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Inquiry on: Account Banning and Ownership Rules


New Member
Hi Devs and GM's especially Iron Lady,

I just bought a new laptop today for Archeage, is it okay for me to login and play my account which i use for my older laptop or is there a possibility that I will get banned if I do so?

Hopefully you can clarify this issue for me. I just want my account to be safe :)

Thanks in advance! ;)
Hi JM,

As long as it is you playing your account, and not you playing multiple accounts, this is fine. People buy new computers all the time, I expect in a few weeks a lot of our community will be playing on new computers (Black Friday woo hoo!). There should be no trouble as long as you follow the one account one player rule, and don't run multiple accounts on both laptops.

I hope you enjoy your new laptop!
i dont want to open a new thread for this: next week i'll be out of town and have to use my fiances laptop to play. this might happen every few weeks/months - will there be any problem with that? there wont be any other account involved, i think she doesnt even understands what archeage is all about :)
There is not a problem with using your fiance's computer. When things get really iffy is when you use another computer that plays AA already for your account, but as long as those two accounts do not interact in any way that benefits one or the other, it should be fine. We all know what account sharing is and what alting is.
There is not a problem with using your fiance's computer. When things get really iffy is when you use another computer that plays AA already for your account, but as long as those two accounts do not interact in any way that benefits one or the other, it should be fine. We all know what account sharing is and what alting is.
okay cool :) wasnt too sure if the system would flag it as account sharing or something, cause not only the computer will change but the ip too

i only want to log in for a few minutes to check the daily stuff and get my loyalties though. its impossible to actually play a game on that laptop :)