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  1. B

    [Poll] New tradeable cloak?

    The axis mundi isn't expensive because of being tradeable, it's just aimply how you must obtain it and it being a required material to upgrade cloaks. Most axis mundis I've seen up on the AH aren't imaged, so I don't believe introducing a tradeable will affect the axis mundi market.
  2. B

    [Poll] Ode to Recovery buff change

    Because if it was taken out to affect game balance there was likely a bigger reason. Meeting in the middle would seem like a logical step, followed by a reevaluation later on on whether or not to restore the full 5 seconds. And why not compromise?
  3. B

    [Poll] Ode to Recovery buff change

    Maybe a compromise between the two. Return the buff but cut the time in half; down to 2.5 seconds instead of the full 5 seconds.