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[Game Event] ArcheDelivery


Staff member

(July, 30th – August, 12th, 2024)

To participate in the event get your ArcheDelivery Invitation (left bottom corner of your screen) and visit your capital: Austera, Marianople, Growlgate Isle.
ArcheDelivery Invitation can be obtained once a day per account!

In the capital Daru Courier will wait for you and will offer you to choose one of the delivery missions.

Tier 1: Marianople –> Nuia Continent (Reward: Watermelon Token x3 + Gift of Gratitude x1)
Tier 2: Marianople –> Ynystere (Reward: Watermelon Token x6 + Gift of Gratitude x2)
Tier 3: Marianople –> Diamond Shores (Reward: Watermelon Token x9 + Gift of Gratitude x3)
Tier 4: Marianople –> Freedich Island (Reward: Watermelon Token x12 + Gift of Gratitude x4)

Tier 1: Austera –> Haranya Continent (Reward: Watermelon Token x3 + Gift of Gratitude x1)
Tier 2: Austera –> Dewstone Plains (Reward: Watermelon Token x6 + Gift of Gratitude x2)
Tier 3: Austera –> Diamond Shores (Reward: Watermelon Token x9 + Gift of Gratitude x3)
Tier 4: Austera –> Freedich Island (Reward: Watermelon Token x12 + Gift of Gratitude x4)

Tier 1: Growlgate Isle –> Diamond Shores (Reward: Watermelon Token x4 + Gift of Gratitude x2)
Tier 2: Growlgate Isle –> Freedich Island (Reward: Watermelon Token x8 + Gift of Gratitude x3)
Tier 3: Growlgate Isle –> Dewstone Plains / Ynystere (Reward: Watermelon Token x12 + Gift of Gratitude x4)
  • As soon as player makes a choice – they receive a quest item for the delivery quest start and quest “Watermelon Bundle” starts automatically (if your quest hasn’t started automatically, talk to Daru Courier, he will provide you with the quest).​
  • Use your quest item from the inventory to start a delivery quest.​
  • Now it’s time to deliver your pack to the receiver.​
  • Pack can be picked up only if you have daily quest “Watermelon Bundle” in progress. Quest completes as soon as you pick up the pack.​
  • If you lose your pack, you’ll not be able to pick it up again same day.​
  • Beware of robbers! If you die – pack drops next to you on the ground and any player can pick it up (for example, if they lost theirs) or “eat it” and get 1 Watermelon Token and progress for your achievement “Surviving Summer Heat!”.​
  • You can’t “Eat” the pack in 3 zones: Marianople, Solis Headlands, Stormraw Sound.​

  • Melon Dasher I: Complete any "ArcheDelivery" quest 3 times. Reward: Watermelon Token х5​
  • Melon Dasher II: Complete any "ArcheDelivery" quest 7 times. Reward: Watermelon Token х10​
  • Melon Dasher III: Complete any "ArcheDelivery" quest 13 times. Reward: Watermelon Token х15 + Title “Melon Dasher” + Title Icon​
  • Daru Delivery I: Complete top tier "ArcheDelivery" quest 3 times. Reward: Merit Badge х10​
  • Daru Delivery II: Complete top tier "ArcheDelivery" quest 7 times. Reward: Merit Badge х15​
  • Daru Delivery III: Complete top tier "ArcheDelivery" quest 13 times. Reward: Merit Badge х20 + Title “Robin Food” + Title Icon​
  • Surviving Summer Heat! I: Eat dropped ArcheDelivery Watermelon Bundle 5 times. Reward: Manastorm Crystal х5​
  • Surviving Summer Heat! II: Eat dropped ArcheDelivery Watermelon Bundle 15 times. Reward: Manastorm Crystal х10​
  • Surviving Summer Heat! III: Eat dropped ArcheDelivery Watermelon Bundle 30 times. Reward: Manastorm Crystal х10​
  • Surviving Summer Heat! IV: Eat dropped ArcheDelivery Watermelon Bundle 45 times. Reward: Manastorm Crystal х10​
  • Surviving Summer Heat! V: Eat dropped ArcheDelivery Watermelon Bundle 60 times. Reward: Manastorm Crystal х15 + Title “Om-nom-nom!”​

Bound Lucky Elixir
Bound Double Hunting XP Elixir
Watermelon Popsicle
Watermelon Bowl
Secret Gift
Melon Ice Cream Weapon Chest
Courier Minty Swimwear
Courier Fiery Swimwear
Title: Watermelon
Radiant Hiram Infusion
Hiram Awakening Scroll
Decrystallization Scroll
Radiant Hiram Awakening Scroll
Freedich Island Painting
Cozy Bird Cage
Jake Warrior Plushie
Pirate's Token
Merit Badge
Bound Tax Certificate x3
Loyalty Token
Gilda Star

