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Honor Socketing Changes Poll

Which Changes would you like to see regarding Honor Point Shop?

  • Honor Gems should have socketing chances in first half stages increased.

    Votes: 15 6.4%
  • Honor Gems should have 100% socketing chance for the first 2 Slots.

    Votes: 12 5.2%
  • Honor Gems should have 100% socketing chance for the first 3 Slots.

    Votes: 99 42.5%
  • Honor Gems should have socketing chances in all stages increased slightly.

    Votes: 112 48.1%
  • Honor Gems should have Refined versions for last tier gems costing 20 000 Honor or more.

    Votes: 97 41.6%
  • Do not make any Honor Socketing Changes !

    Votes: 12 5.2%
  • Introduce Loyalty Mounts/Pets/LunaDrops in the honor shop.

    Votes: 122 52.4%
  • Do not Introduce Loyalty Mounts/Pets/LunaDrops in the honor shop.

    Votes: 29 12.4%
  • Introduce Axis Mundi in the honor shop.

    Votes: 92 39.5%
  • Do not Introduce Axis Mundi in the honor shop.

    Votes: 38 16.3%

  • Total voters
Thank you for coming back to us with an update, we appreciate it!

My concern is the first 3 gems slots are very easy to get, most people's frustration come from the 4+ spots. Would both this change and the refined gem change coexist? Or be separate?

The decision about if those two solutions would be adapted together is left to the dev team to decide, but they would certainly appreciate any further feedback from the community.For now discussion with administration about game changes has been very constructive and they are highly aware of game mechanics and balance, just still waiting to see more feedback from the community prior to any final decisions.

Next concern is the only item that is missing that I will fight to the death for, is serpendipity stones. It doesn't have to be in honor, but there needs to be another way to get that item there is too little people to warrent not having it in another form.

I like the prestige shop type lunagem that could work too.

Serendipity stones as part of vocation shop are going through devs already.

Lunascale Honor gems are an option and they depend primarily on community feedback for now.
People who are posting on here seem to be missing the majority of the key points being made (the portions highlighted in red about the pricing being a suggestion, the fact that we're talking Resilience and Toughness gems only and not focus, things like that). It's pretty disappointing that I have to come in here and back up these guys up. The majority of the suggestions have been well thought out and discussed at length with the interest of supporting -all- players, and more specifically, helping the new players be viable in pvp.

You're not fine until you socket your chest and pants, like these 'non-scrubs' already have.
you seem to be missing the point that it is not about the pricing but the easier socketting in the first place, the arguments for why this is a change needed are very poor, the most common is that scrubs can ahve a better chance at pvp but truth is that 2 or 3 extra gems wont make a diference when you get jumped by a pirate fully gemmed and fully buffed ( including this new grimores ppl want to get from honor ) while say moving packs. Think of the new players you say when teh old players are the ones that benefit the most out of this by being not only able of socketing that last gem, that by the way, in the top 100 only a few have all the gems in, but also get costumes out of honor shop and dont ahve to do guild dalies or farm gildas to get, oh, and rerolls on the stats when they dont like it, all out of the honor shop so they dont have to engage with the other mechanics.
So yeah, im fine without all the gems in because a few gems wont make much of a difference for the average joe, disregarding buffs, grades, swipe power, item types and so on when arguing that this will benefit new players is silly, 2 or 3 extra gems wont make up for months of gear progress or visa power.

@Ryuzaki so making no changes at all is out of the table then?
The decision about if those two solutions would be adapted together is left to the dev team to decide, but they would certainly appreciate any further feedback from the community.For now discussion with administration about game changes has been very constructive and they are highly aware of game mechanics and balance, just still waiting to see more feedback from the community prior to any final decisions.

Serendipity stones as part of vocation shop are going through devs already.

Lunascale Honor gems are an option and they depend primarily on community feedback for now.

