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Honor Socketing Changes Poll

Which Changes would you like to see regarding Honor Point Shop?

  • Honor Gems should have socketing chances in first half stages increased.

    Votes: 15 6.4%
  • Honor Gems should have 100% socketing chance for the first 2 Slots.

    Votes: 12 5.2%
  • Honor Gems should have 100% socketing chance for the first 3 Slots.

    Votes: 99 42.5%
  • Honor Gems should have socketing chances in all stages increased slightly.

    Votes: 112 48.1%
  • Honor Gems should have Refined versions for last tier gems costing 20 000 Honor or more.

    Votes: 97 41.6%
  • Do not make any Honor Socketing Changes !

    Votes: 12 5.2%
  • Introduce Loyalty Mounts/Pets/LunaDrops in the honor shop.

    Votes: 122 52.4%
  • Do not Introduce Loyalty Mounts/Pets/LunaDrops in the honor shop.

    Votes: 29 12.4%
  • Introduce Axis Mundi in the honor shop.

    Votes: 92 39.5%
  • Do not Introduce Axis Mundi in the honor shop.

    Votes: 38 16.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
It is known that Most other gems have Refined versions at 130k Handicraft which greatly increases chances of fully socketing an item and with a lot less stress.

Honor gems are punishable, but grind/sink for it should exist if only becouse players would lose interest in attending the events and obtaining honor by pvp overall.And it is not a positive change if players would archieve goals as important as these quickly and afterwards neglect events and or game.

That is why it should be carefully balanced out, by possibly adding Refined Honor Gems which in turn still promote healthy pvp, events and honor sink, but at the same time, provide players with a sense of security.

There were other suggestions as to simply buffing several of the first sockets, or all socket chances slightly overall as well, and it is yet to be determined first what the community considers best the most, so that admins can take that into consideration.

Updated: Additional information can be found at these two links:


This is just a poll to determine general oppinion.
Any new poll is welcome as it can only provide more information as to the subject.
Please post your oppinion in the comments if you can not decide on one from the poll :)
The idea of adding refined honor gems isn't to make them very expensive, it's to make them hard to socket. This would allow for people to be able to spend honor without having to stack it for days, and if lucky get a chance at getting their gems socketed. Others could stack up, buy a lot of gems and just do a long session to get them in.
The idea of adding refined honor gems isn't to make them very expensive, it's to make them hard to socket. This would allow for people to be able to spend honor without having to stack it for days, and if lucky get a chance at getting their gems socketed. Others could stack up, buy a lot of gems and just do a long session to get them in.

Refined gems still do not provide 100% chance to socket, even though its rather high, failing to socket them as well is possible, but all other gems would remain intact, and one would argue to gather at least 2,3 Refined gems as well prior to trying becouse of the ever-existing RNG element.
Still, a few of those gems would anyhow only progress number of gems socketed upwards :)
My reason for saying not to allow axis mundi in honor shop. Merit badges are attached to dailies and the charcoal in-game event. Getting 800 is a huge grind that requires a lot of diligent work. Mundi is virtually the best thing to work towards in merit. It takes about 2months to grind it. If it goes into the honor shop, it will hopefully be 500k honor, otherwise merit is shot...

Alternative...look at all shops and change all of them at the same time. Add vocation speed scrolls to vocation, luckies to merit, etc etc.
The key thing with this is it has to be either or, not both. Having refined gems and increased socket rate doesn't make sense in my opinion.
I happened to notice, there isn't a "Don't change Honor Socketing".
Wouldn't excluding that option, make the poll illegitimate, since you have no way to compare people for vs people against changes.
I happened to notice, there isn't a "Don't change Honor Socketing".
Wouldn't excluding that option, make the poll illegitimate, since you have no way to compare people for vs people against changes.

I was in a rush to create this poll while the server was down for you guys to have something to think about and neglected that fact, thank you for pointing that out. :)
Introduce Loyalty Mounts in the honor shop.

Only mounts or battle pets too? and lunafrost
Lunafrosts not possible atm, but lunadrops might be. I doubt pets could be introduced but i listed it anyhow.

Also, consumables like grimmoires and scrolls should not be an issue to add.
I was in a rush to create this poll while the server was down for you guys to have something to think about and neglected that fact, thank you for pointing that out. :)

Nice to see it made it to the poll :)
Just remember it was added late when counting the votes. Since I doubt a lot of people will "re-vote" the poll after initially closing it.
The key thing with this is it has to be either or, not both. Having refined gems and increased socket rate doesn't make sense in my opinion.

