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Suggestion: Fishing Vanity Titles and Trinkets

I do understand the staff doesn't have desires on touching balance for the Fishing profession directly, but what of adding vanity titles and cosmetics?

I chiefly think of the option for Sport Fishing in regards to releasing fish, and how its only relevant functionality is to either make room on a boat for other fish or to effectively deny a thief of the loot. But what if we were to add some non-vital achievements that awarded titles for releasing fish? Be it either strictly for releasing X number of fish, or X, Y and Z. Maybe for releasing a certain number of size of fish and/or types? For example, "Stir Fry" for releasing 50 Tuna Fry or "Swimming with the Fish" for releasing 200 fish.

My rationale for this would be in hope to bring attention to otherwise niche mechanics as well as potentially give more attention to Fresh Water Sport Fishing if titles were to be provided moreso or strictly with that realm of fishing. Perhaps even miniature figures for home decoration could be provided for these achievements. That, or using trophies of fish throughout and Fisher King coins to create them.

Other potential sample achievements and title/rewards:

  • Reel Fishy: Release 100 freshwater fish.
  • Real Easy: Release 200 saltwater fish.
  • Fresh to Death: Collect a figure of each freshwater fish (purchased using a Gargantuan trophy and Fisher King coins).
  • Salted and Seasoned: Collect a figure of each saltwater fish.
  • Ocean Man: Collect a figure of each fish.
  • Fast and Furious: Catch three fish back to back within five seconds of eachother.
  • Fisher King: Increase your Fishing proficiency to 350,000 (or higher, I forget the buff from Mirage that gives you a crazy number, but basically touching the highest level possible).

The core idea for proposing such ideas is to provide non-invasive content that with arbitrary requirements that provide incentive for doing what would otherwise be mundane and irrelevant. Things that wouldn't need balancing and would provide a potential gold-sink too depending. For others, what ideas might you have? And for developers, what concerns would you have regarding implementing such ideas if any? As someone who has had experience in working on game servers before, I know it isn't so easy to snap your fingers and make content appear, but I figure such implementations could be easy-enough (excluding making new models like the miniatures). Let's hear what y'all think!