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Has anyone else noticed the ingame mail system is bugged?


So I have been running A LOT of packs and it seems i'm only getting half my specialty payments the next day. I did like 9 hellswamp>gwen runs and only got 3 of my mails, I know by this time yesterday I did around like 5 or 6 runs.

Anyone else having similar issues?

I could be wrong it just feels like i'm missing half my mail.
I also have not been receiving all my pack turn ins, i think im at about 4-5 missing runs of 10 packs.

Also to Gweo
That's odd. I make several pack runs a day since launch and I haven't had any go missing... Yet.
I also have not been receiving all my pack turn ins, i think im at about 4-5 missing runs of 10 packs.

Also to Gweo
I have suspected it for a while, but today it proved it, there is 2 hours left of halcy and I only received 5 of yesterdays turn ins, I know for a fact I turned in over 80 packs the 22 hour time period is up.
To add to this, mails auto-delete themselves moments after I open them. They are meant to stay there for months even if read.