Recent content by Zhuri

  1. Zhuri

    [Forum Event] ArcheRage fans club

    My favorite place is that beautiful stretch of Halcyona at peacetime; when you've made it through Hellswamp Tension Level 3 with your cheese in tact and you and your cow are headed to market :D. Im driving and my friend stowed along with Bessy. IGN: Itzy
  2. Zhuri

    [Forum Event] House of My Dream

    Greetings from Ahnimar! Hello everyone! I started playing Archerage only about a month ago. After a traumatic event in my life I needed a game that I could sink into; a game that would allow me to progress at a slow but meaningful pace and something where I could be alone but at the same time...
  3. Zhuri

    [Forum Event] ArcheRage fans club

    IGN: Itzy Guild name: Kinda Relevant Description: We are trying really hard.