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  1. orimagen95

    WTB Divine Axe Obsi

    Pls post here your offer or send me a message here or in game (player ig : Orimagen)
  2. orimagen95

    The server can't no more handle the population

    I see with some friends that when begin the prime time hour (5pm-11pm) the server crash again and again at me and my friends and it's not about the connection internet. Everyday more people come to the server with the big fail of Trion on the official server. I think in one next future, maybe...
  3. orimagen95

    New Mounts

    Hi everyone, i love mount, like rabbit mount or fox with 10 m/s speed. I will be very happy to purchase it against credit on marketplace. It's possible to have it for christmas ? Thanx and sorry for bad english ;)