Recent content by tinklepee

  1. tinklepee

    Character speed hacking in Arena

    But slow in the head
  2. tinklepee

    When are we getting these kitties? @Sparkle @IronLady

    Worse than the hackers tbh
  3. tinklepee

    login tracker

    ign: Tinklepee
  4. tinklepee

    Improved scarecrow farm

    Use an evenstone on the design
  5. tinklepee

    I just bought expansion scrolls

    the first like 4-5 expansions use gold then you'll need the scrolls
  6. tinklepee

    Gods have dced me

    Never DC'd before but just happened twice in the past hour
  7. tinklepee

    How's the population?

    Population is good. I think East has more people.
  8. tinklepee

    Contest "ArchRage Roulette"!

    Tinklepee 87
  9. tinklepee

    how to download torrent

    Sounds like you don't have a BitTorrent client installed. I use Tixati (
  10. tinklepee


    Cash shop tree house
  11. tinklepee

    AH issue! Please read!

    30 min pls
  12. tinklepee

    5v5 Honor Adjustment?

  13. tinklepee

    Perma death bugged

    @Skadolle I had the same problem. Dying and waiting out the timer again fixed it.