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Honor Socketing Changes Poll

Which Changes would you like to see regarding Honor Point Shop?

  • Honor Gems should have socketing chances in first half stages increased.

    Votes: 15 6.4%
  • Honor Gems should have 100% socketing chance for the first 2 Slots.

    Votes: 12 5.2%
  • Honor Gems should have 100% socketing chance for the first 3 Slots.

    Votes: 99 42.5%
  • Honor Gems should have socketing chances in all stages increased slightly.

    Votes: 112 48.1%
  • Honor Gems should have Refined versions for last tier gems costing 20 000 Honor or more.

    Votes: 97 41.6%
  • Do not make any Honor Socketing Changes !

    Votes: 12 5.2%
  • Introduce Loyalty Mounts/Pets/LunaDrops in the honor shop.

    Votes: 122 52.4%
  • Do not Introduce Loyalty Mounts/Pets/LunaDrops in the honor shop.

    Votes: 29 12.4%
  • Introduce Axis Mundi in the honor shop.

    Votes: 92 39.5%
  • Do not Introduce Axis Mundi in the honor shop.

    Votes: 38 16.3%

  • Total voters
Many votes are already in, and i will not change anything becouse a few players supporting eachother idea simply do not like the results.
Results are not based on other choices, but on what is the general oppinion on each of these possibilities.

You are making it seem complicated, when it really ,is not.

If you would listen to the community 9 out of 10 forum posts listed here are saying your poll is flawed for various reasons and should not be looked at. Its clear like I've stated above you dont understand why or how these changes should take place and should leave it to the community to express what they want. Instead of fixing the missdirection from disreps forum post you locked it, butchered his constructive idea and have now brought us back to floor zero. Congrats! Next mods please this kids worse than the last one!

Time spent to edit images and write down random numbers is not viable concept, especially taking into consideration, that items suggested are many scarcity high-cost mounts, pets, lunastones, costume materials and consumables that would destroy any other relation with currencies other than honor points. To top it of with an Axis Mundi, one of most rare items in the game, is more than enough proof to not take it seriously.

Only correlation that is objective is increasing chances for all players to participate in pvp based on their activity earned honor other than fully rng dependant socketing system.
And related to some items being added to the honor shop, if realistic prices were to be determined, than maybe some of the common consumable ones will be introduced, together with Serendipity and Lunadrops with high prices to be able to make up the honor sink being reduced from buffing honor gem socketing.

This is just a poll, most of the information is in two other threads that were being discussed on for days, and together with all the comments and suggestions, it is all still sketchy as to the complete image of update that would be acceptable.

Some information was gathered already and i am eager to see a poll made by community regarding socketing and item implementation in honor shop.That way we could compare results that occured here and in the future :)

If i may suggest, for community made poll you should widen the range of prices related to Refined gems since players are especially interested in those, but not limited to how many votes went into players simply wanting other socketing changes proposed, or none at all.

It is easy to be subjective.
Allowing players to progress much faster, is not the way since many might lose interest in the game, but making socketing less stressfull, though still as a high goal via other means of grind is something that might go through the development team.

The Axis Mundi, Loyalty Mounts and Pets is a stretch, and highly unlikely for those items to be implemented.
I simply wanted to see player oppinion, but it is almost certain that Axis Mundi will be either in RNG Boxes ,or Reward in the future events if ever copied from merits. Loyalty Mounts and Pets are highly reserved for boxes.
And serendipity stones have been suggested to be added in the vocation shop already. But it might be a possibility for it to exist in honor shop as well if balance between honor and vocation could be found based on economy.

Once community made voting poll is up, i will archive this one and we will compare votes from both.
There is no need for rush since these changes will need to be reviewed for some time.

Good luck and thank you for your input.
I think I see the problem here, there is no buffs listed in the options and I know that is all some wanted to get out of this, some buffs from the honor shop and maybe something to sell and get gold.

>inb4 outraged PMs to the admins to take down Ryuzaki as forum mod like with the others
You guys realize you can vote on multiple options right?

I still stand by my first thoughts about this game though. Dump RNG, get better game.
This poll seems fair enough, tho dunno why is bby even complaining since he is the 2 best geared player in the game and I think that many of the people complainging here must be close to end game and wanting to get the few gems missing in their gear, I think this was never about pvp balance but greed over the last few gems that are hard to slot and getting stuff from loyalty and merit shops while only pvping all day.

