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Change the odds for socketing

Should the odds be increased for successful socket of gear?

  • yes

    Votes: 159 88.8%
  • no

    Votes: 20 11.2%

  • Total voters
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I prefer the idea of no-break up to 3 honor gems. There will still be a bit of a grind for the 6th or 7th gem and the satisfaction that comes with it, but at least we're not burning 20-30k honor on bad rng and not able to even get back to 3 gems.
Man, I'd live a happy man if I got 3 gems in with 20k honour. I spent 210k on cuirass and greaves before they finally got more than 2 in.
its a rough grind on gems. even with the increased honor. Would like unbreakables but they would need to be costly to justify it. or maybe crafted? like the otehr refined gems 3 honor gems plus some mats to craft it.

Quite a few yes votes here, would it be possible to get another word from a staff member on your guys' thoughts on this?


I will get it to people in charge and see their thoughts on what is acceptable/possible for a change.
They told me some are off for holidays for a few days, so when they return.
+1 for a higher chance , even if just 10% or something , not saying to make it 100% .
Or you can indeed make a 100% gem , equal to existant ones, for like triple cost or more, just an idea, That way people will still need to grind , but know there's at least a guarantee.
Certainly you will still have people who like to gamble and try it , and some who are incredibly lucky with it.
Tripling the price for unbreakable gems is not enough.

I would pay 35k and even 50k honor for unbreakable gems. I would socket with normal ones up to 5 and fill the remaining slots with unbreakables.

Either that, or upping the chances of success by 10% and making honor gems tradable.

Keep them hard. Hell, make them even harder. Just make it so they don't break the previously socketed ones. Nothing kills your soul more than when you have 6 in and the last one breaks them all.

Keep them hard. Hell, make them even harder. Just make it so they don't break the previously socketed ones. Nothing kills your soul more than when you have 6 in and the last one breaks them all.

This is a private server, not the official.
Things are supposed to be easier. Not saying make everything handed to you freely obviously , but i disagree with your point on making it harder.
+1 for Ulfnaor. Developers, think streight, if you dont mind, would you ??? Don't react on the lazy manipulators that want to make their game easyer. We need stable long term, long living, well balanced server, right ? Lets see now. I agree, you lost players becouse of the RNG. Fact! When a player socked a gemmed weapon and blow all over last socked attempt, he/she emo quits 90% of the time! Fact! You dont want that => (less $$), we dont want that => (dead server). If the player are able to socket gems like "eazy,peazy" (like the lazy peoples wants) the server will die pritty fast and i explein why: The gem mechanic is an end game thingy. Fact! Lets take ayanad poing of view - You craft weapon (RNG, but also reforging- no RNG, so thats "ok"!) => You regrade it (pure RNG, thats not ok, but it's a differant problem) => You gem it !!! For the obsidian is the same with the differance that you regrade it 1st then upgrade, w/e! The geming is the last part, always. Fact! Now if you "bend the knee" to that manipulators and make the gemming process easier, the server will die, cos everyone will get their end game weapons/armor faster, the gap between f2p - p2w & new players - old players will widen (especialy if you make honor gems tradeble!!!). So when a new player log in and inspect 10-20 players in the capital cities and see that they have alrdy everything end game, what he will think of ??? " Screw it, its better to play trion, everyone are with endgame gear here, there also, so whats the point to start all over again => fewer/no new players => dying server! Fact! I agree you need to change things, if you keep following trion even with the less prices of the credits, you are also doomed to fail! But i tell you again. Do not bend the knee of the lazy manipulators that want to make their game easyer. For every % increase (on anything) do a % decrease! Give something- take something! I explain- I support the idea for guarantee success on the first sockets. I suggest make first 2 (not 3!) sockets 100% guarante. But if you do that you must reduce the chance for socketing from 3rd socket and above! Give something, take something !!! Balance! Make a non- RNG method for socketing. Suggestion- add honor gems that are refined (i wont explein what refined gems do!). Honor price x50 times the normal honor gems. x100 even. Hell x200 even!!! That's debatable, and depends on how many honor you can pull out daily and so many more things. Reduce tha success chance for that gems, cos they are slow but save way to go. See how it will goes. You can always play with the succes chances! Thats how you will save the both kind of people. First kind- the RNG peoples that have 2 subkinds- the sweapers from the high standart countries, that just doesnt care if they blow things & the "gamble addict" that just loves to gamble! And the 2nd kind- non RNG ones, that always chose the "longer but safer" path and dont like RNG at all. This is not WoW FUN PvP surver that have 1000x rates and lives couple of months. This is a hardcore long-term server. Most of the players are no-lifers that plays 5, 10 even 20h per day. Make things to MATTER ! If you full socket something, hell yeah you know that mean something! If you hit the roof, you know you are a badass But when everyone are badasses.... no one is!!! The more hardcore it is, the more server will live and you will keep the atention of the player base. The server is only.. what 2-3 months old and there are legendary gear..... The more easy it goes, the less people will care and that lead to boredness=> burn out=> other game/s to blow of the steam=>quit! Thats my humble oppinion if you want, take it in considiration, if you want delete/ban. I'm talking from experiance (L2 hardcore player) and facts!
My native language is NOT English/American!!!
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To be serious for a bit, I actually do agree with Icoshimo to a great extent (if you can get through the post without paragraphs). The longevity of the server does rely on being able to close the gear gap somehow (not for everyone to be able to do it easily, but for everyone to have a proper option to do it), and the usual Trino whale-oriented mechanics/economy just don't sit well with most players on a private server.

