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Crest Guide


Well-Known Member
As suggested by a friend, a short explanation about crests and I added a collection of crest templates at the end as well.
Also, do feel free to share your own creations in this thread!


- all crest images must be exactly 256x256.
- put ONE finished image in your documents folder at a time.
The path-> User\Documents\ArcheRage\UCC - and make sure to name the file ucc.png

- go to a crest printer, they can be found in the main cities Marianople/Austera and on upgraded plazas.


Don't forget to bring one crest brainstorm per crest you plan to make:


You can either buy them for credits in the marketplace, or find them in the auction house.
I advise the latter, as these brainstorms drop easily from events. Or maybe someone in your guild has spares!

When you access the crest printer, select your image at the bottom left, and then click [complete], simple as that!

The loading time of the CREATION of your new crest ink is dependent on the amount of detail in your image.
The photos of my dog I used to upload always took forever... Have patience: the crest ink will appear in your bag eventually.


Last note: don't despair if your crest ink just shows an empty square as a preview: it means the game is still loading it!

Looking forward to see your creations ?
- Avi

P.s. if you crest sails, take them off your ship first, then apply.
When cresting other vehicles, apply crest to the vehicle directly.


Furniture Templates

Clear UCC (Canvas, Sails, etc.) / Freedom flag

.clear ucc.png - Archeage_Flag_Template.png

Crest bed / Crest table
Archeage_Bed_Template.png - crest table.png

Cube/Crest trade pack storage / Column
Archeage_Cube_Template.png - Archeage_Column_Template.png

Stairs / Ramp
Archeage_Stairs_Template.png - Archeage_Ramp_Template.png


Vehicle Templates

Car / Speedboat

Archeage_Car_Template.jpg - Archeage_Speedboat_Template.png

Archeage_Longboard_Template.png - Archeage_Longboard_Template_2.png


Other: Mask

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