This poll shows pretty much all the options that were discussed but instead of making it a yes/no thing it opens up the spectrum, which is better to get a general idea instead of just a "gimme all this!" kind of poll, tho like someone said before, this poll should be brought to the whole server through in game messages or in the game launcher, also pin it in the forums so it is more visible.
the fact that the geared players that are full gemmed are the ones talking the most on these threads has nothing to do with greed. they invested the most, and want to see people below them that didnt stick around so they keep having people to fight with all the gear they swiped. i have a full divine buff and divine ayanad staff. i have full gems in almost everything and i had to grind my ass off to get them. i would LOVE to see it made easier for players with less than i currently have so i have more people coming out to pvp against.

Time spent to edit images and write down random numbers is not viable concept, especially taking into consideration, that items suggested are many scarcity high-cost mounts, pets, lunastones, costume materials and consumables that would destroy any other relation with currencies other than honor points. To top it of with an Axis Mundi, one of most rare items in the game, is more than enough proof to not take it seriously.

Only correlation that is objective is increasing chances for all players to participate in pvp based on their activity earned honor other than fully rng dependant socketing system.
And related to some items being added to the honor shop, if realistic prices were to be determined, than maybe some of the common consumable ones will be introduced, together with Serendipity and Lunadrops with high prices to be able to make up the honor sink being reduced from buffing honor gem socketing.

This is just a poll, most of the information is in two other threads that were being discussed on for days, and together with all the comments and suggestions, it is all still sketchy as to the complete image of update that would be acceptable.

Some information was gathered already and i am eager to see a poll made by community regarding socketing and item implementation in honor shop.That way we could compare results that occured here and in the future :)

If i may suggest, for community made poll you should widen the range of prices related to Refined gems since players are especially interested in those, but not limited to how many votes went into players simply wanting other socketing changes proposed, or none at all.

It is easy to be subjective.
Allowing players to progress much faster, is not the way since many might lose interest in the game, but making socketing less stressfull, though still as a high goal via other means of grind is something that might go through the development team.

The Axis Mundi, Loyalty Mounts and Pets is a stretch, and highly unlikely for those items to be implemented.
I simply wanted to see player opinion, but it is almost certain that Axis Mundi will be either in RNG Boxes ,or Reward in the future events if ever copied from merits. Loyalty Mounts and Pets are highly reserved for boxes.
And serendipity stones have been suggested to be added in the vocation shop already. But it might be a possibility for it to exist in honor shop as well if balance between honor and vocation could be found based on economy.

Once community made voting poll is up, i will archive this one and we will compare votes from both.
There is no need for rush since these changes will need to be reviewed for some time.

Good luck and thank you for your input.

We already agreed that pets and mounts are of the lowest priority out of everything on that list, at the end of the day not many people are upset that those wouldn't be included. However I have a big issue with what you said, which was
To top it of with an Axis Mundi, one of most rare items in the game, is more than enough proof to not take it seriously.

This strikes me as extremely alarming. The whole reason they changed merged merit badges with other currency in 4.0 was because the system was garbage, they just realized it too late. Just because something is "super rare" doesn't mean it has any place being that rare. What you also have to understand is that this server has far less players and access to these rare items because of no alts. Not having access to alts is more detrimental to this server than you think, as previously explained with loyalty, luckies and what not. It may make sense on a live server to keep these items heavily time gated, because they had a larger player pool to pull from, but this is not the case here. This is a private server.

You then said,
but it is almost certain that Axis Mundi will be either in RNG Boxes ,or Reward in the future events if ever copied from merits

This is even worse. If you put Axis Mundi in rng boxes you will kill the population. Not because it's easier to get, but because you denied a way to farm said cape, with in game mechanics, then put it in a box for money. That is not ok, and alot of people will heavily question the morals of this sever.

We have played this game for a very long time, letting trion and XL do what ever they want, and having them ignore the concerns of people who spend all of their time on this game. Please don't do the same. We are more than willing to talk about this and compromise on prices, but don't take us for fools.


Time spent to edit images and write down random numbers is not viable concept, especially taking into consideration, that items suggested are many scarcity high-cost mounts, pets, lunastones, costume materials and consumables that would destroy any other relation with currencies other than honor points. To top it of with an Axis Mundi, one of most rare items in the game, is more than enough proof to not take it seriously.

