client error

  1. S

    client will patch repeatedly Help me

  2. Megas

    Torrent Download issues

    Hello! I've been trying to download the client since Friday following a merry adventure delving into the depths of this amazing piece of software, trying to get my high back on in game... Unfortunately, this won't do, said the 420 dudes of gaming who I made up, you just won't play soon enough...
  3. T

    Downloading the latest file list error

    Since the update I can no longer play the game. Reinstalled using torrent, the error persists.
  4. F

    Failed to load game data error

    i have tried reinstalling and repairing the client. i also have my fire wall turned off and made an examption in my antivirus for archrage but im still getting the bug. Has only been happening since the 16th of the 4th 2018 when i got dced and im guessing there was a server update
  5. Prudente

    Version check error!

    Hello, i'm having trouble, as the title says, with the version of the game. I've tried to search in the forum for possible solutions but none were helpfull to my case. Also tried to open as administrator and to reboot my computer. I didnt want to download the game but if that's the only solution...