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Archeum RNG Boxes should be removed immediately

What should be done with the crates?

  • Nothing, theyre fine as is

    Votes: 51 50.5%
  • Remove them

    Votes: 40 39.6%
  • Increase price

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Change rewards

    Votes: 9 8.9%

  • Total voters
I'm super against P2W items, but I'm not really sure how this type of box is deemed to be P2W, the RNG of obtaining archeum & charms from them is similar to the RNG of obtaining dust out of purses. Besides if it drives the price of charms down more regrading for me as a normal F2P player.

if whales want to spend tons of money to crash the market let them, it just makes it easier for me to play on a server like this.

The REAL culprit of P2W in Archeage came when the devs started adding items with OP abilities that not everyone had access too. I want to see everything here stay on a balanced playing field, and hopefully they will avoid adding broken items.
I opened 10 packs using 1k I bought off a guy, 2 green charms, 2 blue, one red, one sup red, bunch of crystals, 15 dust. Seems pretty average from what i've seen.
we're not saying its ded yet, but overtime, its gonna get worse. You'll see
Then leave before it gets worse. They'll only change their business practices if they start losing money, that's how it works.
Also technically only the larceny profession has been cucked by this rng box, find another source of income. It's that simple.
Then leave before it gets worse. They'll only change their business practices if they start losing money, that's how it works.
Also technically only the larceny profession has been cucked by this rng box, find another source of income. It's that simple.
This is nonsense. Why do we leave BEFORE game will be bad? Mark bad things is important. Or do you think somebody will change any broken thing without detect it? If you don't have opinion you accept the current (bad) version. RNG boxes and flood market with cash shop resources are wrong things. Don't repeat Trino's mistakes!
This is nonsense. Why do we leave BEFORE game will be bad? Mark bad things is important. Or do you think somebody will change any broken thing without detect it? If you don't have opinion you accept the current (bad) version. RNG boxes and flood market with cash shop resources are wrong things. Don't repeat Trino's mistakes!
You leave because you've been constantly complaining yet nothing has changed, that simple.
Money talks, not opinions. If this archeum box is selling like crazy then whoever runs the server thinks that it is okay to release them again whenever they want.
Your opinion isn't fact, just because you don't like this current version doesn't mean it's bad. Could it be better? For sure, anything that you can think of could always be better. But it's not bad just because you said so.

Trion's mistakes fucked their servers because players got tired, but only reason it got so bad was because players bought everything they put out until they got exhausted from it.
They implemented archeum boxes cause people have been complaining about wanting RNG boxes.

People don't want p2w, but people are okay with something that makes things cheaper. People want that easy welfare.
I'd rather have the RNG boxes have the same loot tables but minus the archeum drops.
Things like charms which are already on the cash shop are fine I suppose, if there's really a big outpouring for luckies, sure, but such a general gameplay-use item being dropped in them is kinda uncomfortable, even if it just serves to lower the prices overall.
I think these boxes are pretty good. I for one hate using yellow charms so I'm glad reds are in. I'm glad that regrade scrolls and Lucky's are not in the box.
People want enough cash shop items to make things cheaper on the market for them, but not too many good items so that whales can get ahead.
you people defending red regrades and super reds are blowing my mind. Do we exist in same universe???? reds are outright busted and making them a CASH SHOP RNG ITEM is disgusting. Yea if they were on general merchants for 50g or somthing SURE, but as it is currently its P2W as hell and needs to be changed
People cry at every opportunity it seems.
Archeums are accessible to the public, educate yourselves. The amount you get from the boxes is nothing.
Stop doing those shitty 6 silver per labor Two Crowns runs and go out into the world.
you people defending red regrades and super reds are blowing my mind. Do we exist in same universe???? reds are outright busted and making them a CASH SHOP RNG ITEM is disgusting. Yea if they were on general merchants for 50g or somthing SURE, but as it is currently its P2W as hell and needs to be changed

Welcome to Archeage.

Which is a P2W game.
Opened another 20 boxes.

Plus some vocation expertise tonics.

Can we please stop whining about this RNG box? I would of made x10 the gold if I sold the credits flat. But I like gambling.
Just my thoughts. I feel like people are already progressing at an insane pace. Entire guilds are going to have very good end game gear so fast already I don't really like the idea of progressing it any faster. I actually like some progression in a game but not sure if that's a popular opinion.
So we should go do things the trion way and overcharge everyone for everything. Why charge 300 credits for a gamble box when you can charge them 450 because reasons. I take it you want it to get to the point where we have to drop tens of thousands of dollars on a video game just to get some decent gear? Should they get rid of the free patron and the 40 lp every 5 min too? Please go back to the retail version of the game.
I honestly dont understand ppl that complain about this. To buy cash in this server is waaaaay more accessible in comparisson to trino servers. Rng boxes are cheaper here than trino servers. Those 2 conditions make us plebs (who dont contribute at all with the sustentabillity of the server) get actuall gear. Just look at the SUPER OVERPRICER OMFG GEEZ prices of red regrade charms, those gems that male our regrade attempts even easier to proc since we cant afford multiple tries. Sure, they will get ahead, they're whales, but, i rather see most of them getting geared in a legit way other than buying gold from the black marketing supporting hackers, bots and gold sellers overral. Stop crying for absolute no reason at all and actually look for the bright version of this. Srsly.

Edit: Sorry for bad english, its not my native language and its been a while since i used :<
Yeah, i gambled once ,no sir ill skip on that.
For people who donate, boxes are indeed very cheap.
For F2p players, red regrade charms are atm 80-90g .. thats like 1 trade run without gambling.

Economy is not having an inflation that hard considering both castles are close and new boxes are up, credits spiked to 250-270g and they will prolly be back to 200ish durring the next week ;)
Whales will do more gold selling straight up credits in majority of time than selling the loot from those boxes.
Its actually better for plebs like me to have them :p