Happy to hear about this. Keep us updated please, we appreciate it.
there are 3 options on the pole to request no changes at all. You check all 3 to vote for no changes.
ye but on his last update on the options for gemming its seems that its one change or the other but no "keep it as it is" option
ye but on his last update on the options for gemming its seems that its one change or the other but no "keep it as it is" option
These cover all the options available. They are all options on the pole. by hitting these you are asking to "Keep it as it is"

Do not make any Honor Socketing Changes !

Do not Introduce Loyalty Mounts/Pets/LunaDrops in the honor shop.

Do not Introduce Axis Mundi in the honor shop.
you seem to be missing the point that it is not about the pricing but the easier socketting in the first place, the arguments for why this is a change needed are very poor, the most common is that scrubs can ahve a better chance at pvp but truth is that 2 or 3 extra gems wont make a diference when you get jumped by a pirate fully gemmed and fully buffed ( including this new grimores ppl want to get from honor ) while say moving packs. Think of the new players you say when teh old players are the ones that benefit the most out of this by being not only able of socketing that last gem, that by the way, in the top 100 only a few have all the gems in, but also get costumes out of honor shop and dont ahve to do guild dalies or farm gildas to get, oh, and rerolls on the stats when they dont like it, all out of the honor shop so they dont have to engage with the other mechanics.
So yeah, im fine without all the gems in because a few gems wont make much of a difference for the average joe, disregarding buffs, grades, swipe power, item types and so on when arguing that this will benefit new players is silly, 2 or 3 extra gems wont make up for months of gear progress or visa power.

@Ryuzaki so making no changes at all is out of the table then?

Community, mod, and admin oppinion is in purpose of reaching consensus, or being close to it by the majority, so to find the best solution as to reduce stress, griefing and increase fun and enjoyment of our game we must construct a viable logical and balanced plan as to how these changes would affect rest of the game positively.

And as i mentioned before, the final decision on this rests in development team hands as they are the ones responsible for the health of the server.It would be unfortunate for majority that voted that none of these suggestions are approved, but that is a possibility as well.
These cover all the options available. They are all options on the pole. by hitting these you are asking to "Keep it as it is"

Do not make any Honor Socketing Changes !

Do not Introduce Loyalty Mounts/Pets/LunaDrops in the honor shop.

Do not Introduce Axis Mundi in the honor shop.
Im not talking about the poll options but on his last update on the topic.
Community, mod, and admin oppinion is in purpose of reaching consensus, or being close to it by the majority, so to find the best solution as to reduce stress, griefing and increase fun and enjoyment of our game we must construct a viable logical and balanced plan as to how these changes would affect rest of the game positively.

And as i mentioned before, the final decision on this rests in development team hands as they are the ones responsible for the health of the server.It would be unfortunate for majority that voted that none of these suggestions are approved, but that is a possibility as well.
Fair enough, but like I sugested before, bring this poll to the whole server by ingame messaging or game louncher if you really want to know, otherwise you will have results of whoever happened to come around and stumble on the poll and people who was rallied to come push for this changes.
Im not talking about the poll options but on his last update on the topic.

Fair enough, but like I sugested before, bring this poll to the whole server by ingame messaging or game louncher if you really want to know, otherwise you will have results of whoever happened to come around and stumble on the poll and people who was rallied to come push for this changes.
I don't know if you really want that, because I can definitely tell you that an overwhelming majority of players would want gem socketing to be a lot less punishing than it is, especially when it comes to "... and I put a 4th gem in... and they all break... again...".

What do you know, not a lot of us are playing braindead DRs who live off one shotting others without proper gems.
I don't know if you really want that, because I can definitely tell you that an overwhelming majority of players would want gem socketing to be a lot less punishing than it is, especially when it comes to "... and I put a 4th gem in... and they all break... again...".

