Recent content by YellowJacketXV

  1. Y

    Storm Sorcerer? I'm trying to compose a storm sorcerer (focusing on good levels of CC mixed with lots of ice/lightning damage and water-themed spells) and this is the best I could come up with in terms of abilities. The theme build would be based...
  2. Y

    How to level from 52 to 55 in ArcheRage in about 90 seconds

    Or you could do what I did and accidentally get into a zerg raid somehow.
  3. Y

    Thunderstruck Trees

    I know the wiki says a thunderstruck tree is literally a tree struck by lightning. Are there frequencies based on location? What is the best way to tilt the odds in my favor? How long on average does it take? I can't afford them on the MP they're so expensive.
  4. Y

    [Newbie] Logical Fallacy

    So what is with the whole "can't collect, craft, or harvest until lvl 52?" How am I supposed to buy and sell on the AH without the ability to even collect raw materials? How am I supposed to gear up without the ability to buy and sell, as I'd never make the funding that I would by being able to...