Only correlation that is objective is increasing chances for all players to participate in pvp based on their activity earned honor other than fully rng dependant socketing system.
And related to some items being added to the honor shop, if realistic prices were to be determined, than maybe some of the common consumable ones will be introduced, together with Serendipity and Lunadrops with high prices to be able to make up the honor sink being reduced from buffing honor gem socketing.

This is just a poll, most of the information is in two other threads that were being discussed on for days, and together with all the comments and suggestions, it is all still sketchy as to the complete image of update that would be acceptable.

Some information was gathered already and i am eager to see a poll made by community regarding socketing and item implementation in honor shop.That way we could compare results that occured here and in the future :)

If i may suggest, for community made poll you should widen the range of prices related to Refined gems since players are especially interested in those, but not limited to how many votes went into players simply wanting other socketing changes proposed, or none at all.

It is easy to be subjective.
Allowing players to progress much faster, is not the way since many might lose interest in the game, but making socketing less stressfull, though still as a high goal via other means of grind is something that might go through the development team.

The Axis Mundi, Loyalty Mounts and Pets is a stretch, and highly unlikely for those items to be implemented.
I simply wanted to see player oppinion, but it is almost certain that Axis Mundi will be either in RNG Boxes ,or Reward in the future events if ever copied from merits. Loyalty Mounts and Pets are highly reserved for boxes.
And serendipity stones have been suggested to be added in the vocation shop already. But it might be a possibility for it to exist in honor shop as well if balance between honor and vocation could be found based on economy.

Once community made voting poll is up, i will archive this one and we will compare votes from both.
There is no need for rush since these changes will need to be reviewed for some time.

Good luck and thank you for your input.

look, everyone needs to chill out, youre right. but theyre not wrong that this poll is set up poorly. you mention disreps poll only being yes or no and not specifying which things people actually voted yes for, but then you blend loyalty mounts/lunadrops/pets together into one category of vote. why? just because theyre only accessible from the same currency currently? the mounts and pets are no where near as important for the purpose of these changes (PvP encouragement, fairness to players across gear gap) as lunadrops/luckies/synthium are. you addressed luckies with boss drops a bit, and are continuing to address them with hasla, so thats fine to leave that out. but what about lunadrops and synthium? sure synthium is in RNG boxes. and tbh im not gonna get butthurt about you putting that behind a paywall bc costumes have ALWAYS been paywall. but itd be nice to see them not be. but the lunadrops? those practically dont exist in the game to anyone but the biggest whales. some of them were in an rng box but guess what whales buy those not average players. really i dont care if any of the three get put in the honor shop if youre going to keep rng boxing them, but if you stop putting them in RNG boxes then theyre practically inaccessible to anyone but the richest. leaving all 3 where they are at least can be defended because changing how you get them really devalues loyalty, and loyalty is generated by playing, which generates revenue for you. not going to tell you to not encourage the things that make you money without gouging us. i personally dont think axis mundi being 800 merit is absurd just because i value nothing else in the merit shop, but i dont think putting it in the honor shop for 200k or something is going to break any systems

really my biggest issue is the only being able to vote for 3 things, and having votes for yes and no for one thing, but not having a vote at all for things that people REALLY WANT like grimoires in honor shop. then there are a lot of changes in these polls that almost no one wants. like the loyalty mounts and pets in honor shop. almost no one actually cares about that being implemented. ive read every comment on every thread about this and earnestly participated in the discord and teamspeak discussions about it. those are the things people want the least. they SHOULD have lowered prices because as of right now no one except for 0.001% would ever buy them, but you are right, axis mundi cannot be something you only need to grind 5 days of honor in order to get.

you're right theres not really much of a point in flipping out about the poll setup since its unlikely the admins will make changes purely based off poll results, but for you to say that disrep did nothing but throw random numbers on pictures is pretty asinine. not just because hes a friend and guildmate of mine will i defend him, but because he actually cares about the game, put days and days of effort into what he put together, listened to hundreds of peoples opinions, and THEN put together a post about it. you are 100% right the poll he put on that thread should have had multiple options so we could get a realistic picture of WHICH changes people want put in and not just "yes we want these changes" or "no fuck this" with no clarity as to why specifically people are voting one way or the other. and i get youre frustrated from getting flamed unnecessarily, but lol you with one post have derailed your reputation as a forum mod in a lot of peoples eyes permanently. like ulfnaor and that other guy did with trolling peoples earnest questions when they had your job, you need to think before you rage post with passive aggressive insults. you do a better job at controlling yourself than the others did, despite some of the unfair flame you get, but cmon.
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This poll seems fair enough, tho dunno why is bby even complaining since he is the 2 best geared player in the game and I think that many of the people complainging here must be close to end game and wanting to get the few gems missing in their gear, I think this was never about pvp balance but greed over the last few gems that are hard to slot and getting stuff from loyalty and merit shops while only pvping all day.

