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Server pop for 2021, is it worth it for new players?


New Member
Last time I checked out this server it was around 3.0 and had no idea that this private server was continuing updates all the way up to 5.5. I am curious if the population still has a healthy amount of players left or if it is only the p2w crowd left. Looking at the statistics for this server seeing that the average gs is ~6.6k while top players are up to 17k it seems like there is such a huge gap that it wouldn't be new player/returning player friendly.
Both East and West can pull 100+ people for raids at specific times of the day, with still people doing other things in other places at same time. Halcyona wars usually have just over 50 people. So yea there's a pop and there's new people and returning players every week still.

I'd say if you work on your gems and epic t3 hiram gear it's not that bad to get 10k gs, specially with all the extra scrolls that got added to quest rewards. 17k is only one person really.

If you really wanna get a feel of it though you gotta get online yourself and check it all out!