Gift of Gratitude contains one of the following:
Bound Hereafter Stone
Gilda Star
Honor Medal
Honorable Victory Rank 10
Secret Gift
Bound Eco-Friendly Fuel
Merit Badge
Bound Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
Bound Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
Companion's Growthstone
Adventurer's Growthstone
Bound Weapon Regrade Scroll
Bound Armor Regrade Scroll
Bound Accessory Regrade Scroll
Bound Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
Celestial Weapon Anchoring Shard
Celestial Armor Anchoring Shard
Celestial Accessory Anchoring Shard
Worker's Inspiration
Adventurer's XP Boost Potion
Bound Lucky Quicksilver Tonic
Bound Clear Synthium Shard
Wrapped Carrot Dash​
Wonderful an event that encourages people to farm low level players at the turn in and not only that, giving them an achievement for doing so. It is like you are trying to make an event that is for people to grief. Terrible implementation of this event, encouraging griefing. Make it so the last turn it is not freed or any other zone that is encouraging players to camp it all day.
Wonderful an event that encourages people to farm low level players at the turn in and not only that, giving them an achievement for doing so. It is like you are trying to make an event that is for people to grief. Terrible implementation of this event, encouraging griefing. Make it so the last turn it is not freed or any other zone that is encouraging players to camp it all day.
They don't need to camp all day. There is another official way to steal other efforts and time. It's called "Dominion". They are using it. I saw with my own eyes targeting low gs or new players.
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Tier 2: Marianople –> Ynystere

Tier 2: Austera –> Dewstone Plains
Nuian delivery point: in a contested zone where Nuians can freely attack Haranyans to defend their courier (and the NPC is inside a peace zone at the trade outlet where it's possible to safely deliver and turn in as soon as you get into the peace radius)
Haranyan delivery point: in a Nuian zone where Nuians can't be attacked (and the NPC is in the middle of the Dewstone shore where Haranyans can be attacked while getting to the NPC, while delivering and while turning in)

Wonderful an event that encourages people to farm low level players at the turn in and not only that, giving them an achievement for doing so. It is like you are trying to make an event that is for people to grief. Terrible implementation of this event, encouraging griefing. Make it so the last turn it is not freed or any other zone that is encouraging players to camp it all day.
there is an option to turn it in on land... this is an incredible event promoting pvp in the ocean 10/10 best idea!!
Dear god! this event is absolutely awful! lets sit down and come up with a new event! oh i know lets reward high geared players with an event that allows them to benefit from farming low level players...ya who thought this was a good idea?! Not to mention the lack luster rewards! i get better rewards big belly fishing at freedich than i do this event! massive disappointment!
So looking at the coins, it doesn't seem they'll last until the 15th.


  • delivery.PNG
    38.5 KB · Views: 192
So looking at the coins, it doesn't seem they'll last until the 15th.
Don't worry, time will be changes with the scheduled maintenance on Tuesday. As we didn't have any maintenance yet, time wasn't updated.
Dear god! this event is absolutely awful! lets sit down and come up with a new event! oh i know lets reward high geared players with an event that allows them to benefit from farming low level players...ya who thought this was a good idea?! Not to mention the lack luster rewards! i get better rewards big belly fishing at freedich than i do this event! massive disappointment!
We have multiple events that are fully safe. For example, right now we have a festival running.
If you are not interested in the event with a pvp aspect you can skip it or use Tier 1 quests from the event. As you noted it yourself, you'll not lose much as event was added more as a fun event to bring some more activity. Not interested - just pass by.
Nuian delivery point: in a contested zone where Nuians can freely attack Haranyans to defend their courier (and the NPC is inside a peace zone at the trade outlet where it's possible to safely deliver and turn in as soon as you get into the peace radius)
Haranyan delivery point: in a Nuian zone where Nuians can't be attacked (and the NPC is in the middle of the Dewstone shore where Haranyans can be attacked while getting to the NPC, while delivering and while turning in)

I'll check with the Devs if that was intended or just an overlook. Do you have a better suggestion of the location for them to be more relevant?
I'll check with the Devs if that was intended or just an overlook. Do you have a better suggestion of the location for them to be more relevant?

I believe it's Ynystere on Haranya side, right? So how about Cinderstone Moor as it's a comparable zone in regards to community center perks, trade outlet, and events.
or use Tier 1 quests from the event

Would just like to note these can still be fought over if the land delivery for Haranya is Ynystere, as it's also used for Nuian and Pirate deliveries. Unless the Haranya land delivery is elsewhere. I cannot pinpoint it from the info in this thread.
We have multiple events that are fully safe. For example, right now we have a festival running.

The safety thing is only part of the issue. As I pointed out, there are way more packs required for the stealing achievement than people can manage to run for their quest achievements, even while we now have 3 bonus days.

Seems a sad event to motivate people to ruin a quest for someone else 60x for sake of an achievement... Add to that the fact you cant get a new bundle and there's only 14 days to the event. That's a lot of event enjoyment ruined for many people.

This means those who want to steal packs have to bother other players for way more than that the others are allowed to grab packs.

Either lower the steal achievements or allow people to grab new packs if they lose theirs.
Would just like to note these can still be fought over if the land delivery for Haranya is Ynystere, as it's also used for Nuian and Pirate deliveries. Unless the Haranya land delivery is elsewhere. I cannot pinpoint it from the info in this thread.
Ynystere is Tier 2 delivery, when I mentioned Tier 1.