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ArcheRage Wiki: Release + Update #1


Staff member

Dear ArcheRagers,

I'm happy to inform you, that ArcheRage Wiki is now available!

You can find ArcheRage Wiki at: https://wiki.archerage.to/

This is just the first stage and we'll continue to develop it.

Below more info about our Update #1.




For it choose Tools --> Skills Calculator
Can also be found at: https://wiki.archerage.to/tools/skills-calc

Information is based on the current game patch and will be auto-updated, so you can always find up to date info there.


For it choose Schedules --> Events
Can also be found at: https://wiki.archerage.to/schedules/events

There you can find main active events and check time left till the start, as well as add alerts for events you'd like to visit.
Looks rly good :) found with the Skill Calc a little bug
it mixed up the skill trees and dont refresh the right frame :)

Is it possible to match events schedule to our exact time zone please?
Because its gonna be annoying to convert it everytime we check the schedule or just see the countdown

Like archeragetools by Dyani its better because every time we open it, to check whats next event, its exact time with our timezone. Ty
Is it possible to match events schedule to our exact time zone please?
Because its gonna be annoying to convert it everytime we check the schedule or just see the countdown

Like archeragetools by Dyani its better because every time we open it, to check whats next event, its exact time with our timezone. Ty
We'll add that.
If possible, it would be really nice if you could add timers an alarm (if you have a way to detect when they spawn) for other rift bosses needed for the racial line, like Zaldrane.
If possible, it would be really nice if you could add timers an alarm (if you have a way to detect when they spawn) for other rift bosses needed for the racial line, like Zaldrane.
Events/Bosses with random respawn timers can’t be included there.
I guess best thing to do is have a place where people can write down when a boss was killed so other people can read. Maybe some already do that in their discord servers.
With those bosses having respawn time range and not fixed timers knowing when it dies is unlikely to help you when they can have up to 6h respawn windows after an initial amount of time has passed.