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Fishing prices increase


New Member
In the latest patch I felt like I have gotten less money than before in fishing. To be honest most of the time I play alone and the only why I make money is fish I love this game so much. I don’t mind how risky or how Long it takes for fishing but I wish the reward would be higher for fish. If you guys can just increase the gold for fish a bit or left the old one that would be great. I love the work you guys are putting out.Keep the good work going and see all my fellow fishermen out there !

Fishing prices are still boosted by the level of your fishing proficiency. If you wanna boost it more, make sure to use all the buffs available, you can find them in detail in the fishing guide.

As of 4.7, all the fish have gotten new health bars, which for salt water fishing means that pufferfish have the lowest health, and marlins have the most, instead of small, medium, and large sizes we used to fish. This changed the pricing.

As an avid fisher, I have noticed that the prices are now more in range of each other. So, a pufferfish no longer is about 10g for the small sizes, instead they range from 20-25g for a small, from 30-40g for a garg. Tunas are worth a little less, Sturgeons are worth a little more.

On the whole, this means if you catch a boat full of small puffers, you no longer get only 60-90g, but you get 120-150g. Seeing as, thankfully, this is a rare thing anyway, most boats you will fish will be at about 200-250g.

Side note: this is my data from fishing at 230k prof.

Best of luck.
Fishing prices are still influenced by your level of expertise. If you want to increase it even more, make sure to use all of the buffs available, which are detailed in the fishing guide. Instead of the tiny, medium, and large sizes we used to fish, all the fish have new health bars, which means pufferfish have the lowest health and marlins have the highest. fishingverge
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