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End of Auroria Launch


New Member
I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about how Auroria launch went, some are upset claiming the lag prevented them from doing anything, while others are happy they got what they were able to. As someone who has played through all Auroria launch events I personally feel that the staff on ArcheRage did an amazing job.

You can complain all you want saying there were still Hackers/Cheaters and so forth who took advantage of this event, but in comparison to other Auroria launches where the common occurrence was a 5-8 hr disconnection from the servers to re connect, this one went exceptionally well. The worst disconnect I saw amongst friends/family was a minute during one of the really long lag spikes at the very end in Heedmar.

Just think back to the other experiences we all put up with prior to this one.

Thank you ArcheRage Staff and Administration!
See, this auroria launch was far better than the actual retail launch of it. Yeah, it was laggy as hell, but everyone in their mother decided to get on and try to grab land. Despite the lag, I managed to get 2 spots, in two different areas of auroria. People in my family managed to snag land as well. While others, somehow managed to get 4 all together, which is weird in a way with the lag and all.
You say that but you weren't one of the people who were banned right before the auroria launch. Five of my guild members were banned today and were unable to participate in any of sieges even though we've been preparing for a while for this event. Then Sparkle replied to us saying that appeals take 48 hours before they are viewed which was basically a big fuck you to us.
You were not some kind of me who was wrongly forbidden and could not try to catch the ground.
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Landrush was trash (laggy, gamble, near unplayable), but this means the server population is good. Always look on the bright side of life.! :D
Landhackers are fine. Hope they work hard into planting those archeums and braziers on all those lands they got. A landhacker got 10 plots of land? Not an issue. Please plant 24/7 and produce lots of archeums and regrade points.
Landhackers are fine. Hope they work hard into planting those archeums and braziers on all those lands they got. A landhacker got 10 plots of land? Not an issue. Please plant 24/7 and produce lots of archeums and regrade points.
They will sell this lands. They do it most of times. I see other landgrabber-hacker in Nuian continent. It win 4 landgrab rounds in 1 day. All "Competition" were 10v1 and it win them. Same user sell 3* 16x16 in same area (=he/she/it won many other demo landgrab race too). Last time land gone less than 0,5sec.
They will sell this lands. They do it most of times. I see other landgrabber-hacker in Nuian continent. It win 4 landgrab rounds in 1 day. All "Competition" were 10v1 and it win them. Same user sell 3* 16x16 in same area (=he/she/it won many other demo landgrab race too). Last time land gone less than 0,5sec.
Don't buy any land. Let them keep the lands and continue paying taxes. You aren't losing anything if you don't buy any Auroria land. Go get a land on your own continent and make good use of it. If the landhackers are happy to pay Auroria taxes, let them pay it. Let them do the hard job of maintaining land in pvp zones while you enjoy your peaceful days back on your continent.
Don't buy any land. Let them keep the lands and continue paying taxes. You aren't losing anything if you don't buy any Auroria land. Go get a land on your own continent and make good use of it. If the landhackers are happy to pay Auroria taxes, let them pay it. Let them do the hard job of maintaining land in pvp zones while you enjoy your peaceful days back on your continent.
Lands are limited resources. They will find customers. If you don't buy them others will do it. +Tax is extremly cheap in this server. Did you check the price of tax in AH and in marketplace? This is not a bottleneck here. +If they use "special" farms and they will sell lands in "demo" they will have minimal costs.

I will not buy lands. I have enough lands now. I can place other 24x24 farms later (if I will find spots), but this is not important for me.
Lands are limited resources. They will find customers. If you don't buy them others will do it. +Tax is extremly cheap in thi sserver. Did you check the price of tax in AH and in marketplace? This is not a bottleneck here. +If they use "special" farms and they will sell lands in "demo" they will have minimal costs.
A certain thing is only valuable when people wants it. If no one wants to buy Auroria land, no one will be able to sell any land even for 1 gold. Good luck to those with mentality of 'I have to get myself a piece of Auroria land even if it means I have to go through hell with it'. :rolleyes:
A certain thing is only valuable when people wants it. If no one wants to buy Auroria land, no one will be able to sell any land even for 1 gold. Good luck to those with mentality of 'I have to get myself a piece of Auroria land even if it means I have to go through hell with it'. :rolleyes:

Lands are lands. And auroria lands have a chance to generate good income with archeums and braziers-"points". I wrote to lock waters and smoldering logs in auroria some weeks to help the game, but crykids wrote I "whining". Stupid users don't appreciate constructive suggestions. :D
Lands are lands. And auroria lands have a chance to generate good income with archeums and braziers-"points". I wrote to lock waters and smoldering logs in auroria some weeks to help the game, but crykids wrote I "whining". Stupid users don't appreciate constructive suggestions. :D
Auroria lands only generate good income IF people are using up archeums and regrade points faster than Auroria land can supply. Let's take metal as an example. Everyone thinks Auroria land will give good income so everyone went to plant archeums trees, which left no one to mine iron ores. I wonder if archeums or iron will give better income. Hmm... :rolleyes:
Landhackers are fine. Hope they work hard into planting those archeums and braziers on all those lands they got. A landhacker got 10 plots of land? Not an issue. Please plant 24/7 and produce lots of archeums and regrade points.

OR, they will just keep their lands empty and pay taxes forever , unless they sell their land for 5k each plot than sell us that gold back for $.

Masterfull, i know

Wondering how admins allow so much $ to go through other means, without them getting a cut.
The staff over-watched/patched and banned many hackers during this event. If any hackers did get land, it will probably go down in 1-2 weeks as they are most likely banned :D. It was a laggy as hell launch but that's due to population and people, not server instability or staff. I thought it was still great fun, even though i didn't get anything.