I have played as mage, support, ranged and melee but always end up playing melee for various reasons. What kind of character type is most beneficial in the current update?
Any type is valid for a healthy raid balance, so if you enjoy melee more than the other classes, why not go for that again? Unless that wasn't a main reason for playing melee before.
Any type is valid for a healthy raid balance, so if you enjoy melee more than the other classes, why not go for that again? Unless that wasn't a main reason for playing melee before.
I feel that newer classes provide different niches that may be more in demand than melee which seem to be a large amount of the player base. I decided to go for a support class with spelldance as my main skillset but I might make a gun or bow character later on because those skills seem to have potential.
I was going to go for mage but the skills seemed weak despite the abundance of variety they have. Healers may only have a couple attacks but they're very strong, so I guess I would rather use those.