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Current Auroria Castle Status

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    Votes: 45 51.7%
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    Votes: 42 48.3%

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i cant put a fuking tree house, all laggged.
Now i need put in my ass 2 tree house (4k credits), 50k lumber and 10k stone brick... all for nothing.
all plot badly accommodated.
in seconds (2 -5 sec max) everything was taken, in the official it was not like that. 3hs for that shit.
I am very angry.
750 taxes in my ass.
lol dood like usual you are full of shit. Live everything went in a snap. This ran smoother then live except for maybe reckoning but that was a different can of worms entirely.
We have had hundrets of hackers on the server. Me and my friends all use FoVmod and nobody became banned. Ive the feeling most bans are legit.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/371294910537793538/384642067038470144/unknown.png yeaaaah ironlady land grab are normal now? we are 6 peopple and this bot taken the land lol

Landgrabbing is the best business in this game used since xx years, fighting with it is banally simple just need to listen to people who know how to do because they play this game is upset.

After you report it to someone before discussing your topic before being blocked, then this place will be transferred to another account or sold for a large amount of money.

You may agree with me or not, but that is the truth.
that is prob less about hackers than the lag that the system didnt catch up on. During Aurioa trino, there where double stacked houses the lag was so bad. So be happy you havent seen that, yet.

Sry ev1 lagged but i didn`t see any lag on my Pc. I had put all the game graphic on low witch helped a lot with the lag issue which i saw none with my PC . and that double stacked house you say because of lag was so bad that something a Hacker would say even if you lagged you should`t be able to place land like that.
their is still lots land Hackes making impossible for other to own a piece of land they should all be banned or they should change land tax to make more restriction on how many land someone can own.