This poll shows pretty much all the options that were discussed but instead of making it a yes/no thing it opens up the spectrum, which is better to get a general idea instead of just a "gimme all this!" kind of poll, tho like someone said before, this poll should be brought to the whole server through in game messages or in the game launcher, also pin it in the forums so it is more visible.

Bby is complaining because even though he's one of the most geared people in the game, he want's to see other people have a chance. The fact that someone who is already full gemmed, and probably wasted more honor than most of us has gained should show you how good this would be for the game. As it's been said before, being full gemmed isn't a luxury, its a necessity to pvp.

Things from the loyalty and merit shops were added as an increased honor sink, as well as a smarter way to gain said items. This isn't a live server, things that work there will not work here. There was a far bigger player pool to pull from, as well as alts, so things like Axis Mundi were more readily available to the general public. Here? Not so much. Same can be said for serendipity stones. More people + alts = more stones that get put into the game.

This is a private server, things need to be adjusted to fit the needs of a private server. Trion and XL had their chance to run their game, and failed. It's time to make a change.
Bby is complaining because even though he's one of the most geared people in the game, he want's to see other people have a chance. The fact that someone who is already full gemmed, and probably wasted more honor than most of us has gained should show you how good this would be for the game. As it's been said before, being full gemmed isn't a luxury, its a necessity to pvp.

Things from the loyalty and merit shops were added as an increased honor sink, as well as a smarter way to gain said items. This isn't a live server, things that work there will not work here. There was a far bigger player pool to pull from, as well as alts, so things like Axis Mundi were more readily available to the general public. Here? Not so much. Same can be said for serendipity stones. More people + alts = more stones that get put into the game.

This is a private server, things need to be adjusted to fit the needs of a private server. Trion and XL had their chance to run their game, and failed. It's time to make a change.
I think he is complaining because there is no sight of the buffs yall wanted to get out of this, like I said, some dont care about the gems and will be happy just by getting the buffs for honor, also, bby is not fully gemmed, some gems missing in his nodachi and the top I think so he still has some progression to do and with 100% he would get that without risk of losing all the gems he already got.
Smarter way to get things that you should by doing easy dailies and loging in? I think you are just thinking short term, instead of asking for the instant gratification think progression, thats how mmos work and forget the alts, the game is not designed around people having mutliple accounts, welcome to the korean grind my friend.
Also, without server data you wouldnt know if anything needs to be changed, you may like some things to be changed, but that is subjective and has no base on anything that might not be working in the game, thought some of the changes you propose could actually break things.
I think he is complaining because there is no sight of the buffs yall wanted to get out of this, like I said, some dont care about the gems and will be happy just by getting the buffs for honor, also, bby is not fully gemmed, some gems missing in his nodachi and the top I think so he still has some progression to do and with 100% he would get that without risk of losing all the gems he already got.
Smarter way to get things that you should by doing easy dailies and loging in? I think you are just thinking short term, instead of asking for the instant gratification think progression, thats how mmos work and forget the alts, the game is not designed around people having mutliple accounts, welcome to the korean grind my friend.
Also, without server data you wouldnt know if anything needs to be changed, you may like some things to be changed, but that is subjective and has no base on anything that might not be working in the game, thought some of the changes you propose could actually break things.
We didnt ask for focus gems to be changed, we asked for resilience and toughness, which has nothing to do with his weapon.

The korean version is less grindy than our version, I explained this earlier. They have triple the rates that NA did.

I'm going based on constant complaints that i've seen from the start of the game, from live to this server. I would never propose a change based on my own selfish position. Could you explain how increased socket rates, but having buffs as an honor sink would break the server? I was never clear on why it would do that.
The Axis Mundi, Loyalty Mounts and Pets is a stretch, and highly unlikely for those items to be implemented.
I bet you would've been fine if the suggestion was to put them on the cash shop.
I simply wanted to see player oppinion, but it is almost certain that Axis Mundi will be either in RNG Boxes ,or Reward in the future events if ever copied from merits. Loyalty Mounts and Pets are highly reserved for boxes
Oh, it's right there in the next sentence.
We didnt ask for focus gems to be changed, we asked for resilience and toughness, which has nothing to do with his weapon.

