Recent content by Slamdunkatron

  1. Slamdunkatron

    Queen's Purse

    Whoops, it happened again 20 minutes ago. Those pirates sure are crafty little buggers.
  2. Slamdunkatron

    Who are the strongest East and West guilds on the server so far?

    Buying Time healing Me Too outside of the dom, lel. Didn't happen, would never happen.
  3. Slamdunkatron

    Who are the strongest East and West guilds on the server so far?

    Good luck tomorrow with castles everyone! That would definitely paint a better picture for this thread imo.
  4. Slamdunkatron

    WTS Celestial Delphinad Stone Shirt

    WTS : Celestial Delphinad Stone Shirt Defense -263 Magic Defense - 1318 Stamina - 113 Spirit - 75 5k or trade for comparable scepter. Mail Slamdunkatron in game or PM me here. Thanks!