was the death of my interest in the game. I hope ArcheRage never gets it.
Hi, thanks for the questions, however, we do not think that providing such information to a playerbase will have positive outcome, therefore, in order to avoid any speculation on the forum we will not reveal the information.
This is what IronLady had to say about the rng chances in the game. I believe this also applies to it. You won't have gem chances revealed to you
I agree with the TEAM here, publish RNG data will create a clusterfuck of whiners because not many will understand properly how statistical behavior works and will flood the forums with stupid post like:

- "OMG I used 50 regrades and all fail but the chart says 40% for X grades" followed by math geniuses post "LOL I did 40 and failed 39 that is like 1% chance, OMG they stealing credits"

About the socketing chances, I think is fair enough and way easier than official ever was and as NC313 said the socket system was horrible in 4.0+ and borderline useless even at 100% chance and gave a huge advantage to whales that socketed their armor with prior system(it doesn't sound so good when you give context right? context matter people).

The only thing I could agree with this posts is to unbound gems from honor shop, this could help to distribute gold among newbies and help socketing those that can't generate honor fast enough and probably help overall with socketing armors
Changes were made and there have been several posts about this over the last months. Currently the changes that were made to the gemming system are all that will be done for the near future. As I've said it has been discussed several times internally as well and nothing else will be done with the gemming system at this time.
if it was 50% then I would have a dagger with full gems in it; however, this is absolutely not the case.

IT IS ABSOLUTELY THE CASE, RNG in games uses non hereditary(forgot the technical wording on this one) non linear non deterministic systems, this mean it doesn't matter if you try 50billion gems in a row, every one of those 50billion gems have a unique isolated seed per item not affected by any previous or future attempts(that is why is non linear or deterministic) of X%, that means you can actually fail all 50billion gems and still is 100% correct that they have 50% chance and the reverse case is also mathematically correct.

What you are describing is an hereditary linearly deterministic system where there is unique seed affected upward or downwards by previous or futures attempted predictably but this system don't apply to games because their extremely simple to predict and will give an extreme advantages to those with technical skills to do it and if that individual make his finding public nobody will ever fail a gem again.

simply dividing the amount of tries DOES NOT GIVE YOU A REALISTIC % CHANCE, it just doesn't work like that otherwise statistical analysis wouldn't be a career and we would have figured quantum mechanics 50 years ago.

not being an asshole to OP here, just trying to clarify this issue tho I expect the forum math geniuses to flood me with replies like "I tried 4 and 2 landed, is 50% explain that" or "but I failed 10 times in a row, is not 50%" but whatever