What do you know, not a lot of us are playing braindead DRs who live off one shotting others without proper gems.
Obviously having an easier time socketing gems must be rewarding and less stressfull, but I am thinking long term effects on the game due to the change in mechanics around the gems and honor, also I think it is a big acomplishment to get all the gems or even 3 gems in but it wont be much later on if there is no risk.
Thought many love to pvp for the sake of it we have to admit that one important reason to pvp is getting honor so we can have a try to get that extra gem and get that extra pvp edge, we will be removing that need to farm honor through pvp if the gems are made too easy, I think that will actually mean less pvp, some coudl say that people with more gems will go out and pvp more because they have more gems, I dont think that will be the case.
Is it punishing? yes, but so it is easy to farm honor and the gems socketing is not that extreme just to be mean, but to sustain the flow of honor in the game that otherwise would flood it, already said it but consumables wont make up for all the honor saved, but that is just my thought, maybe someone can prove that in the end players wont be sitting on stockpiles of honor, consumables and mounts.
Edit: Also, what constitutes proper gems is subjective, we could also argue that proper gear will be full mythic ayanad and that this should be added as drops in coinspurses so we are not punished having to... play the game to get it, also new players would ahve a better chance at pvp, prove me wrong.
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Obviously having an easier time socketing gems must be rewarding and less stressfull, but I am thinking long term effects on the game due to the change in mechanics around the gems and honor, also I think it is a big acomplishment to get all the gems or even 3 gems in but it wont be much later on if there is no risk.

Everyone here is thinking about the long term effects on the game. What most of us are trying to prevent is the subsequent death of the server due to inactivity because no one can progress through the RNG system. This is the problem I'm not sure you understand. The honor gem system has an upward cap based on the grade of your gear. Empty slots in gear is potential power that is still laying on the table.

Those who have fully gemmed their gear are at the cap. Most of the server are nowhere near the cap due to RNG. Most of the server will never be fully gemmed because they'll stop trying or quit out of frustration.

When you have a system that is so cancerous as to make people leave in droves, something needs to be done. This system was fixed by the original developer years later, after they allowed this and a few other things to nearly kill their game off. It's because they didn't listen to the players, the people who actually play the game.

Thought many love to pvp for the sake of it we have to admit that one important reason to pvp is getting honor so we can have a try to get that extra gem and get that extra pvp edge, we will be removing that need to farm honor through pvp if the gems are made too easy, I think that will actually mean less pvp, some coudl say that people with more gems will go out and pvp more because they have more gems, I dont think that will be the case.

People don't need a currency incentive to pvp. Look at shooter games. Battlefield series, Call of Duty series, Quake, and others. These are very popular without the need of a convoluted RNG progression system, and they have shown year after year that pvp itself is reason enough to play for long periods of time.

ArcheAge is an MMO so progression systems are expected if not desired, but needing a currency isn't a prerequisite for players to want to pvp. In fact, requiring people to break pvp operations in order to do honor events to see if they can beat the RNG machine for one more gem is hurting pvp more than it is helping it. I don't mind the events and I'm glad that they're double honor, but feeling obligated to go every time because you are pretty sure the RNG is going to fuck you next time you try to progress shouldn't be the feeling you get from going to events. It should be, "cool, I have a good chance if I try one more time to progress, and if I don't succeed, it doesn't totally destroy my soul."

Is it punishing? yes, but so it is easy to farm honor and the gems socketing is not that extreme just to be mean, but to sustain the flow of honor in the game that otherwise would flood it, already said it but consumables wont make up for all the honor saved, but that is just my thought, maybe someone can prove that in the end players wont be sitting on stockpiles of honor, consumables and mounts.

They'll still break. It just won't break everything, if we go with the idea that seems to have the most traction. Someone quoted 40-50k honor to fully gem something, on average. Pants, shirt, weapon, at the minimum, would be about 120k honor unless you got lucky. You get 2k honor for your faction events per day. Someone who can make all of the events like clockwork would be able to, on average, fully gem those 3 pieces after about 2 months of play. It's not guaranteed, but that's what the average works out to, roughly.

So what do they do after that? Well, there are several other pieces that you can add gems to. To be honest, it would take someone not swiping a better part of a year to gear up enough in the first place to have something worth gemming. So there's that.

If you're afraid that people won't still go to GR and CR, well, that's one of the easiest sources of boss kills in the game. It comes around like clockwork, and everyone needs boss kills for their dailies. These events could easily survive on that virtue alone without the honor system.

