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Black screen issue


New Member
Hey, i was just playing archeage and got dc, without pre warning or lagging i was just making packs and got immediate disconnected, and i wanted to run the game again but when i enter my character, i just see black screen and no loading or something, i restarted the game many times and the PC, but still same problem, any resolution?
I am having the same trouble. I was doing something with a guild leader, and I got DC, and after 8 tries so far, I still cant' get back in game.
These issues happened in the past too, and were solved, please try any of these suggestions:

drekamo you probably figured this out, but if you get DC'd while you have a vehicle out, you will get a black screen until that vehicle is DC'd and despawns, you can log into alts during this time.
For anyone experiencing this issue, it usually means you disconnected with a summoned vehicle (IE: Cart, Longboard, Freighter, Boat etc)

You need to stay on the black screen for at least 10m for the vehicle to timeout. Relog afterwards.

shiranui said:
Hi, i was on the arcadia sea and the god disconnected me. When i tried to log again the loading screen is all in black and never load.
My character name is shiranui
Please try restarting your PC and allowing 15 minutes before you login again.
If, restarting, and or waiting on the black screen for about 15min does not help, please post here.