Just a note: Some of my friends and new guild members read the original guide and were a bit confused on the directions, so I decided to create a new guide that would have more detailed instructions on getting their credits rather than having to explain the process multiple times.

So here you guys go.
First you need to create accounts on both Archex and Pixel Game Card to even begin. You also need to have your Archerage account tab pulled up and ready to go. On your Archerage account panel, under donate, look at the card exchanges and look for the amount of credits you wish to purchase.
First: create your account on Pixelgamecard.
Then create your account on Archex and set your language. Mind you, every time you log in, you have to reset the language.
Be aware that their captcha is a little funny sometimes and doesn't put in a valid number. Just refresh your page and it should be fine. Please be sure to read the RULES page so you don't screw up!
Now go back to Pixelgame card and select the Purchase tab at the top of the page. Scroll down until you see the two Payment walls - SuperRewards and Payment Wall. Payment wall is more for using giftcards and e-currencies, while SuperRewards is for Paypal and credit/debit cards. We'll be using Paypal for this demonstration.
When you go into SuperRewards you'll see the range of options you have for this Payment wall, from Paypal to cash. I'll be using paypal, and purchasing $5 for this tutorial. Please keep in mind the rules page. Another note: When purchasing through Paypal, you can only make purchases up to or above $50 ONCE a day.
When you select the amount you want, you'll be pulled into another secure tab where Paypal will authorize the purchase. Then you'll have a pending page, where it takes me generally 2-5 minutes to go through. Do not close this tab until it has finished processing or PGC freaks out and it takes longer to process.
Exit out of this tab and go to your account page (still on PGC). Then scroll down to your recent purchases and click [View Card] on the one you've just made.
You'll see the card information (already been used for this purpose
). Once this has gone through, it's time to head over to Archex.
On the Archex page, click Exchange at the top to begin. You can start an exchange at the Profile page as well, but we're gonna do it like this.
Armed with your PGC, enter in the card's code in the boxes, fill in the capcha code and select the box on the bottom. (Make sure you have read and understand the rules so you don't screw this up!)
If you did everything correctly, this will appear on your screen:
Now to view the actual transaction, go and click Profile at the top of the page. Here you'll see a list of transactions you currently have processing and ones that have been already been completed. When it's processing, it will read "Queue" and when it is done it will read "Completed".The exchange time generally take between 10-15 minutes, so go find some dank PvP while you're waiting. Or go pick your nose, I don't care.
When it is completed, you will need to click on the transaction to view the ShadowCard you have just exchanged your PGC for. Copy the hash given to you and go to the ArcheRage page and log in.
Go to your Account Panel and click the Donate button on your page. Scroll down to the ShadowCard entry and paste your hash into the correct area. Then enter in your ArcheRage account information (like it says) and click Go.
Immediately you will see this:
Note: You will not see the credit purchase immediately on the website, but it will come up immediately in your game. Enjoy your credits!
If you are too scared to do the entire thing yourself, then message me on discord (Jesswii #6568). I do the purchases for a few of my guildies, and send them the hashes.
Edit: Fixed some typos
Edit2: Added links at the top of the post for easy access.
Edit3: Added a link to original guide thread for Archex, just for credit purposes.

So here you guys go.
First you need to create accounts on both Archex and Pixel Game Card to even begin. You also need to have your Archerage account tab pulled up and ready to go. On your Archerage account panel, under donate, look at the card exchanges and look for the amount of credits you wish to purchase.
First: create your account on Pixelgamecard.
Then create your account on Archex and set your language. Mind you, every time you log in, you have to reset the language.
Be aware that their captcha is a little funny sometimes and doesn't put in a valid number. Just refresh your page and it should be fine. Please be sure to read the RULES page so you don't screw up!
Now go back to Pixelgame card and select the Purchase tab at the top of the page. Scroll down until you see the two Payment walls - SuperRewards and Payment Wall. Payment wall is more for using giftcards and e-currencies, while SuperRewards is for Paypal and credit/debit cards. We'll be using Paypal for this demonstration.
When you go into SuperRewards you'll see the range of options you have for this Payment wall, from Paypal to cash. I'll be using paypal, and purchasing $5 for this tutorial. Please keep in mind the rules page. Another note: When purchasing through Paypal, you can only make purchases up to or above $50 ONCE a day.
When you select the amount you want, you'll be pulled into another secure tab where Paypal will authorize the purchase. Then you'll have a pending page, where it takes me generally 2-5 minutes to go through. Do not close this tab until it has finished processing or PGC freaks out and it takes longer to process.
Exit out of this tab and go to your account page (still on PGC). Then scroll down to your recent purchases and click [View Card] on the one you've just made.
You'll see the card information (already been used for this purpose
On the Archex page, click Exchange at the top to begin. You can start an exchange at the Profile page as well, but we're gonna do it like this.
Armed with your PGC, enter in the card's code in the boxes, fill in the capcha code and select the box on the bottom. (Make sure you have read and understand the rules so you don't screw this up!)
If you did everything correctly, this will appear on your screen:
Now to view the actual transaction, go and click Profile at the top of the page. Here you'll see a list of transactions you currently have processing and ones that have been already been completed. When it's processing, it will read "Queue" and when it is done it will read "Completed".The exchange time generally take between 10-15 minutes, so go find some dank PvP while you're waiting. Or go pick your nose, I don't care.
When it is completed, you will need to click on the transaction to view the ShadowCard you have just exchanged your PGC for. Copy the hash given to you and go to the ArcheRage page and log in.
Go to your Account Panel and click the Donate button on your page. Scroll down to the ShadowCard entry and paste your hash into the correct area. Then enter in your ArcheRage account information (like it says) and click Go.
Immediately you will see this:
Note: You will not see the credit purchase immediately on the website, but it will come up immediately in your game. Enjoy your credits!
If you are too scared to do the entire thing yourself, then message me on discord (Jesswii #6568). I do the purchases for a few of my guildies, and send them the hashes.
Edit: Fixed some typos
Edit2: Added links at the top of the post for easy access.
Edit3: Added a link to original guide thread for Archex, just for credit purposes.
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