As far as mounts, gliders, and such are concerned, 625 loyalty is ridiculous for this stuff. You get 3 a day, and you get a bonus of 2 every few days. We've already played Trion servers to grind that hard for everything.

Aside from that, who does it hurt more? The player who wants an item and can't get it or the player who has the item and doesn't want others to have it? The ones who have these things and don't want others to get them, well, fuck them, to be honest. My having a pegasus doesn't hurt their enjoyment of the game one bit. And if someone is butthurt that they're not the only ones who get to ride the pegasus around Marianople, I really don't care.

The honor system is much the same. People who are struggling to achieve their goals, whether they're honor gems, mounts, companions, or whatever, will become frustrated. Failing to progress or achieve for a long enough period of time will cause them to quit. I'd rather see honor because abundant and less valuable because people are achieving their goals than to see it rise in value solely because goals are impossible to achieve. Because the latter means you're losing players, and MMOs require a substantial playerbase to function.

Look at Trion's servers. The extreme pay to win and RNG systems killed a vast majority of the playerbase. The company handling it poorly and ignoring the players caused the problems to get worse. Now, it's pretty much a ghost town on my old server. I logged in to liquidate my account and sell all of the gold and items. Mirage had one other player there while I was there during prime time. You check prime time on ArcheRage, and there are people everywhere.

But it won't stay like that forever if people have the constant frustrations that you experience on Trion's servers toward the end-game.

Edit: Also, what constitutes proper gems is subjective, we could also argue that proper gear will be full mythic ayanad and that this should be added as drops in coinspurses so we are not punished having to... play the game to get it, also new players would ahve a better chance at pvp, prove me wrong.

Because that's realistic and well-reasoned. Because everyone here thus far has screamed at the top of their lungs that everything should be easy and free? Is that all you got from this thread? If so, there's no helping you understand.

I would ask how much honor gemming you've actually done. Because the way you talk, you haven't barely scratched the surface of how frustrating it can be. If you haven't considered quitting (or actually quit) because of honor gems, you haven't done it enough.
Everyone here is thinking about the long term effects on the game. What most of us are trying to prevent is the subsequent death of the server due to inactivity because no one can progress through the RNG system. This is the problem I'm not sure you understand. The honor gem system has an upward cap based on the grade of your gear. Empty slots in gear is potential power that is still laying on the table.

Those who have fully gemmed their gear are at the cap. Most of the server are nowhere near the cap due to RNG. Most of the server will never be fully gemmed because they'll stop trying or quit out of frustration.

When you have a system that is so cancerous as to make people leave in droves, something needs to be done. This system was fixed by the original developer years later, after they allowed this and a few other things to nearly kill their game off. It's because they didn't listen to the players, the people who actually play the game.
Your whole argument here is based on "People is going to quit and the server will die!" and I have seen many use this same argument, unless you have some data to back this up it is nothing but a boogyman or fear mongering, you may have some anecdotal experience of friends or whoever ragequitting when failing gemming but people rage quits for whatever reason, being failing a gem, a regrade, losing a fight and so on, so no, I wont take "But the server will die!" as a valid reason for changing a system that currently works and keeps people farming honor.

People don't need a currency incentive to pvp. Look at shooter games. Battlefield series, Call of Duty series, Quake, and others. These are very popular without the need of a convoluted RNG progression system, and they have shown year after year that pvp itself is reason enough to play for long periods of time.

ArcheAge is an MMO so progression systems are expected if not desired, but needing a currency isn't a prerequisite for players to want to pvp. In fact, requiring people to break pvp operations in order to do honor events to see if they can beat the RNG machine for one more gem is hurting pvp more than it is helping it. I don't mind the events and I'm glad that they're double honor, but feeling obligated to go every time because you are pretty sure the RNG is going to fuck you next time you try to progress shouldn't be the feeling you get from going to events. It should be, "cool, I have a good chance if I try one more time to progress, and if I don't succeed, it doesn't totally destroy my soul."
Many guilds will kick members if they dont show up to do content or contest, drop raid to go do GR or CR I am pretty sure is not what guilds that take their raids seriously do, if you feel obligated to do all the honor events that is your prerogative and I dont think that is the case in general so saying that this events hurt pvp is nonsense, try drop anthalon or kraken contest raid to go do CR and see how it goes, if we are talking stealing packs or just pvp on freedich for the sake of it then its all the same, but in the end is up to each one.

