Welcome to ArcheRage 8.5! For this global update release we prepared gifts for each of you.
!!!Gifts become available only after 8.5 release!!!
Important! Gift can be received only once per account, so be careful in your choice of the character. Gift will not be possible to exchange or forward to another character on the account after you make a choice.
To receive your gift visit your Account Panel → go Services → choose the Gift button → choose a character from the list and press a confirmation button*.
*Gifts are available through the Account Panel only for the accounts that by 6/25/2024 server maintenance have at least 1 character of level 1.
Otherwise, if your account was created after - contact Sparkle, as you'll not be able to get it automatically through the Account Panel.
Daily Gift – 7 boxes with various items that can be opened once a day. Hiram Gladiator's Supplies – provides a set of Hiram scrolls, infusions, weapon and armor. Nayah Luna Bubbly - big head for 7 minutes. Valuable Pouch - contains: Merit Badges, Manastorm Crystals, Login Badge, Loyalty Tokens, Ewan's Rune Rank 1. Magic ArcheRage Flag – 5 options to choose from: Wall Flag, Banner, Flag, Prosperity Flag, Balloon. Global Update Ticket – can be exchanged to various rewards in the Festival Exchanger on the Mirage Isle. "Like" - special item that allows you to participate in ArcheRage Idols mini-event. Legendary Hero Token – Grants special effect for 14 days. Allows to accept mini-event quests on the Mirage Isle. Sealed Fairy – allows you to choose one of 5 custom Fairy powerstone pets. Hero Plushie – provides one random plushie pet from the list: Inoch Plushie, Eanna Plushie, Ollo Plushie. Greenman Decor - provides 1 random Greenman decor from the list: Greenman Bed, Greenman Music Box, Greenman End Table, Greenman Vanity, Greenman Vanity Chair, Greenman Table, Greenman Chair, Greenman Coffee Table, Greenman Rug, Greenman Loveseat, Greenman Night Light. Glider – one random glider from the list: Glass Phoenix, Indomitable Spirit Glider, Dawnbreak Dove, Corrupt Ally's Wings, Loving Ally's Wings, Feathered Hope. Custom Deer Mount (30 days) - 1 random mount from the list is provided: Igneer, Iceneer, Mooneer.
NA account with that character was created back in 2018 and last time accessed in 2019.
This is NA server and you are currently playing on RU/EU. We don't work with RU/EU server.
Last day to claim and get 8.5 gift pack was yesterday. No longer available.
If you are new, make sure to claim Support Pack in discord after you reach level 52. You can find the details HERE.