Recent content by skarro

  1. skarro

    Request: Make Thunder Dash's base speed higher than 10 m/s

    I would love to have my Thunder dash have its move speed returned, however i doubt it will be done.
  2. skarro

    Crash on Gladiator Arena confirm

    this just happened to me too. Fancy seeing you here Solara LOL
  3. skarro

    REINDEER GAMES : Upcoming 3v3 Tournament!

    so.. Basically team of ayanad bows on elks wins this right?
  4. skarro

    Who is Who?!

    Just in jail again nothing out of the ordinary ://
  5. skarro

    Bring Sloth To Private Server

    Is there a reason behind not adding it in or?
  6. skarro

    Issue: Every time I log in my UI is reset

    Even after doing this save method, on a sever reset or game crash the chat/UI resets again?
  7. skarro

    Sorcery Theorycrafting PvE / PvP builds etc

    [LEVEL 55] --{ Daggerspell }-- GOD MODE 1v1/2/3 Daggerspell is a trash cheese class for arenas nothing more. do further research into sorc classes before posting again,
  8. skarro

    This might be the current issue (illegal programs ban)

    I never once got the first message just got instant ban hammered for no reason :)