His suggestions are interesting and it would be really nice if there was some way to bridge the all-or-nothing gem mechanics through in-game methods, not just P2W.

The main thing to get out of his post is that it can't be a method that is in any way multiplied by how much money you put into the game, because that only leads to the widening of the gear gap and the F2P/smalltime P2W/P2W whale gaps even further, even though it might appear that it helps the "little guys" at first.
+1 for Ulfnaor. Developers, think streight, if you dont mind, would you ??? Don't react on the lazy manipulators that want to make their game easyer. We need stable long term, long living, well balanced server, right ? Lets see now. I agree, you lost players becouse of the RNG. Fact! When a player socked a gemmed weapon and blow all over last socked attempt, he/she emo quits 90% of the time! Fact! You dont want that => (less $$), we dont want that => (dead server). If the player are able to socket gems like "eazy,peazy" (like the lazy peoples wants) the server will die pritty fast and i explein why: The gem mechanic is an end game thingy. Fact! Lets take ayanad poing of view - You craft weapon (RNG, but also reforging- no RNG, so thats "ok"!) => You regrade it (pure RNG, thats not ok, but it's a differant problem) => You gem it !!! For the obsidian is the same with the differance that you regrade it 1st then upgrade, w/e! The geming is the last part, always. Fact! Now if you "bend the knee" to that manipulators and make the gemming process easier, the server will die, cos everyone will get their end game weapons/armor faster, the gap between f2p - p2w & new players - old players will widen (especialy if you make honor gems tradeble!!!). So when a new player log in and inspect 10-20 players in the capital cities and see that they have alrdy everything end game, what he will think of ??? " Screw it, its better to play trion, everyone are with endgame gear here, there also, so whats the point to start all over again => fewer/no new players => dying server! Fact! I agree you need to change things, if you keep following trion even with the less prices of the credits, you are also doomed to fail! But i tell you again. Do not bend the knee of the lazy manipulators that want to make their game easyer. For every % increase (on anything) do a % decrease! Give something- take something! I explain- I support the idea for guarantee success on the first sockets. I suggest make first 2 (not 3!) sockets 100% guarante. But if you do that you must reduce the chance for socketing from 3rd socket and above! Give something, take something !!! Balance! Make a non- RNG method for socketing. Suggestion- add honor gems that are refined (i wont explein what refined gems do!). Honor price x50 times the normal honor gems. x100 even. Hell x200 even!!! That's debatable, and depends on how many honor you can pull out daily and so many more things. Reduce tha success chance for that gems, cos they are slow but save way to go. See how it will goes. You can always play with the succes chances! Thats how you will save the both kind of people. First kind- the RNG peoples that have 2 subkinds- the sweapers from the high standart countries, that just doesnt care if they blow things & the "gamble addict" that just loves to gamble! And the 2nd kind- non RNG ones, that always chose the "longer but safer" path and dont like RNG at all. This is not WoW FUN PvP surver that have 1000x rates and lives couple of months. This is a hardcore long-term server. Most of the players are no-lifers that plays 5, 10 even 20h per day. Make things to MATTER ! If you full socket something, hell yeah you know that mean something! If you hit the roof, you know you are a badass But when everyone are badasses.... no one is!!! The more hardcore it is, the more server will live and you will keep the atention of the player base. The server is only.. what 2-3 months old and there are legendary gear..... The more easy it goes, the less people will care and that lead to boredness=> burn out=> other game/s to blow of the steam=>quit! Thats my humble oppinion if you want, take it in considiration, if you want delete/ban. I'm talking from experiance (L2 hardcore player) and facts!
My native language is NOT English/American!!!

"If you hit the roof, you know you are a badass But when everyone are badasses.... no one is!!!" :)

Refined gems are an option among other things.We will see what admins think about this next few days.
I am absolutely in favor of any change to the current gem system as it is super frustrating at this time just playing the lottery for days trying to get +1 gem.
It's supposed to be hard and time-consuming. Because it is strong. It forces people to save up and make choices.

If they make it easier, one of our end-game goal is removed. When progression stops, fun stops.
Think about it. It adds longetivity to the game, brings people together for pvp and pve events alike.

It should stay as it is.
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