They'll still break. It just won't break everything, if we go with the idea that seems to have the most traction. Someone quoted 40-50k honor to fully gem something, on average. Pants, shirt, weapon, at the minimum, would be about 120k honor unless you got lucky. You get 2k honor for your faction events per day. Someone who can make all of the events like clockwork would be able to, on average, fully gem those 3 pieces after about 2 months of play. It's not guaranteed, but that's what the average works out to, roughly.
You are not counting arenas, halcy, luscas, mistmerrow and open world pvp plus any event that may be happening, there is plenty of honor to be had every day past those 2k you mention. I dont know the average honor a player gets daily or how much honor is generated in the server a day, but whatever amount it might be if you make it easier to slot gems you will end up with people sitting on piles of honor and not needing to go do events, arenas, mistmerrow, halcy, luscas and so on, if people goes out to pvp at all will be just for the sake of it once they dont need to farm honor for gems.

So what do they do after that? Well, there are several other pieces that you can add gems to. To be honest, it would take someone not swiping a better part of a year to gear up enough in the first place to have something worth gemming. So there's that.
There are 3 pieces, maybe 4 if dual wield, depending on the grade that is whatever amount of gems, like you say, non swipers are still far form being ready to try to fully slot gems in their gear, so who then is crying about gems being too hard? people that swipes, they already have all their gear and are missing only the thing they cant swipe hard enough to get, honor gems, thought it is possible to pay to get your gear gemmed, it is hardly something common or easy to do in this server, so do we want to have this change made so the visawarriors can get past their honor farming like they did with the farming for the rest of their gear? Why should we?.

If you're afraid that people won't still go to GR and CR, well, that's one of the easiest sources of boss kills in the game. It comes around like clockwork, and everyone needs boss kills for their dailies. These events could easily survive on that virtue alone without the honor system.
GR and CR actually didnt came to mind when thinking on this, I am thinking open world pvp, MM, luscas, arenas and so on, many will not show up to this events or go try to farm some honor in war zones if they dont need to because they already have all their gems.

As far as mounts, gliders, and such are concerned, 625 loyalty is ridiculous for this stuff. You get 3 a day, and you get a bonus of 2 every few days. We've already played Trion servers to grind that hard for everything.
Your math is wrong again, you get 8 loyalty tokens every day.

Aside from that, who does it hurt more? The player who wants an item and can't get it or the player who has the item and doesn't want others to have it? The ones who have these things and don't want others to get them, well, fuck them, to be honest. My having a pegasus doesn't hurt their enjoyment of the game one bit. And if someone is butthurt that they're not the only ones who get to ride the pegasus around Marianople, I really don't care.

The honor system is much the same. People who are struggling to achieve their goals, whether they're honor gems, mounts, companions, or whatever, will become frustrated. Failing to progress or achieve for a long enough period of time will cause them to quit. I'd rather see honor because abundant and less valuable because people are achieving their goals than to see it rise in value solely because goals are impossible to achieve. Because the latter means you're losing players, and MMOs require a substantial playerbase to function.
You are assuming that everyone should get everything they want, how about no? If everyoone gets what they heart desires then there is nothing else to get, why even play anymore?. Some may get lucky and reach their end game, some will swipe really hard and get there before everyone else, and then they will move on when they get bored of playing without any goal left, and that is why honor gems are hard, so there is something worth pvping for always there.

Look at Trion's servers. The extreme pay to win and RNG systems killed a vast majority of the playerbase. The company handling it poorly and ignoring the players caused the problems to get worse. Now, it's pretty much a ghost town on my old server. I logged in to liquidate my account and sell all of the gold and items. Mirage had one other player there while I was there during prime time. You check prime time on ArcheRage, and there are people everywhere.

