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  • Hi, im been asking questions about low level quests and so far i got a little vague answer.
    Can you help me please?
    Hello Sjinderson, I made a ticket last night about a "client modified" bug that flagged me for cheat software. I really love this game and can't wait to get back in and do stuff with my guild and family. Could you look into my ticket for me? My in-game name is <<Haetae>>. The ticket number is 7032417290. I am just really nervous I am going to lose my account over some corrupted files or something.
    hey im think about coming back to your game is there any way i could get a none trabe set of healer gear i dont cear if it shit just somthing to start me up again dont really know anyone on it and its hard to farm gear when your a healer with no gs plz i miss the game but hard to start from nothing when ur a healer
    No staff cannot give you any free gear to start you off
    brave they added a support pack thing now
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