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How 3.5 can help high ping players


New Member
Anyone who plays with ping over 200 knows well that our Damage Per Second and Healing Per Second will always be significantly reduced as the time it takes to do sequential attacks is directly effected by ping, even with the global cool-down finished the next attack wont start for your "ping time later"

This effect is easiest to see with fervent healing I have done significant experimentation with stacking attack speed (0 to around 800) and cast speed and it makes little to no difference because the server doesn't know I have triggered the next attack/heal for my ping time in ms.

3.5 would help so many of us if it introduced a proper skill que to allow attacks to fire off as fast as you attack speed and global cool-down allows. another way would be to change skills like fervent healing to a hold skill that keeps going at your attack speed until the server receives a "stopped holding" message from the client, this differs from the current system employed by triple slash which you can hold but the server waits for another message from the client to keep going which in turn is limited to ping time again.

It would be great if us international players could be a little more competitive and I think you will find there is a lot of us.
Even at 80ms you are at a massive disadvantage, I can't imagine how pathetic it must feel for 100ms+ players. Hopefully there is something they can do.
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Even at 80ms you are at a massive disadvantage, I can't imagine how pathetic it must feel for 100ms+ players. Hopefully there is something they can do.

I play with 15 ping, doesn't matter lol, I still get skill lag