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Pointer Click Error - Not Going Past "Saving Client Data" Again :(

Having the same issue again with the Easter event patch. Once more stuck on save client data and won't let me hit repair or play (both are greyed out and inoperable).

I have added all exceptions to the security as instructed and I don't have or even use a VPN (never have) and it's not my windows defender, my firewall, or my anti virus (I use basic windows security anti virus nothing downloaded or installed from the internet.)

I have tried deleting cache folders and tried right click running program as administrator and rebooting my PC and trying a fresh launcher install. Nothing is working to fix this. :(

Please help I really don't want to have to reinstall this entire game from scratch as my internet and my laptop are both PAINFULLY SLOW.

I've added as exceptions the following:

Sciter.dll (both x86 and in Working folder)
Launcher.exe (both x86 and in Working folder)
Game_pak (both x86 and in Working folder)
The entire folder of Archerage NA (both x86 programs and main C drive)

Are there any folders or files I have possible missed to add to exceptions? Because I'm pretty sure I got them all.


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So I added both bin64 folders C:\ArcheRage\Working\bin64
C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcheRage NA\bin64
along with all the other needed .dll files and program folders I'm supposed to and still not getting past save client data phase.
It normally moves past that instantly within seconds and then lights up the play button for use. So now I am completely beside myself and don't know what to do. :(

I noticed that the patch update progress doesn't fully complete at each loading bar phase like it should. For example instead of doing all the numbers (number/number) complete it moves on to next downloading phase without filling the entire numbers in. It's like it skips the very last portion of the update numbers. (See pics below)

See how it only goes to certain numbers but doesn't fully complete the downloaded numbers or progress and almost skips it? What is going on with this?


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Temporary fully disable your windows defender and try to update.
Defender as in the firewall or as in the built in Microsoft security (anti virus)? I'll try both just in case and see if it works. Thank you Sparkle. I'll report my findings once I've attempted this.

EDIT: I turned EVERYTHING off. For my firewall, for my defender, and my basic in board Microsoft anti virus security. I even turned off other protection settings for folders, files, apps and download uses and turned off ANY setting that could block anything from coming through.

I restarted my PC and logged back in. Then right click ran the launcher as administrator with ALL protections still turned off. It got A LITTLE bit closer to installing file segments more completely (number/number) and (98/98) but still the LAST part got hung up and did not fully complete the (number/number) to full and still it got stuck on "saving client data...).

Pics below.


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Also just for an extra attempt I turned all protections back on then restarted my computer. Went to my Windows Defender and added new Inbound and Outbound rules for all connections private and public and added x86 ArcheRage Launcher exe and DOCUMENTS-Working ArcheRage Launcher to the list of ALLOW connection.

I also added new Inbound Outbound rules for the bin64 ArcheRage exe file that is there and the one from DOCUMENTS-Working as well. A total of four new Inbound Outbound Defender rules to allow all those EXEs and Launchers for this game.

Still no dice. Still not completely downloading unpacking and installing all number/number files as it patches and updates. It doesn't fill the full bar on some before jumping to the next patch set and doesn't finish those or the very last one. Still gets hung up on Save Client Data...
There's a chance that it's a hdd issue then.
Delete bin64 folder and start launcher.
Also just for an extra attempt I turned all protections back on then restarted my computer. Went to my Windows Defender and added new Inbound and Outbound rules for all connections private and public and added x86 ArcheRage Launcher exe and DOCUMENTS-Working ArcheRage Launcher to the list of ALLOW connection.

I also added new Inbound Outbound rules for the bin64 ArcheRage exe file that is there and the one from DOCUMENTS-Working as well. A total of four new Inbound Outbound Defender rules to allow all those EXEs and Launchers for this game.

Still no dice. Still not completely downloading unpacking and installing all number/number files as it patches and updates. It doesn't fill the full bar on some before jumping to the next patch set and doesn't finish those or the very last one. Still gets hung up on Save Client Data...
It will jump. Its not going to update to every single file change.
The launchers actually doing exactly what it should be and you are not giving it chance to complete.

