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Dream Ring Broken Bug


The dream ring became broken after the latest patch. You get a notification that it's broken, so then when you repair it while still wearing it. Then everything becomes locked and you cannot unequip or switch any of your armor or costumes.

Did find a temporary fix though. 1. Restart Client 2. Unequip the ring 3. Manually repair the ring
Hi Jessica!

The details in regards to Dream Rings work and way to repair were perovided here.

In case you have any of Dream Rings and it's broken, prior starting to repair it, take it off, then repair and equip again.
In case you try to repair it when Dream Ring is still on, ring will stuck with no way to take it off or repair. In such a case, you need to restart the game, take it off and then repair.
Hi Jessica!

The details in regards to Dream Rings work and way to repair were perovided here.

In case you have any of Dream Rings and it's broken, prior starting to repair it, take it off, then repair and equip again.
In case you try to repair it when Dream Ring is still on, ring will stuck with no way to take it off or repair. In such a case, you need to restart the game, take it off and then repair.
xD I looked all over the forums for an answer, but didn't think to look on an server restart announcement. Oh well.