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Dwarf Customization COMPLETELY Broken!


New Member
I spent a good 30 minutes tweaking my character, but when I went to change the hair, there was NO option for hairstyles.
The ONLY way to change the hair right now is to go into the presets and change the entire look of your dwarf! I tried saving my current look before changing to one of the presets... but then when I tried to load in my saved appearance, it just says "File information that cant be reflected"

Mkay... I dunno how you managed to break this system... but PLEASE fix it.
Dwarf and Warborn customisation are not implemented until later versions. it is not a bug
The current version has no customization for Dwarfs and Warborn. This will be available in later versions.
This is what Sparkle has said on post about this already
The version this private server is based off is the Korean Version
To get pass the hair "bug", select the character at the start of the customisation phase that has your preferred hair style and then build your character around that. Warborn has the same "issue".
Thats a lie lol. Honey I played live when 3.0 came and they HAD hair customization. I dunno what 3.0 they had in fuckin RUSSIA, but that wasnt the case HERE.

Seeing that this is a private server, I doubt this version of 3.0 if the exact same build as the 3.0 version that launched on live.

if you made a toon on retail you wanted to use the appearance of here, you can log into retail and write down all the slider numbers \o/

The only problem still is that the one hairstyle I wanted can only be in a gross blue.. other hairstyles can be different colors sigh lol
That's probably the dumbest thing I've heard all day...... WHY would anyone INTENTIONALLY break the character creation????
Seeing that this is a private server, I doubt this version of 3.0 if the exact same build as the 3.0 version that launched on live.

Also, Whenever I log out of a character I get a black screen and have to exit the whole game. I doubt THAT was in the Korean version XD

I think what the admins need to do is just be honest and say "Hey it's broken and we dontknow how to fix it yet."
Also, Whenever I log out of a character I get a black screen and have to exit the whole game. I doubt THAT was in the Korean version XD

I think what the admins need to do is just be honest and say "Hey it's broken and we dontknow how to fix it yet."

Just stop typing 'hair
"Be quiet. Don't criticize the game."
I fixed ur comment for ya.

And I wont stop typing because these things are important to point out.
You cant just say "It's intentional" when it really wasnt!

Do you have any idea how a private server works ? They're not just being handed builds of the game from XL games lol.
Do you have any idea how a private server works ? They're not just being handed builds of the game from XL games lol.
I'm not saying they need to be perfect. Trust me this is still leaps ahead of Trion.
But that DOESN'T mean you cant criticize it! If they were just honest about it being broken I would have no issue with that as long as they make an effort to FIX it.

I KNOW that they are not professionals. HOWEVER, since they are allowing people to pay them money in order to get stuff in the game, it is open to criticism just like the official game.
You can simply use the featured looks hairstyles and customize your character from there. There is no need to spam the forums since Sparkle already said more customization will be added in a future update.
I'm not saying they need to be perfect. Trust me this is still leaps ahead of Trion.
But that DOESN'T mean you cant criticize it! If they were just honest about it being broken I would have no issue with that as long as they make an effort to FIX it.

I KNOW that they are not professionals. HOWEVER, since they are allowing people to pay them money in order to get stuff in the game, it is open to criticism just like the official game.

Sparkle has said "The current version has no customization for Dwarfs and Warborn. This will be available in later versions." meaning that its broken or not implemented in this current build of the game. They don't have to say anything else or admit anything, you're just complaining to complain.
Sparkle has said "The current version has no customization for Dwarfs and Warborn. This will be available in later versions." meaning that it is broken or not implemented in this current build of the game. They don't have to say anything else or admit anything, you're just complaining to complain.
Just because they said it doesn't mean it's true. And I'm not just complaining to complain. The build is MISSING key features for new races that the other LIVE servers had working just fine. Every time a lot of people try to get to character selection, the game literally BREAKS and you have to exit using Task manager.
It's not like the build they got had this stuff missing, somehow they broke it and don't know how to fix it. I think that's a reasonable thing to complain about. And that's FINE, as long as they FIX it.

You're trying to lump me into people that complain and whine over such minute things like land delay, something that ACTUALLY WAS intentional.
You can simply use the featured looks hairstyles and customize your character from there. There is no need to spam the forums since Sparkle already said more customization will be added in a future update.
The point is that that's not how it's supposed to be though. as long as they work to fix it then I don't care. Also thatsnot the only issue.
I'm mostly criticizing the fact that they tried to claim that it was an intentional build design... when it's obviously not.