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Donations using a debit card


New Member
Ive tried several sites and I cat get anything to work. can someone please refer me to a site. Im trying to purchase a shadow card with my card and not having any luck.
I asked about this thing once about a year ago, they said they're working on a way so we could donate/buy credit by credit cards, but a years fly away and we still cant. I'm rly sad about this bc from my country i cant get any bitcoin or else, so i cant buy shadow cards either. I only could pay via my visa card so I still cant donate anything. :(
I personally think this will help more than that guide. Much more simple and easy to understand. 3 steps.

Buying Credits:

**Check the donation section on the AA website first and see what amounts are available to buy. PixelGameCard offers amounts that the AA website won't accept**

Step 1: Click this link https://www.pixelgamecard.com/purchase?p=1 Make an account. Purchase a card for the amount you want in credits (be sure the AA website will accept that amount). Eventually you will get approved and receive a card number. First time buyers might take longer to get approved. The time will decrease the more you buy. If you use SuperRewards, then you can only make a purchase through PayPal once every 6 hours. If you want to use a Credit/Debit card, then you can as well, but they don't accept Mastercard.

Step 2: Click this link. https://www.archex.su/index.php Change language to English. Make an account. (Captcha's are completed by typing out the number instead of the entire word. EX: OneThousandTwoHundredFiftyNine = 1259) Log in. Click "Create Exchange" and type in the card number you received. After awhile it will be approved. You can check the status of the approval by clicking "Exit" and logging back in. To avoid logging in to check the status of your payment, just refresh the page every so often to see if it was approved.

Step 3: Once the previous transaction is approved, select the transaction and it will give you your code to enter on the AA website here https://na.archerage.to/

It's good to bookmark these pages to switch between websites easier.
Thank you for this solution, it's really easy to donate and support ArcheRage server :) . Please put this post "permanent" to be sure we can find it easily.
Well, it seems you can not buy through Pixel anymore, it says Super Rewards has been disabled and Perk.com where they came from is out of business....now how?
You can buy Dollar General gift cards and use then for Pixel Game Cards website. Note, you will also have to register for Openbucks website.
There is no additional charge when getting Dollar General gift cards like CVS charges. My wife got me a $50 gift card from Dollar General and that is what it cost and what I was able to use at Pixel Game Cards for payment.
You can buy Dollar General gift cards and use then for Pixel Game Cards website. Note, you will also have to register for Openbucks website.
There is no additional charge when getting Dollar General gift cards like CVS charges. My wife got me a $50 gift card from Dollar General and that is what it cost and what I was able to use at Pixel Game Cards for payment.
Thank you for this solution but what is the process? You go first to Dollar general buying a gift card and then, you put this card in openbuck website?
Thank you for this solution but what is the process? You go first to Dollar general buying a gift card and then, you put this card in openbuck website?
... I tried since one hour to buy this card... I'm sure your wife went physically in store to buy your card... Impossible to find this gift card online..
The payment wall options are based on your region. So you may not have the same options that another does.
Yeah, I have no options to buy anything from the U.K they say we have nothing available in your region ...so no more credits for me, c'est la vie .....adios amigos !

Now my lands will rot into unnoticeable traces of there former glory as my name disappears into the whispers of the wind......
if you have someone you trust in the states, have them buy it for you and then pay them back the money?
I finally find how donate :) I asked Openbucks directly and they gave me the solution:
1. Buy a Obucks card online (either at Offgamers.com and Kinguin.net). you can pay through Paypal, credit card, wallet...
2. After purchasing the DCard, we can proceed with the purchase (16 digit code plus a NIP) at Pixel Game Card, Choose Paymentwall option and choose online card button (select USA for the choice of online cards) and select Openbucks
3. Put your 16 digits code plus the NIP and that's it! you can continue the process like before to obtain the credits through archex.su and finally archerage. It's work well. Hope it will be helpful.
Thank you MissTick, but I do not see an option on Pixelcard for Online Card Button?

NM, I had to set my browser for U.S and now i can see it....WORKED !! Thank you :) :>
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A new better option just released on January 8th.


No need to go through another website while using PixelGameCard. Just click on "Payment Wall" and you can purchase your game card directly through PayPal now.
I personally think this will help more than that guide. Much more simple and easy to understand. 3 steps.

Buying Credits:

**Check the donation section on the AA website first and see what amounts are available to buy. PixelGameCard offers amounts that the AA website won't accept**

Step 1: Click this link https://www.pixelgamecard.com/purchase?p=1 Make an account. Purchase a card for the amount you want in credits (be sure the AA website will accept that amount). Eventually you will get approved and receive a card number. First time buyers might take longer to get approved. The time will decrease the more you buy. If you use SuperRewards, then you can only make a purchase through PayPal once every 6 hours. If you want to use a Credit/Debit card, then you can as well, but they don't accept Mastercard.

Step 2: Click this link. https://www.archex.su/index.php Change language to English. Make an account. (Captcha's are completed by typing out the number instead of the entire word. EX: OneThousandTwoHundredFiftyNine = 1259) Log in. Click "Create Exchange" and type in the card number you received. After awhile it will be approved. You can check the status of the approval by clicking "Exit" and logging back in. To avoid logging in to check the status of your payment, just refresh the page every so often to see if it was approved.

Step 3: Once the previous transaction is approved, select the transaction and it will give you your code to enter on the AA website here https://na.archerage.to/

It's good to bookmark these pages to switch between websites easier.

I purchased a Pixel Game Card for 20 dollars, but the only number in the email sent to me verifying the purchase is a purchase ID, and it's 1 digit too long and the Arche exchange did not accept it. What do I do now?