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How do you praise RNG?


Active Member
It's simple, just leave a picture of how you praise RNG - Be it by means of sacrificing virgins, goats, chickens etc...

I don't sacrifice anything, i just pray to the Plushy Goddess of RNG! (seems to do the trick, sometimes.)

Does it work? I'm asking because I'm not sure which way is better - yours with plushies or my neighbor's:


He had one goat there but it's open to public and... The goat died. So I planted couple potatos for him, to get potato magic working.
Does it work? I'm asking because I'm not sure which way is better - yours with plushies or my neighbor's:


He had one goat there but it's open to public and... The goat died. So I planted couple potatos for him, to get potato magic working.
Perfect! =D hahaha
Talking chicken, rngesus painting, this song and just wait for a good sign in real life.

I remember seeing this on another thread and being positively mesmerized! Wasn't it with a house pick of ur crew praying or something? Good stuff!!