But it won't stay like that forever if people have the constant frustrations that you experience on Trion's servers toward the end-game.

Because that's realistic and well-reasoned. Because everyone here thus far has screamed at the top of their lungs that everything should be easy and free? Is that all you got from this thread? If so, there's no helping you understand.
You are implying that giving in to whatever the players may ask is a good idea and I am arguing here that giving in to making gems easier is a bad idea and comes from a few players that want to have all the gems because that is all they have left to do.
Also, and I think this is the case for many other players like me, I am playing this server because it is nothng like retail and it will never be, from the start we all ahve patron and such, that change alone make this server completelly diferent from the otehrs and arguing that "Oh but you gonna be like Trino oh the horror!" is a way to try to shame the admins into giving in to player demands, when those demands might actually break the game, but who cares, swipers got their gems after all and are ready to RMT and move on to the next game.

I would ask how much honor gemming you've actually done. Because the way you talk, you haven't barely scratched the surface of how frustrating it can be. If you haven't considered quitting (or actually quit) because of honor gems, you haven't done it enough.
Been playing since Beta, you do the math.
Your whole argument here is based on "People is going to quit and the server will die!" and I have seen many use this same argument, unless you have some data to back this up it is nothing but a boogyman or fear mongering, you may have some anecdotal experience of friends or whoever ragequitting when failing gemming but people rage quits for whatever reason, being failing a gem, a regrade, losing a fight and so on, so no, I wont take "But the server will die!" as a valid reason for changing a system that currently works and keeps people farming honor.

The Trion servers are the example. Countless server merges due to declining player populations. The fact that they changed honor gemming themselves to prevent a full collapse.

Many guilds will kick members if they dont show up to do content or contest, drop raid to go do GR or CR I am pretty sure is not what guilds that take their raids seriously do, if you feel obligated to do all the honor events that is your prerogative and I dont think that is the case in general so saying that this events hurt pvp is nonsense, try drop anthalon or kraken contest raid to go do CR and see how it goes, if we are talking stealing packs or just pvp on freedich for the sake of it then its all the same, but in the end is up to each one.

Did I say anything about tryhard guilds doing pve content in pvp zones? I said pvp.

You are not counting arenas, halcy, luscas, mistmerrow and open world pvp plus any event that may be happening, there is plenty of honor to be had every day past those 2k you mention. I dont know the average honor a player gets daily or how much honor is generated in the server a day, but whatever amount it might be if you make it easier to slot gems you will end up with people sitting on piles of honor and not needing to go do events, arenas, mistmerrow, halcy, luscas and so on, if people goes out to pvp at all will be just for the sake of it once they dont need to farm honor for gems.

None of those things matter to people who have to spend 200k honor and get nowhere. Are you even listening to the discussion?

There are 3 pieces, maybe 4 if dual wield, depending on the grade that is whatever amount of gems, like you say, non swipers are still far form being ready to try to fully slot gems in their gear, so who then is crying about gems being too hard? people that swipes, they already have all their gear and are missing only the thing they cant swipe hard enough to get, honor gems, thought it is possible to pay to get your gear gemmed, it is hardly something common or easy to do in this server, so do we want to have this change made so the visawarriors can get past their honor farming like they did with the farming for the rest of their gear? Why should we?

Whales will get it done. Whales will pay people to fully gem their stuff. The people hurting are the people who can't pay their way to full gems.

GR and CR actually didnt came to mind when thinking on this, I am thinking open world pvp, MM, luscas, arenas and so on, many will not show up to this events or go try to farm some honor in war zones if they dont need to because they already have all their gems.

Yeah, because people with full gems suddenly stop doing all content. Just like people who get mythic weapons on retail just quit because they won now. Everybody I've ever seen tells me all the time, "Yeah man as soon as I get full gems I'm gonna quit."

You can still sell honor stuff even after fully gemming. It's very lucrative. People do it now even.

Your math is wrong again, you get 8 loyalty tokens every day.

Not sure. The 60m clicker thing gives me 3 a day.

