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did any of you guys run into Zarrya? she sits and loses arenas on purpose everytime i get her on team and insults me and my guildies? How is someone like her still even playing? she should be permanently muted or banned, I am not the first person to encounter this can you guys actually do something about this? i have multiple witnesses that saw her insulting us in arenas and letting her team lose by sitting on spot because she got salty.
Yes i have seen her do that myself, she even was running away in a 3v3 for at least like 4 mins before we were able to get her while her team was dead, it was pointless and a waste of time.
Players like that that just afk in arena and fame make the game terrible, my friend didn't want to queue up for arena again cus it was always 2v3 and there was no point in trying with an afk flamer.
I've never seen Zarrya do that before, she's an active player. She's also been nothing but friendly in my encounters with her. Looks like a witch hunt to me, that or you started harassing her and she didn't want to heal your dumb ass

not witchhunting,she got kicked when died and from that on she trolled arena for our guildies. and trashtalked. U werent there so stop whiteknighting.
Got any proof and full context of the situation? Or just 'she's doing the bad things and I don't like it'
We didnt screenshot if you ask , but 4 people from my guild were witnesses of the whole situation as they were queing with me , each time i had her she went "Afk" on purpose and talked shit in "yell" chat.
lmao zarrya isnt any good and who even cares if shes toxic as shit n shouts at people / trolls for gettin rekt in arenas,more whiteknights pls
Pretty sure you baby raged because she kited you around until the arena timer went out. Then you went on to shit talk her. Then next time she was stuck on your team I wouldn’t give you a win either fbm
First of all she lost the arena , second i didnt rage , she was one raging and afterwards afking in 4 arenas, my guildmates are witnesses get outta here caveman
please stop spamming here your bullshits , its "server issue" topic ...and this glitch is game breaking for some players and should be fixed , like 8 ppl from my guild made tickets about this aswell so i hope it will be adressed soon haha
who is crying about win here????? she is griefing arenas by afking on purpose you slow poke ,while talking shit to us,and this is bannable or atleast mute worthy ^^
Is it though? She needs honor just as bad as you? If you were to mail me and talk shit in game I would make sure you don’t win either. Sry bud
I didnt mail her anything. She died,got kicked and from that moment started to grief arenas. and say shit in yell chat. it was after she were sitting on spot in every arena n talk shit. In the mails i only suggested to check for autism due to her responses...worrying for her health...nothing offensive ^^ unlike her.
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