
  1. Bowbee

    Gladiator Tournament Video Thread - November

    Hey Everyone! I've recently been asked to record video of the weekly Gladiator Tournaments! This thread is for all of November, so check back here later for the other weeks videos! If you have any suggestions or criticisms, feel free to contact me here or on discord. A big thanks to the mods...
  2. T

    Creating ArcheRage "Opinion Piece" Need your help!

    I'm working on a video covering ArcheRage, whether or not it's worth playing on, pros and cons, hopes for the future, and more. I want to see what other players think about the state of the server and its community.
  3. Nocht

    PSA: Trion Is Taking Action Against ArcheRage Content Creators

    Hey everyone, If you haven't heard yet, there has been a handful of instances in which Trion has taken action against ArcheRage media content. In particular videos being copyright claimed under "XL Games" by a Trion employee email. This is not meant to scare or anything, only to pass on...
  4. Enigmatic

    $20 Give Away

    Yo, Enigmatic from the West is here. I'm lowkey stealing Epic's event idea and increasing the amount. It'll be a $20 give away and you can choose where you want to receive the card, whether it be PayPal, Amazon, Pixel game card etc etc. To...