You are assuming that everyone should get everything they want, how about no? If everyoone gets what they heart desires then there is nothing else to get, why even play anymore?. Some may get lucky and reach their end game, some will swipe really hard and get there before everyone else, and then they will move on when they get bored of playing without any goal left, and that is why honor gems are hard, so there is something worth pvping for always there.

Didn't say that. People might take you more seriously if you didn't assume they want everything for free.

Honor gems are hard because XLGames loved putting things in the game that kept you grinding. Even they have fixed it now to be less of a pain in the ass. Why can't we move forward earlier than them?

You are implying that giving in to whatever the players may ask is a good idea and I am arguing here that giving in to making gems easier is a bad idea and comes from a few players that want to have all the gems because that is all they have left to do.
Also, and I think this is the case for many other players like me, I am playing this server because it is nothng like retail and it will never be, from the start we all ahve patron and such, that change alone make this server completelly diferent from the otehrs and arguing that "Oh but you gonna be like Trino oh the horror!" is a way to try to shame the admins into giving in to player demands, when those demands might actually break the game, but who cares, swipers got their gems after all and are ready to RMT and move on to the next game.

You're a potato farmer arguing about what is best for pvp players. You're interjecting yourself into a conversation you know very little about.

Been playing since Beta, you do the math.

Alpha founder here, what's up.
The Trion servers are the example. Countless server merges due to declining player populations. The fact that they changed honor gemming themselves to prevent a full collapse.
And you think that the only reason for the low player population of a game that came out in 2014 is the hard honor gems?

Did I say anything about tryhard guilds doing pve content in pvp zones? I said pvp.
If you dont count world bosses contesting as pvp dunno what game you are playing.

None of those things matter to people who have to spend 200k honor and get nowhere. Are you even listening to the discussion?
I am reading but I dont know what you mean here, if people farm 200k honor only doing GR and CR they sure are doign it wrong.

Whales will get it done. Whales will pay people to fully gem their stuff. The people hurting are the people who can't pay their way to full gems.
It doestn matter how much you swipe, honor is not like gold where you have bots farming mobs all day every day, it is a bit more complicated than that with honor so it aint easy to outright buy it and even if someone happens to sell honor they may go through all of it and get not a single gem to charge for.

Yeah, because people with full gems suddenly stop doing all content. Just like people who get mythic weapons on retail just quit because they won now. Everybody I've ever seen tells me all the time, "Yeah man as soon as I get full gems I'm gonna quit."
Dunno about all the content but sure they wont be farming honor anymore so that will be less people in MM, Luscas, Halcy, War Zones, arenas and the rifts.

You can still sell honor stuff even after fully gemming. It's very lucrative. People do it now even.
I think there is 2 items that can be sold out of the honor shop, the 30k honor spark thing and some metal cube, thought people can socket gems on other people's items it is not very reliable as like I said you may end up with nothing gemed after going through all your honor, do they get paid anyway? And the lunasomething aint hard to get so the market for that is prolly really small.

Not sure. The 60m clicker thing gives me 3 a day.
Pay attention and you will see that that 60 mins ticker thingy resets every day and when it does your loyalty goes up by 5, then you click... click.. click and get 3 more.

Didn't say that. People might take you more seriously if you didn't assume they want everything for free.

Honor gems are hard because XLGames loved putting things in the game that kept you grinding. Even they have fixed it now to be less of a pain in the ass. Why can't we move forward earlier than them?
Pretty much everything in the game is there to keep people playing the game, I think it is the whole point of making it in the first place, they run a business, and they dont just "fixed" it, you know they have a bigger grind now right? as in feeding gear to Erenor weaps and armor? they are past the point where they have to keep people grinding for gems and such, now people has to grind for high grade gear to throw at their Erenor stuff, go talk about a sink of anything.

You're a potato farmer arguing about what is best for pvp players. You're interjecting yourself into a conversation you know very little about.
You are assuming too much my friend.

Alpha founder here, what's up.
Can I be your friend? and how come that you been playing since alpha and dont know you get 5 loyalty plus the patron button every day? Thats like... basic you know? gonna have to call BS on your alpha status.
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You are assuming too much my friend.

