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Differences between Buying Gold Vs. ALT

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first off this would crash the in game economy and most people don’t like using multiple accounts (pointless) makes it seem even more like farmville. second off... idk
I bet someone who replied in this thread got banned for the same reason this thread was open. Too bad learn how to play fairly and follow rules. Good day ;)
Admins show they don't give a shit by not banning gold buyers. You think gold sellers care about getting banned? No.

They get banned, make another account then keep hacking/exploiting more gold to sell. They make enough money to not give a shit.
First off, no alts please. That shit is annoying and allowing it means everyone has to do it to stay on the competitive edge, if not you fall behind even faster. AA in KR is designed for people to only have 1 account and experiencing this server solidified that I think its the right way to play this game. I believe the need for and mass exploitation of alts is part of the downfalls of the Official servers and is one of the distinctive features that Im actually playing on this server for. It you want AltAge then go back to Official servers IMO.

As for allowing gold buyers and banning gold sellers, isn't gold buying also legal in KR? My theory as to why AR has this policy is that if they banned gold buyers you would most likely be dealing with upset players that have the potential to charge back for credits they purchased. Think of Trion, many that were banned for any reasons were charging back everything they bought, making new accounts and spending it on that one. This way paying players stay in the game, they ban the seller accounts/bots that they find, and the more successful they are the better the chances the spender donates directly to game. I agree its not a perfect system but I'm happier here than on an Official server, where gold buying and selling still happens anyway.

So we have two questions here - alternative accounts and gold buying / selling.

Let's start from alts. No alternative accounts are allowed or going to be allowed. If person is detected in using alt account, all the accounts including main one will be banned... permanently.

In regards to gold selling - that is bannable. As for gold buying, we don't welcome it, however it's not bannable as for now. Why? Because it's easy to detect a gold seller, at least by making a check purchase. But how will you detect a gold buyer and make sure no mistake is made? No reply to this question as for now. We don't want regular players, not involved in gold buying but rerported, to be mistakenly banned as the proves that can be provided are still quite shaky.

So we have two questions here - alternative accounts and gold buying / selling.

Let's start from alts. No alternative accounts are allowed or going to be allowed. If person is detected in using alt account, all the accounts including main one will be banned... permanently.

In regards to gold selling - that is bannable. As for gold buying, we don't welcome it, however it's not bannable as for now. Why? Because it's easy to detect a gold seller, at least by making a check purchase. But how will you detect a gold buyer and make sure no mistake is maken? No reply to this question as for now. We don't want regular players, not involved in gold buying but rerported, to be mistakenly banned as the proves that can be provided are still quite shaky.
I strongly agree on all these decisions. But here's an interesting question, you mentioned you don't want people to get mistakenly banned. But for the little time I have been around, I have seen and met it myself. This happens a lot actually, false positive bans that is.

Anyway, here's the question. Regarding the 'no alt policy', what happens to those people who was mistakenly banned, that gets tired of waiting for a review and decides to make a new account to play on meanwhile? Do they get banned or will their new character get merged once proven innocent?

The waiting time seemed so ridiculously long, but then again. I found out you're just a 2 man team operating everything. So now everything makes sense, which leads me to suggest maybe an increase in the staff team. I thank you, for everything you're offering here. It's awesome. But as a player, is really frustrating to get banned for doing nothing wrong, imagine when it happens a second or third time. Not is it only annoying for us, but I'm sure it is for you too.. more for you guys to check.

I feel even more sorry for people who doesn't know English very well and don't know how to appeal online for what had happened. They will just quit playing not knowing what exactly happened. That is not healthy at all.
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maybe their not banning gold buyers for a reason :thinking:

Possibly same situation as other private servers..

Generate gold

Sell to 3rd party gold sellers at a reasonable discount

Players buy gold bc not bannable


Double profit


Don't care either way, just common lol
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Possibly same situation as other private servers..

Generate gold

Sell to 3rd party gold sellers at a reasonable discount

Players buy gold bc not bannable


Double profit


Don't care either way, just common lol

Not true. Please try to avoid posting false information you don't even have any proves for.
@itsnaliz if you created new account while waiting for the resolution on your ban it's fine, but in case the decision is made to unban you, you'll need to make a choice - to keep old account or the new one as no alts are allowed and not possible to keep both
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