You don't need to setup firewall rules for inbound and outbound. Just Defender scan exclusions, run the launcher as Administrator and leave it till it completes.
Its not stuck, just some point don't have a progress bar to the user. It just shows as isn't complete yet
It will jump. Its not going to update to every single file change.
The launchers actually doing exactly what it should be and you are not giving it chance to complete.

You don't need to setup firewall rules for inbound and outbound. Just Defender scan exclusions, run the launcher as Administrator and leave it till it completes.
Its not stuck, just some point don't have a progress bar to the user. It just shows as isn't complete yet
I recall you saying that before to the other user who reported having the same issue as me. They let their computer sit for 12 hours waiting on the "Save Client Data..." part and even in 12 hours there was no change and it never got unstuck from that. I'm facing the same thing. I let mine sit overnight a day ago on "Saving Client Data..." and it never budged, never completed, no changes. I don't think the launcher would stay on that one part for 12 to 24 hours if it wasn't stuck, right?

I mean... I'm not trying to shoot down the information you're sharing with me but hear me out...

if the updates and patches always worked fine meaning pretty fast and easy before in the past (even as recent as the Winter festival patch/update for the Holidays right before New Years going into 2024, Dragon Festival) to now this 2024 Easter event patch having sudden strange issues where its taking forever to finish?

I mean that all year long, each and every year, I have no issues with patching/updating.
In fact, it completes within minutes of me sitting there watching it to maybe 25 min at most on all the other patch time events all year long. And yet every year around this time (Easter Event) im having trouble with it yet again.

This has happened consistently every year during your Easter event patching... always does. Thats a pattern and tells me something is wrong with the Easter event patch for some odd reason and it shouldnt be overlooked or blamed on the user. It should be investigated.

Look at my post from last year in this same Client side thread. That issue of mine last year was also around March and the Easter event time from last year. All the rest of the year I have no issues with updating and patching.

Theres something really unusual with that and I feel it should be looked into. Something strange seemingly always happens around that event time of the year and since the other player had the same issue Im glad to know Im not the only one that experiences it and Ill bet there are more people out there besides just us that have this issue

All other times of the year fast decent patching and updating is considered the norm for me with no issues and no troubles. Why just this one always in March with Easter event specifically? And why would it take 12 to 24 to even more hours then that to patch and update if it's never done that before?

Don't you think almost a full day of sitting like that with no changes whatsoever is a bit too much and unreasonable of a wait time for a patch or update to finish and go through for one little event patch/update? I mean at least I think so.

If it's taking that long that must mean something is wrong not on the user/clients side but something is wrong with this patch or update.

I mean there has to be something going on that isn't right for a patch/update for an in game event to need longer than 24/48 hours to patch and complete in the first place.
Surely it shouldn't take that long and it isn't the user/Client simply not waiting long enough for it to finish and complete and as simple as that.
There's a chance that it's a hdd issue then.
Delete bin64 folder and start launcher.
My computer is a bit old by two or three years but it's working fine and no issues with my HDD at all. I have a very healthy PC clean virus free and fully updated through Windows Updates at all times and its a legit Windows 10 OS install on it.

As I told Sjinderson above, patching updating always works just fine for me fast quick and easy until this time of the year and the Easter event patch and update rolls around.

This is around the time of the season I am always having issues with the patches and updates. It's my belief when looking at the patterns and correlations logically that, that must mean it's not an issue with my computer or my anti virus or anything else on my computer.

It seems to be an issue that always pops up yearly with this Easter event patch and update and it happens like clockwork around this time every year there's an issue with it for me and other people are having the issue too for no known reason with their computers working just fine and fully updated and healthy. But I will still try your suggestion.

All I can say is please check with your Dev team who work on the coding for your game to investigate the Easter event patch/update coding and see if they can find a bug by attempting to replicate the issue on windows 8.1 and windows 10 OS computers (desktop and laptop) and see if they can find if there is anything wrong with it that needs to be fixed possibly.

