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Disciple & Immortal warden bugged


New Member
So just got the t3 Immortal Warden brawler set form ipnysh, and apparently the set proc doesn't work as it should or how it used to. The proc only applies for 1 sec and disappears and I also tried t1 set it also does the same thing. The only real why to check is to look at my character window info when I see my defense penetrations goes up
The proc only applies for 1 attack and that is it.
That is why you only see it for a second.
I was thinking it would be nice if there was some kind of visual indicator when it procs. Perhaps like the battle rage retaliation where it says it in green text next to your character. Or maybe a debuff showing the remaining cooldown afterwards before it can proc again. It's kind of difficult to tell when it procs.
Yes some sort of sigh or high light animation e.g ( animation for when erenor weapon flare up once u enter combat or do a attack ) or when its on cool down or even maybe increase the buff to 3 sec cuz most ppl wont ever notice unless you have your character window up 24/7, also in the damage log where u can see it on your skill that proc it in brackets?
There are many invisible buffs in game. This one, is just the one of them. If you want to have it visible or some animation added, etc, that can be done only by taking the buff slot.
What about having a debuff for the cooldown that way it doesnt add to buff slot and player could track when their proc goes off