The korean version is less grindy than our version, I explained this earlier. They have triple the rates that NA did.

I'm going based on constant complaints that i've seen from the start of the game, from live to this server. I would never propose a change based on my own selfish position. Could you explain how increased socket rates, but having buffs as an honor sink would break the server? I was never clear on why it would do that.
Simple, currently the honor sink has no limit, you will hardly ever see someone completelly gemmed and like some said here they can go through hundred thousands of honor without getting all the gems or any for that mater.
So if you remove this limitless honor burn you will eventually have people sitting on stockpiles of buffs, mounts or whatever else you may put in the honor shop, make this things tradeable and you will get a new source of gold too, honor for gold, cheapest gold you can get as you need nothing but to attend some events and enter arenas, not even win, just go in there. This are some considerations but I am sure there are plenty more the more we look, even 10% higher chance to socket gems will have an impact and we can argue for days on what could happen but without data to make projections it is just hot air.
we can argue for days on what could happen but without data to make projections it is just hot air.

pause. you're making it sound like were asking to change the cooling rate on a nuclear reactor. its a game. on a private server. were asking for it to be adjusted to reflect the fact that its a low population server without alt accounts. you cannot acquire as much loyalty/merit badges/labor/honor because you can only have one account, where on live there were hundreds of people with hundreds of accounts that stockpiled those things. this server is in desperate need of an economic twist and a new source for certain goods.

the honor socketing has already been changed by xl on their current version. were only asking to make a change that reflects the fact that even trion acknowledged it as a broken system after all that time, in efforts to encourage players who are behind to catch up, and ease frustration of current players with bad luck gemming.
pause. you're making it sound like were asking to change the cooling rate on a nuclear reactor. its a game. on a private server. were asking for it to be adjusted to reflect the fact that its a low population server without alt accounts. you cannot acquire as much loyalty/merit badges/labor/honor because you can only have one account, where on live there were hundreds of people with hundreds of accounts that stockpiled those things. this server is in desperate need of an economic twist and a new source for certain goods.

the honor socketing has already been changed by xl on their current version. were only asking to make a change that reflects the fact that even trion acknowledged it as a broken system after all that time, in efforts to encourage players who are behind to catch up, and ease frustration of current players with bad luck gemming.
It may not seem like much but this game is comprised of several systems that make an economy that is balanced around the goods and currencies, flood the market with any of them and it will affect the whole economy, its a game ye, but its not tic-tac-toe.
like I said before, the game is not designed around alt accounts and a lower population than in other places means just that it may take more time to aquiere some things, patience, young padawan.
As for changes in other versions of the game, we are not in those versions, whatever changes may have been made were made along with a bunch of other changes, so no, just because something changed in 4.0 doesnt mean it should be changed in 2.9.
It may not seem like much but this game is comprised of several systems that make an economy that is balanced around the goods and currencies, flood the market with any of them and it will affect the whole economy, its a game ye, but its not tic-tac-toe.
like I said before, the game is not designed around alt accounts and a lower population than in other places means just that it may take more time to aquiere some things, patience, young padawan.
As for changes in other versions of the game, we are not in those versions, whatever changes may have been made were made along with a bunch of other changes, so no, just because something changed in 4.0 doesnt mean it should be changed in 2.9.
Do you idea is to kill the server by letting it be like Trion's, that sure sounds great.
We didnt ask for focus gems to be changed, we asked for resilience and toughness, which has nothing to do with his weapon.

The korean version is less grindy than our version, I explained this earlier. They have triple the rates that NA did.

I'm going based on constant complaints that i've seen from the start of the game, from live to this server. I would never propose a change based on my own selfish position. Could you explain how increased socket rates, but having buffs as an honor sink would break the server? I was never clear on why it would do that.

Isn't korea like 4.5 or smtn with only one account locked to your ID ??

If is gonna be made right, dont make some fake ass new items in honor shop, do it proper and make sink by makin refined gems cost higher but not freaking 20,30k honor a gem, since u kinda can still fail em, like dunno 10k-15k a refined gem seems aight to me.
I rly think they should add warrior medals for daily login, that way average ppl would kinda still progress towards axis mundi, and those doing events would progress even faster, or freaking return it on the loot table.. we are all full of those crappy haunted chests that drop nothing relevant anymore.

