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PSA: Trion Is Taking Action Against ArcheRage Content Creators


Hey everyone,

If you haven't heard yet, there has been a handful of instances in which Trion has taken action against ArcheRage media content. In particular videos being copyright claimed under "XL Games" by a Trion employee email.

This is not meant to scare or anything, only to pass on information. If you are a content creator, it's especially useful to know this because YouTube can take down channels that receive enough strikes. I personally have set my ArcheRage videos to private since I do not wish to get strikes.

Information blacked out since it is not my content.

I have also been told that there have been Streamers that have got hit by Trion due to ArcheRage as well, but I cannot confirm.

Best regards and good luck,
Hey everyone,

If you haven't heard yet, there has been a handful of instances in which Trion has taken action against ArcheRage media content. In particular videos being copyright claimed under "XL Games" by a Trion employee email.

This is not meant to scare or anything, only to pass on information. If you are a content creator, it's especially useful to know this because YouTube can take down channels that receive enough strikes. I personally have set my ArcheRage videos to private since I do not wish to get strikes.

Information blacked out since it is not my content.

I have also been told that there have been Streamers that have got hit by Trion due to ArcheRage as well, but I cannot confirm.

Best regards and good luck,

Yeah, my Youtube stream got taken down the other day. :p
Hey everyone,

If you haven't heard yet, there has been a handful of instances in which Trion has taken action against ArcheRage media content. In particular videos being copyright claimed under "XL Games" by a Trion employee email.

This is not meant to scare or anything, only to pass on information. If you are a content creator, it's especially useful to know this because YouTube can take down channels that receive enough strikes. I personally have set my ArcheRage videos to private since I do not wish to get strikes.

Information blacked out since it is not my content.

I have also been told that there have been Streamers that have got hit by Trion due to ArcheRage as well, but I cannot confirm.

Best regards and good luck,

Pretty sure thats my copyright strike from my giveaway thread xD Could be wrong lol. I got it like 4 days ago
All good, they should focus on fixing their game rather than flagging content creators

Trion team members are sheer evil-satan level addicted to greed chaos and pain of others.

Nothing they threaten with, will bring back their reputation, and the reputation of this will hopefully surpass them longterm.
The ArcheRage is hidden from Google search, Blocked in Most streaming sites, most online gaming boards so when you post something about it ,you get banned, so spread the word of this by your own means, invite your friends ,and enjoy the world we deserved years ago.
so spread the word of this by your own means, invite your friends ,and enjoy the world we deserved years ago.

Yes, the population will rely heavily on word of mouth. Which means.. tell your friends and most of all.. tell people on Discord servers!
I understand Triino to try to prevent spreading any information about private servers. If this company wouldn't be so ****ing greedy lazy incompetent troll j*rk this action would be positive. They (GMs and workers of this "Evil Corp" )try it and they don't give up. But in real World: I hope they will burn in the hell after they made this game small and p2w trash in our region. :)