This is orienteering, easier to show some player oppinions via polls, but it does not mean the changes will definitelly be implemented.
Most votes at any segment of the poll should show at least part of community aim, and that info is valuable for admins if they were to decide on any of the changes.
If possible, try to make an global announcement in the game so majority of the player community gets a chance to vote. Leave it open for a few days with an constant global reminder. That way, those decisions would be a server majority instead of just the members of the forums
Lunafrosts not possible atm, but lunadrops might be. I doubt pets could be introduced but i listed it anyhow.

Also, consumables like grimmoires and scrolls should not be an issue to add.
I had voted yes to mount for loyalty and now I have changed my vote to not
HONOR in this game is easy to get several events / arena if they are put mount and pet for honor the price has to be at least 300khonor or even more
I wish I did not have lunafrost / lunastone / battle pet for honor
I had voted yes to mount for loyalty and now I have changed my vote to not
HONOR in this game is easy to get several events / arena if they are put mount and pet for honor the price has to be at least 300khonor or even more
I wish I did not have lunafrost / lunastone / battle pet for honor

We wish to respect player wishes by giving options, but yes, balance in the game needs to be preserved if said items were to be implemented.
Lunafrosts not possible atm, but lunadrops might be. I doubt pets could be introduced but i listed it anyhow.

Also, consumables like grimmoires and scrolls should not be an issue to add.
Please make sure if you add those that you highly consider the UNBOUND serendipity stones too. Those are a huge bottleneck in making high level stat costumes and currently they're really hard to buy.
Please make sure if you add those that you highly consider the UNBOUND serendipity stones too. Those are a huge bottleneck in making high level stat costumes and currently they're really hard to buy.

Balancing out current issues in our economy is being worked on. Serendipity stones might be added to vocation shop to return value to the vocation badges, while for instance raw stone and hereafter would have much to do with Hasla event.
The economy is on a much grander scale than just honor shop, and so much more complicated and easy to destabilise.
Once more, the staff doesn't understand a proposal.


The idea, dear Ryuzaki, was to help gemming. The issue with gems is not the first two or three, everybody is able to get 2-3 gems inside any gear piece. The idea is that the system is retardedly punishing the higher you go, but you absolutely need those gems to be able to stand a chance in PvP. Toughness and Resilience are an absolute necessity. The issue is that people waste tremendous amounts of honour trying to socket something only to see all of the gems disappear. The issue isn't with the first two or three gems.

Having four choices about increasing the odds of socketing a few gems isn't going to solve socketing issues. The only sensible option in this entire poll, regarding gemming, is having refined gems costing 20k. Even then, refined gems are not sure to go in. 20k for a gem that normally cost 770 honour, is a lot, but hey, it'd be a step in the right direction. 10-12k would be a lot more reasonable.

The other choices have nothing to do with socketing and should have been in their own separate polls instead as they have their own merits.

My fear with this clusterfuck of a poll is that we end up with easier socketing odds for the first 2-3 gems but nothing is done beyond that because hey, the third option with the most vote is introducing more pets.
Once more, the staff doesn't understand a proposal.


The idea, dear Ryuzaki, was to help gemming. The issue with gems is not the first two or three, everybody is able to get 2-3 gems inside any gear piece. The idea is that the system is retardedly punishing the higher you go, but you absolutely need those gems to be able to stand a chance in PvP. Toughness and Resilience are an absolute necessity. The issue is that people waste tremendous amounts of honour trying to socket something only to see all of the gems disappear. The issue isn't with the first two or three gems.

Having four choices about increasing the odds of socketing a few gems isn't going to solve socketing issues. The only sensible option in this entire poll, regarding gemming, is having refined gems costing 20k. Even then, refined gems are not sure to go in. 20k for a gem that normally cost 770 honour, is a lot, but hey, it'd be a step in the right direction. 10-12k would be a lot more reasonable.

The other choices have nothing to do with socketing and should have been in their own separate polls instead as they have their own merits.

My fear with this clusterfuck of a poll is that we end up with easier socketing odds for the first 2-3 gems but nothing is done beyond that because hey, the third option with the most vote is introducing more pets.

The poll allows enough freedom of choice and Socketing is closely related to implementing other items in the honor shop, since if refined gems were to be introduced, overall honor would be less spent and honor sink would have to be introduced which Disrep noticed.

Any comments are welcome as well and they will be read.