Search results

  1. Deekay


    I would like to suggest a change in the recipe for the Spellshift Orb, required to upgrade obsidian gear from tier 4 onwards Current crafting recipe with current AH prices: 5 Stone Bricks - 2g 30 Sunset Pearls - 5850g 1 Sunset Pearls - 195g - 30 orange coral - 75g - 30 yellow coral...
  2. Deekay

    [Forum Event] ArcheRage fans club

    IGN: Deekay 1. The gods will search for you 2. The gods will find you 3. And the gods will disconnect you
  3. Deekay

    [Forum Event] ArcheRage fans club

    IGN: Deekay I like yatas because . . . wait . . what are yatas ?
  4. Deekay

    [Forum Event] ArcheRage fans club

    IGN: Deekay Worms are goofy !!
  5. Deekay

    [Game Event] Mirage Isle Races

    Okay . . . so you're telling me there's a "race" type event? Well then . . . keep the gold trophy nice and shiny, I'm coming to pick it up ! =^_^=
  6. Deekay

    [Forum Event] ArcheRage fans club

    IGN: Deekay I'm very high . . . that doesn't sound right . . .