You said you were a carebear.

Can I be your friend? and how come that you been playing since alpha and dont know you get 5 loyalty plus the patron button every day? Thats like... basic you know? gonna have to call BS on your alpha status.

Haven't paid much attention to it, and I quit for over a year, after 3.0 came out on retail. Some things you forget about. Some things you just get and don't worry about until it builds up. I never really looked into it.

Here's my profile on Trion http://forums.archeagegame.com/member.php?34059-Sociopath which clearly shows a join date of 08-05-2014, 1 month before ArcheAge's release on NA.

Want to prove your beta account?
Can you two stop having a whose bigger contest? I don’t know your names but I’m glad your participating on the forums but if you want have forum pvp go somewhere else please. Atleast be talking about the changes. I honestly don’t understand what either of you is trying to prove but the players that care about making this game better have already voted
Can you two stop having a whose bigger contest? I don’t know your names but I’m glad your participating on the forums but if you want have forum pvp go somewhere else please. Atleast be talking about the changes. I honestly don’t understand what either of you is trying to prove but the players that care about making this game better have already voted

I'm just trying to explain to a carebear who doesn't do gemming why the gemming system is screwed up, and he's worried there won't be enough people to carry him through PvE content that rewards honor if too many people get gemmed and stop doing it.

It's a vicious cycle.

ETA: The funny part is that he finds all of these events he mentions enticing and goes to them, even though he doesn't care about honor gems. Which is interesting... someone worried about people stopping going to events because they don't care about honor while going to events yourself and not caring about honor.

Ah well, it's a dead horse. Only thing left is for the admins to decide how much we get to fight RNG going forward.
Obviously having an easier time socketing gems must be rewarding and less stressfull, but I am thinking long term effects on the game due to the change in mechanics around the gems and honor, also I think it is a big acomplishment to get all the gems or even 3 gems in but it wont be much later on if there is no risk.
Thought many love to pvp for the sake of it we have to admit that one important reason to pvp is getting honor so we can have a try to get that extra gem and get that extra pvp edge, we will be removing that need to farm honor through pvp if the gems are made too easy, I think that will actually mean less pvp, some coudl say that people with more gems will go out and pvp more because they have more gems, I dont think that will be the case.
Is it punishing? yes, but so it is easy to farm honor and the gems socketing is not that extreme just to be mean, but to sustain the flow of honor in the game that otherwise would flood it, already said it but consumables wont make up for all the honor saved, but that is just my thought, maybe someone can prove that in the end players wont be sitting on stockpiles of honor, consumables and mounts.
Edit: Also, what constitutes proper gems is subjective, we could also argue that proper gear will be full mythic ayanad and that this should be added as drops in coinspurses so we are not punished having to... play the game to get it, also new players would ahve a better chance at pvp, prove me wrong.

Honor gem and socketing will never be easy.But it is an aspect of the game that was adapted on live, and we will work on adapting it even better here.Honor sink will always exist as will the need for pvp, and making socketing easier in some ways can co-exist with that.

Please guys relax, no need to argue much, since some changes will be done, and it is in our best interest to make them balanced.
Honor gem and socketing will never be easy.But it is an aspect of the game that was adapted on live, and we will work on adapting it even better here.Honor sink will always exist as will the need for pvp, and making socketing easier in some ways can co-exist with that.

Please guys relax, no need to argue much, since some changes will be done, and it is in our best interest to make them balanced.

Not saying to make it easy, just easier then what it is at the moment.
Sure it's good to have something to grind and work on rather then just PVP i also agree and understand that , just like there's a need for the server to have something has an income and what not. All that is reasonable.

But also bare in mind not everyone can spend 10h a day grinding events and spamming same methods.
And i'm sure i can speak for a fair amount but i'd rather be geared decently for PVP and enjoy the game, while then do the "bigger" improvements and what not , rather then rq mid ways cause everything is too time consuming and requires alot of grind.

Like it has been said multiple times on multiple threads the server , and game itself, has so much potential , but it's still too time consuming .