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Should I invest in VPN 2 play on Private Server?

I know that many games crack down on players that try to play on private servers for one reason or another
I've also heard they get internet providers to blackmark their customers
But it sounds like ArcheRage server has a far larger active player base than the official ones, so I really wanted to give it a shot
& was wondering if I should invest in subscribing to a VPN 'before' downloading & playing
As I'm worried about my Steam account or internet provider getting banned

Is my worry unfounded?
I know certain privately run games found legal loopholes to operate completely legally
So was just wondering, thanks!

I understand your concerns but I don't believe there is much to worry about, I've been on the server as a player for over 5 years and I've yet to experience anything you listed above. If it is something you are truly concerned about I won't dissuade you from using a VPN as overall it is safer to use one when online. There are many players that utilize VPNs on our server to improve latency. I'd recommend looking into "gaming" oriented VPNs if that is the path you choose to take :).

Thanks for checking out our server if you have anymore concerns I highly recommend you join our discord server. Discord