U cant make everyone happy.But u can get rly close if u take all oppinions in consideration.

This is odd to be honest.

Disrep served up a basically perfect thread and suggested change and then you came and completely missed the point/butchered the suggestion to begin with.

I believe disrep adjusted and discussed for over a week before putting up the thread, and you provide this half-a$$ butchered poll and post which misses so much of what was requested, agreed and supported.

Absolutely bizarre.

Wat drugs u been taking? Perfect, wow ,that is so south of perfect its making me itchy just to think what would happen if all RMT guys from discord would get FFA honor gems and axis mundis ,RMT loyalty mounts and other crap that is fckin gated behind other currencies so u fools cant buy it for your $ in one day.Gtfo faker

The crap with all gems failing is bad, but i didnt see any good so solution so far, and this poll is ridiculous, ofc ppl gonna want axis and mounts and everything you give them in easy way ..

The whole point is findin freakin solution on honor not being stressfull and griefing, but get us that warm feelin of arhivement when we gather 50k honor and we know that is gonna gem our shyt up.
But making stuff tradable or cheap is gonna help RMT so ridiculously much is gonna break all records in P2W without ArcheRage having any freaking thing to do with it.
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I just wish I got honor as a healer.....

Whats up with healers, dont they get honor in arenas, i mean outheal dps kind of thing?
It sux u can rarely get kills in DS event as heal tho, that event only for swipers wth 5,6k gs, making them even stronger.
Isn't korea like 4.5 or smtn with only one account locked to your ID ??

If is gonna be made right, dont make some fake ass new items in honor shop, do it proper and make sink by makin refined gems cost higher but not freaking 20,30k honor a gem, since u kinda can still fail em, like dunno 10k-15k a refined gem seems aight to me.
I rly think they should add warrior medals for daily login, that way average ppl would kinda still progress towards axis mundi, and those doing events would progress even faster, or freaking return it on the loot table.. we are all full of those crappy haunted chests that drop nothing relevant anymore.

U cant make everyone happy.But u can get rly close if u take all oppinions in consideration.

Wat drugs u been taking? Perfect, wow ,that is so south of perfect its making me itchy just to think what would happen if all RMT guys from discord would get FFA honor gems and axis mundis ,RMT loyalty mounts and other crap that is fckin gated behind other currencies so u fools cant buy it for your $ in one day.Gtfo faker

The crap with all gems failing is bad, but i didnt see any good so solution so far, and this poll is ridiculous, ofc ppl gonna want axis and mounts and everything you give them in easy way ..

The whole point is findin freakin solution on honor not being stressfull and griefing, but get us that warm feelin of arhivement when we gather 50k honor and we know that is gonna gem our shyt up.
But making stuff tradable or cheap is gonna help RMT so ridiculously much is gonna break all records in P2W without ArcheRage having any freaking thing to do with it.
It is one account per id in Korea, but the way to get loyalty, or lulu coins over there, is way faster. It's not just by logging in. On top of this, like I said it's triple honor rates in Korea, which is still higher than this version.

Why are you talking about rmt? That has nothing to do with suggestions here. Refined gems were suggested, as you see in the poll I don't understand your point.
It may not seem like much but this game is comprised of several systems that make an economy that is balanced around the goods and currencies, flood the market with any of them and it will affect the whole economy, its a game ye, but its not tic-tac-toe.
like I said before, the game is not designed around alt accounts and a lower population than in other places means just that it may take more time to aquiere some things, patience, young padawan.
As for changes in other versions of the game, we are not in those versions, whatever changes may have been made were made along with a bunch of other changes, so no, just because something changed in 4.0 doesnt mean it should be changed in 2.9.
You're assuming that the games mechanics and currency are perfect, which they clearly aren't. Things were changed in 4.0 because they needed to be changed, you don't need to have a seperate version to realize that. Nothing in 3.0 plus was changed honor wise that would suggest that upgrading to 4.0 was a good idea for that state in the game.

Yes the game wasn't balanced around alts, but like I've said about 5 different times, the way to get these items in Korea is far easier than NA. Loyalty doesn't exist over there and honor is faster. Drop rates for things like axis mundi out of haunted chests are higher. All these bullshit changes were NA exclusive, and no one wanted them.