In the meantime I'll try all your suggestions and instructions but surely once you run out of things I can do and try short of completely reinstalling the game from scratch all over again... surely that must mean that if my computer is working fine and in proper order... it's not me or my computer. Logic dictates it's the issue of the Easter event patch and update.

EDIT: Deleted bin64 folders as per instruction and right clicked ran as admin to see if it would finish patching updating properly. No dice. It still got stuck on Save Client Data....

It only takes minutes for this to go through and finish that part in all my other event patch update experiences so if it hasn't budged within minutes of it sitting there like that I can tell it's stuck and hung up on it and not completing.

My fear is that I will wind up deleting this entire game and all its folders and files to do a clean install... and the worst thing of all... it doesn't fix it and so I deleted it all and took all that time to reinstall it from scratch for nothing. But that is now my last resort. I don't know what else to do. :(
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It's still stuck on Save Client Data. I've left it for hours to see if it will progress. Practically all day and all night with all anti virus, defender, and firewall off with computer reboot and deleting cache folders and running as admin. PLEASE HELP. I really want to do the Easter event and I really need to make and pay taxes on my property or I might lose them! Please don't tell me I'm going to having to Uninstall delete this entire game and re install it from scratch just because of this lame patch update that broke something in my launcher. :( I need help please..... :( :( :( :( :(

EDIT: Archerage deleted itself from my trash bin. *growls and facepalms* I did NOT do it. It seriously deleted itself and did not restore when I right click and clicked RESTORE to x86 folder and instead it auto deleted. So now I have NO CHOICE but to re-download the entire game. For hours. With U torrent.

PLEASE FIX THE EASTER BUG IN YOUR PATCH/UPDATE. I'm telling you it's NOT ME and it's NOT MY COMPUTER. It's your patch. It needs to be addressed with your dev team because EVERY YEAR like clockwork this Easter event patch screws up my game and launcher. And only around this time of year with this specific patch.

That means there is a problem with it when with every other patch and update all year round I'm fine except for this one. ITS A BUG in your Easter event patch update code for windows 8.1 and 10 users.
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It's something on your side. No one except you has that magic of self deleting files. Recent server update has nothing to do with it.
Maybe fully delete the game and all folders related to it, then reinstall, readd exceptions and try to start the game.
It's something on your side. No one except you has that magic of self deleting files. Recent server update has nothing to do with it.
Maybe fully delete the game and all folders related to it, then reinstall, readd exceptions and try to start the game.
Had to anyway because the folder that auto deleted out of my trash bin when I clicked RESTORE was a major needed folder I now can't get back. So I'm installing fresh right now. I user Utorrent to download it now I'm running the installer. All Archerage files and folders were completely deleted before I began this new install. I checked carefully on my C drive

I'm just about to give up on this ENTIRE game and let my properties and items go to nether oblivion h*ll and let my toons rot with dust moss and cobwebs. It's not worth this headache.

Again, nothing is wrong with my computer. The only mmorpg game it has trouble with installing, patching/updating, and playing smoothly is your game ArcheRage.

So I really don't know what to say or do either because I've disabled ALL PROTECTION on my PC and my OS is fully updated and running fine with all other games, apps, programs, files, etc etc. It's just THIS ONE game that causes issues for me and nothing else.

I still think the game needs to be checked for bugs in the code that cause issues for players with windows 8.1 and 10 and be reworked to be more fast, efficient, and user friendly despite their old yet still functional and working OS and computer even if still on 8.1 or 10. Not everyone who plays can just go out and buy a brand new computer with windows 11 OS on it.

Some of us *coughs points to self sad but honest face* are poor and cannot afford it but still want to be able to enjoy and play the game until our computers and OS's officially crash and die and just don't bootup or work anymore.

I'd have to save up for a new computer and they are so ridiculously overpriced now and I do not know nor have the skill or money to build my own with parts sadly. :/

But for what it's worth thank you for all the help and support you did try to give me it is appreciated as are you.

Still, I stand by what I said. Nothings wrong with my computer and OS even if it is a few years old. It runs and plays everything else just fine... just not your game. And I have no idea why.